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  • ベストアンサー率36% (9/25)

バーナード・ショーは知りませんが、ベルクソンについて、こんなのが見つかりました。ただし、私は哲学の専門科ではありませんので、正しいかどうかは、定かではありません。  岩波文庫「道徳と宗教の二源泉」第一章「情緒と創造」という節に(p56)「障害を物ともせず、知性を前進させるのはこうした情緒である。」との文章があります。これかなあと思うのですが……。  実は私は、ベルクソンのいう知性が、よく分かりません。ご教示いただけますと助かりますが。



 回答ありがとうございます。助かりました。  実は私も完全な門外漢なのです……。ごめんなさい、私もこの「知性」って分かりません。


  • 至急和訳おねがいします!

    Perhaps the lack of a border sense of alarm is not all that surprising when President Obama, Senator Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic chairwoman of the Intelligence Committee, and intelligence officials insist that such surveillance is crucial to the nation’s antiterrorism efforts.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    During the night, its 7th Preslav and 31st Varna Infantry Regiments had gotten within 600 meters of the line's artificial obstacles. They began their assault at about 8:00 AM on 5 September, but, in spite of suppressing fire from their artillery, met strong Romanian resistance. At 9:30 the forward units were forced to halt and take cover some 200 meters from the obstacles. This was partly a result of the shifting of positions of the Bulgarian artillery, as the 1/15 artillery section had been ordered to move forward in direct support of the advancing infantry.

  • バーナード・ショウ


  • どう訳しますか (その2)

    英語記事を読んでいます。下の記事の表題です。 どう訳していいのかわかりません。ご教示ください。 Prospective wrestlers' lack of interest is sumo's latest crisis 出典:http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/ss20121101a1.html

  • 女は邪悪である

    女は邪悪である (Girls are evil)。 証明: 女には金も時間もかかる (girls require time and money) から Girl = Time x Money 時は金なり (time is money) だから Time = Money 金は諸悪の根源 (money is the root of all evil) だから Money = √(Evil) 最初の公式 Girl = Time x Money に第2式を代入して Girl = Money x Money Girl = √(Evil) x √(Evil) Girl = (√(Evil))2 Girl = Evil (証明終) ----------------------------------------------- このギャグみたいな証明ですが これは誰が考えたものなのでしょうか? 調べる海外のとどっかの大学からみたいですが。

  • この英文の解釈をお願いします。

    下の英文の解釈を書いてもらえると助かります。 In spite of this lack of governance, Japanese goverment has implemented its policy of providing "ad-hoc shelters" The policy of supplying of the emergency shelters was executed in concert with housing industry. It is pointed out that the policy implemented by the goverment is regarded as premature and unsystematic. 東日本大震災の後の政府の対応について述べられている英文の一部で多分ネイティブの書いたもの。この管理の不足というのは震災による被害の全体像の把握を指すものと思われます。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳を教えて下さい(´;ω;`)

    In spite of all your child's efforts and desire to become independent and your best efforts to let go ,there may be other forces that complicate or slow your beat-Iaid plans . Your child may have some persistent problem areas that prevent moving forward ,or you may be trying to handle other stresses in your life (e.g., marital, health, or financial problems) that interfere with your best intentions. There also may be obstacles in the community -a lack of resources or resources or resistant attitudes that make your child's transition into the world outside the parental home a dif-ficult and frustrating experience .

  • 答えられる範囲で構わないので和訳おねがいします

    >Surveillance: A Threat to Democracy > A new Washington Post-Pew Research Center poll found that a majority of Americans are untroubled by revelations about the National Security Agency’s dragnet collection of the phone records of millions of citizens, without any individual suspicion and regardless of any connection to a counterterrorism investigation. Perhaps the lack of a border sense of alarm is not all that surprising when President Obama, Senator Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic chairwoman of the Intelligence Committee, and intelligence officials insist that such surveillance is crucial to the nation’s antiterrorism efforts. But Americans should not be fooled by political leaders putting forward a false choice. The issue is not whether the government should vigorously pursue terrorists. The question is whether the security goals can achieved by less-intrusive or sweeping means, without tramping on democratic freedoms and basic right .Far too little has been said on this question by the White House or Congress in their defense of the N.S. A.’s dragnet. The surreptitious collection of “metadata”-every bit of information about every phone call except the word-by-word content of conversations ‐fundamentally alters the relationship between individuals and their government.

  • 至急和訳お願いします!!!

    Surveillance: A Threat to Democracy A new Washington Post-Pew Research Center poll found that a majority of Americans are untroubled by revelations about the National Security Agency’s dragnet collection of the phone records of millions of citizens, without any individual suspicion and regardless of any connection to a counterterrorism investigation. Perhaps the lack of a broader sense of alarm is not all that surprising when President Obama, Senator Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic chairwoman of the Intelligence Committee, and intelligence officials insist that such surveillance is crucial to the nation’s antiterrorism efforts. But Americans should not be fooled by political leaders putting forward a false choice. The issue is not whether the government should vigorously pursue terrorists. The question is whether the security goals can be achieved by less-intrusive or sweeping means, without trampling on democratic freedoms and basic rights. Far too little has been said on this question by the White House or Congress in their defense of the N.S.A.’s dragnet. The surreptitious collection of “metadata” — every bit of information about every phone call except the word-by-word content of conversations — fundamentally alters the relationship between individuals and their government

  • 次の英訳の添削をお願いします。

    「テレビ番組や映画には、人類と同等、またはそれ以上の知能を持つ地球外生物がしばしば登場する。これは、我々が地球以外の惑星に知的生命体が存在することを期待していることのあらわれではないか。ただ、これらの生物が、必ずと言っていよいほど邪悪なものとして描かれているのは興味深い。」 In TV programs and films, aliens which have intelligence that is equal to or more than humankind's intelligence often appear on. I believe this is the expression that we expect intelligent creatures to exist in a plant except the earth. But it's interesting that most of these creatures are describe as evil things.