• 締切済み


Will it be too late to write you in an hour? 和訳と肯定文をお願いします。主語は一体どれなんでしょうか?

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • twk
  • ベストアンサー率29% (18/62)

上の方の和訳でおわかりかも知れませんが、主語は形式的にはitなんですが、実質的にはto write you in an hourだと思います。 to write you in an hour が、遅すぎなのかどうかを聞いているのですが、主語にこれ全部書くと長すぎるので形式主語を立てていると考えたほうがわかりやすいかもしれません。





「一時間後に書くのでは晩過ぎますか?」 主語は時を表す形式主語の「it」。 「It will be too late to write you in an hour」 一時間後に書くのでは晩すぎます。





  • 和訳をお願いしたいです

    以下の英文を和訳していただける方に。 ご回答をお願いできますでしょうか? ミスなどのご指摘等、いただけるととてもありがたいです。 何卒よろしくお願いいたします。 When this relationship begins it will be erratic. you will feel when you have met him that there is not enough time for it to really begin. That he has come and gone, and how can it continue? The circumstance in your life at the time will seem too brief. There is often the feeling with Uranus that you meet the right man at the wrong time, or in the wrong circumstance. It can feel like a brief encounter, too hurried, too beautifull, too difficult to establish, yet when it takes root it will alter the balance and timing of things in your life and throw everything you had planned before that into disarray. You will live for the future, for the next time you see him, or communicate with him, but at first contact can be irregular, unstable. the circumstance of both your lives will seem mistimed and hurried and changing, but with Uranus in Virgo you will find practical solutions and will be able to build a solid relationship.,

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1文節の前半となりますので、内容が分断していると思います。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The house you and your soul mate will live in together will be of an old or traditional sort. It will have a lot of woodwork. And you will first see it when it is empty, or vacant with a lonely bare or neglected look that wants you to love it. It will be a good house, that will seem to draw you both. There will be something about reminiscent of a past life together, a former era. But only vaguely so, as if it stirs some subconscious memory deep within you. There will be a tree close to the house. High walls and it is a little secluded. It will seem familiar to you, for all it is not so.. You and your soul mate will help each other struggle to achieve goals in and rise in this house; which is practical and serious It will seem to you that your soul mate is Career orientated and hard working.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    ほぼ意味は把握できているのですが完璧ではないのでどうか和訳をお願い致します。 I am sorry. I am sorry for ever bothering. I am sorry for ever hurting you. I am sorry for even being in your life and bringing it disruption. I will never annoy you again. I know that you dont understand me, but someday you will and then it will be too late. I wish you the best of happiness and virtue. You will always have a place in my heart. Farewell

  • 以下の文の和訳をおねがいします。

    以下の文の和訳をおねがいします。 But what if everyone loved to be 100? Or 120? the world would become an increasingly crowded place. Another complication:Germline engineering will not be free or even cheap; not everyone will be able to afford it. Will this create a new "genetic gap" between rich and poor? "In a world in thich we have the power to turn human beings into manufactured objects, certain diseases have disappeared from the world. Ad people do live longer and run faster and jump higher. But the don't seem to be any happier," says Leslie Fiedler, an essayist and cultural critic at the University of Buffalo.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    今和訳をしているのですが、何となくわかるけど、ちゃんとした和訳ができないでいて困っています。 この文を和訳してください。 I have since sold this item with a second chance offer. I can however, ship to you the same item that was listed but there will be an increased delay since I will not be able to get another one for 2 weeks. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    有名な漫画ピーナッツからの引用ですが、まるで意味がわかりません。 和訳よろしくお願いします。 I think it is possible to be too nice! By golly, nobody’s gonna walk all over me! No, sir! If anybody’s gonna do any walking, it’s gonna be me! There’s only one way to survive these days... you have to walk over them before they walk over you! It must be nice to have a philosophy that will sustain you in times of need!

  • 和訳お願いします。


  • 節の中なのにどういうこと?

    You might think that, knowing what causes greenhouse warming, it would be an easy matter to predict how hot the world will be in this country. という文では、thatが名詞節をつくっています。 節の中は独立した文の形をとるはずなので、実際に取り出してみると、 Knowing what causes greenhouse warming, it would be an easy matter to predict how hot the world will be in this country. となり、コンマ前までが分詞構文になっています。knowingの前に主語がないので、コンマ後の主語と同じになるはずです。 しかし、ここで問題が発生しました。knowするのが、it(=to predict~)であるわけがありません。最初の文でコンマ間が挿入されたとも考えられません。多分、knowするのはyouなのでしょうが、節内にまで最初のyouが及ぶことができるということなのでしょうか。 このレベルの文ならば常識的に意味が取れますが、これと同じ構成である難しい文を読める自信がありません。だから、ここではっきりさせたいのです。 解釈をお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的かもしれませんが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 On the day you meet he will impress you, and in the days and hours afterwards he will haunt you. That is the only word for it. He will make an impact on the depth of your being that barely registers, except that in the time that follows you will not be able to think of any man but him.. He will seem striking, alluring in some way that you cannot fathom, and which has nothing to do with his looks, as though a chord is struck in your deeper soul, or the innermost chambers of your being. You will recognize him, not only from the description, which is in a sense quite bland, but something inside of you will be mesmerized. All day and days afterwards he will have stamped his indelible impression on your mind and you’ll keep thinking back to him, to the meeting, to the man, to the warm kindling feeling inside of you. Like a curtain of a dream it will drop across you life. It will be that mystical, that beautiful, yet real and solid too.

  • everは肯定文では使えないのですか

    肯定文では使えないと説明しているサイトがほとんどですが、こういう文は肯定文ではないのですか? We live in an ever changing society.