• ベストアンサー




こんばんは。 私なら i'm displaying my hina-dolls in my room from the beginning of this month until 3rd march to celeblate the girls' festival. (限られた期間を設定している時、現在進行形が使える) 英語で書かれたひな祭りの解説ページはいっぱいあります。 お暇ならご覧になってみては? http://wgordon.web.wesleyan.edu/dolls/american/history/hina.htm http://www.kyohaku.go.jp/tokuchin/ningyo03/ningyo03e.htm





  • 何故この和訳になるのですか?

    We are having a party. パーティをする予定です。 havingの意味が分かりません。 未来形を使っていないのに未来形になるのですか? 一億人の英文法より

  • 和訳をお願いします!!

    Piaget described the children as having a unique set of physical, cognitive, social and emotional attributes that differentiates them from any other age group. ピアジェの発達段階に関する文ですが、unique set of の set がうまく訳せません。 attributes は属性と訳しても自然でしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いしますm(_ _)m

    The Doll Festival、 which is celebrated on March 3、 is a festival for girls。 This festival is also called the Peach Festival because peach blossoms、 which have a graceful and gentle appearance、 are at their best in March。 Households with daughters display a set of dolls in ancient court costumes on a stand of 5 to 7 tiers covered with red cloth。 These dolls represent an emperor、 an empress、 court attendants、 and court musicians。 Diamond- shaped rice cakes and a type of sake are arranged in front of the tiered stand。 This display of dolls and food is arranged by the family for the purpose of praying for the good health and sound growth of the daughters。 Young girls wearing kimono celebrate the festival by eating sweet rice cakes and drinking white sake while admiring the display。 以上です、よろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m

  • 和訳などをお願いします!

    次の和訳をお願いします。()に注意して I feel no older than my youngest friends.I am sure that I am no more exhausted at the end of a busy day than many who are half my age. When you know that there is much to be done, you are always looking forward (instead of) backward. This is one of the secrets of strength. 次の各文を受動態に直してください! My sister has made three dolls now. They are building a new bridge. We should take care of the child. よろしくお願いしますm(。≧Д≦。)m

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    The business practices, processes and mentality of Japanese corporations are a throwback to the 1950s. “Throwback” in the above sentence means a person or thing having the characteristics of a former time.

  • 和訳をお願い致します。

    宜しくお願い致します。 We are seeing the West Coast labor situation start to impact our logistics at origin now. Many carriers are running out of containers despite having open bookings at interior loading points. With the labor situation, shippers are making multiple bookings for the same shipment. This is causing vessel space issues since everybody is booking 2 or 3 times for the same shipment. We are doing the same. Only problem is if we miss a shipment, this means it could be several weeks before we have an open booking. We have forecasted what shipments we will need and made a bunch of extra bookings, but don't always have the correct routing since we can't predict when a booking will get missed.

  • 和訳お願いします

    和訳です。 中々いい訳が出来ずに困っています。 Innovation & Excellence Our dedicatead Center of Excellence focus on innovation, delivery excellence & quality, and creates new solutions for addressing challenges faced by various industries We have gained the reputaion of being a sustained partener to our clients who value our relationship. We enjoy an implicit univaled status of being a one of a kind solutions provider. We provide analytical value and an undeniable cost of owenership to clients, enabling them to enhance their competitiveness and revenue growth. イノベーションとエクセレンス。エクセレンスって何だよ!!どう訳したら良いんだよ!! delivery excellence とか訳せれるか!密かな状況楽しんでいるんじゃねーよ! って感じで訳ができません。 適訳が中々に難しいです。 会社の自己紹介(っというかPRですね)の資料で、Oracle技術の紹介の一文です。 良ければよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳例

    和訳例をお願いします。 Professor Tony Cline of Luton University is a psychologist specialising in language development in children. He says we have revised our image of how the brain works. "We used to think it had a limited capacity, like a milk bottle, and that it was impossible to pour two liters of milk into a pint bottle. Now we understand that our brains are capable of making an infinite number of connections; there is no limit to what we can take in." He admits that there might be temporary disadvantages in having a bilingual childhood: "The child sometimes applies the rules of one language to another, and so makes mistakes. But these grammatical 'errors' are trivial and soon outgrown. Any slight delays in language development are more than outweighed by the benefits of bilingualism." These include an enlarged cultural repertoire, the boost to intellectual growth that comes from accessing the literature of different countries, and the obvious practical benefits in an era of globalisation.  And, Cline points out, there is an equally important social advantage. "Experiments have shown that bilingual children are better at taking the perspective of another person, that is, having more than one cultural 'identity' heightens your ability to put yourself into someone else's shoes. Therefore, while the practical usefulness of a language depends on how widely spoken it is internationally, in terms of its broader, more abstract value, all languages are equal." 参考に、この文の原文を見つけましたので、載せておきます。 こちらの問題文は、これとほぼ同じでした。 http://m.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2004/mar/03/familyandrelationships.features10?cat=lifeandstyle&type=article

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    The little devices most of us carry around are so powerful that they change not only what we do, but also who we are . . . We've become accustomed to a new way of 'being alone together.'

  • 長いですが和訳をお願いします(>_<)

     Self-esteem refers to all of the beliefs and feelings we have about ourselves. It is how we view who we are. How we see ourselves influences the way we do things and what our attitudes and behaviours are. It also affects our emotions. Patterns of self-esteem start very early in life. For example, a baby who reaches a certain goal feels a sense of accomplishment that strengthens its self-esteem. Learning to roll over after dozens of unsuccessful attempts teaches a baby a "can-do" attitude. 大変長くて申し訳ありませんが、上の英文の和訳が分かる方がいれば、どうかよろしくお願いします!!!