• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:自分でやった和訳のチェックを願いします。)



  • ベストアンサー
  • Parismadam
  • ベストアンサー率65% (2756/4211)

はじめまして。 ご質問1: <Some people need three dozen roses And that's the only way to prove you love them> 1.このSomeは不定称の用法として、 (直訳)「ある者は~」 →(意訳)「~する人もいる」 と、後ろから訳し上げるとこなれた役になります。 2.ここではわざわざdozenを使っていますから、「ダース」で表現すると「束」というニュアンスが伝わり、その数の多さを強調することができます。 3.以上を踏まえて訳例は以下の通りです。 例: 「3ダースのバラでしか、愛を確かめられない人もいる。」 ご質問2: <Hand me the world on a silver platter And what good would it be> 1.他の回答にある通り、on a silver platterは「思い通りに」という意味の熟語です。 2.a silver platterは文字通り「銀盤」という意味で=「レコード」の俗称として使われています。 3.on a silver platterは形容詞句としてすぐ前の名詞the worldにかかっています。直訳の意味は、「銀盤の上にある世界」となります。 これが、銀盤(レコード)の上でくるくる回る地球を連想させ、「思い通りになる(世の中」といった比喩で使われているのです。 4.Handはここでは「渡す」「あげる」の意味として使われています。上記の名詞句がこの動詞と一緒になると、以下のような意訳になります。 (直訳)「私に、思い通りになる世の中を、くれる」 →(意訳)「世の中を自分の思い通りにする」 5.このwouldは仮定法からくる婉曲用法の推量で、「~だとしたら…だろう」という仮定の意味を言外に秘めています。 その仮定にあたるのが主語itです。この主語は仮定的に訳して、「そうだとしても」「そうなっても」となります。 6.以上を踏まえてこの部分の訳の流れは以下の通りです。 (直訳)「私に、思い通りになる世の中を、くれる。それが、どんなよいことになるだろうか?」 →(意訳)「世の中が自分の思い通りになったとしても、それで幸せになれるのか」 ご質問3: <With no one to share With on one who truly cares for me> 1.このWithは仮定の意味で使われています。 例: With your help, I could do that. 「あなたの助けがあれば、それができるだろうに」 Without your help, I could not do that. 「あなたの助けがなければ、それはできないだろう」 2.ここでは否定の形容詞noと呼応して、「~がなければ」「~がなかったなら」といった副詞句止めの訳になります。 3.care forは=likeのことです。 4.以上を踏まえてこの部分の訂正訳は以下の通りです。 「一緒に分かち合える人がいなければ、 心から 自分をいつくしんでくれる人がいなければ」 以上ご参考までに。



丁寧かつ専門的な回答ありがとうございます。尊敬しちゃいます。 まさか、銀盤をレコードに見立てて表現してるとは・・・脱帽です。 他にも勉強できて、とてもスッキリしました。 また機会があればよろしくお願いします。


  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Suddenly three other guys descend on the same area and proceed to use the machines on either side of me and the one directly in front of me. Note: “Descend on” means to arrive unexpectedly.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    Is the edge uneven or slanted on this blade? One of the photos shows the edge on a table and part of it is not in contact with the table, leading me to believe it is slanted?

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    I never believed that we would see each other again so soon. I will try to arrive the 26th and come back ... I don't know yet. But I'm trying to go back on the 15th or 16th of January. So most likely I would have to go to Osaka on Monday 3rd of January and will return to Tokyo on 7th January. And leave again 10th January to Osaka. and come back to Tokyo the 14th on the evening. And then leave the 16th to come back home ... That's my plan ... I hope I can make it. There is something that you could help me with. Which area do you recommend I stay in while I'm in Tokyo? Maybe an area that's convenient for you? 以上です。 ありがとうございます。

  • 和訳して欲しいです、お願いします。

    I remember when you told me that can't love you 100 percent with my heart then it will not work between me and you and you said that it will be ok because I was honest and that I showed you the feeling of how to feel when someone really cares about you and that's ok. Do you still mean that? What happens if we were just good friends and not boyfriend and girlfriend could you handle that?????

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    I really think there's a fundamental difference, if you sort of look into the future, between a humanity that is a space-faring civilization, that's out there exploring the stars, on multiple planets, and I think that's really exciting, compared with one where we are forever confined to Earth until some eventual extinction event. 長くて申し訳ありません。 上記の訳がいまいち分かりません。 文構造も全然わからないのですが、教えてください。

  • 和訳お願いします(;_;)


  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    some guy called me on Wednesday and said my friend had told him that I might be interested in some event.. But he didn't tell me what the event was about because he said he wants to talk to me about it in person.. So we decided to meet next weeks Wednesday. It sounded a bit suspicious so I invited a friend to go with me. But yesterday I found out he's my friends' boyfriend, so I'm not so worried anymore (^_^;) Yesterday was my parents' 25 year anniversary. Dad always sends mom roses if he's at work, but now he contacted me and said his internet at work is not working so he asked me to order 25 roses for mom and also send her a card with a romantic poem (in Spanish of course). And he only contacted me like 2 days before the anniversary day and I was really busy during those days Q__Q I managed to do everything though, but it was a bit strange to be looking for a love poem for my mom, lol. She's the one who could've gotten me a work placement in Tokyo but I refused it later. But now she said its good that I didnt take the job because they had some problems there and that its better for me to just find a company in Kansai area. And she said there was one company where she has connections to, so she will most likely help me with that. Yay (^O^)

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    About five years ago, I became good friends with a husband and wife, “Bryan” and “Nicole.” Two years ago, Nicole broke up with Bryan and filed for divorce; this came as a shock to most of their friends, including me, and definitely to Bryan. They’ve remained fairly congenial, but of course, any divorce brings some prickliness. The friends were divvied up, and apparently Nicole got me. She continues to invite me to parties, wants to vent about the divorce, and so on. The friends were divvied up, and apparently Nicole got me. の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 会話文なんですが和訳お願いします!

    会話文なんですが和訳お願いします! インタビュアー You have started in bridal. You're dealing with women at their most vulnerable. Every woman wants perfection for her wedding day and is far more demanding than she would be of an evening gown or a daytime er outfit デザイナー Well it's every woman's Oscar. That's what I always say. But in a way it is true. I think it's most public moment. And it's also about your most private feelings. So thatparticular combination is unique and from the very beginning in the bridal business I have had very much to deal with clients on a one-on-one basis, and that's given me tremendous insight that um perhaps is irreplaceable, I think, to really be with them through this process of going from being a woman to becoming a bride to becoming a mate. And I think that transformation is something that occurs during the engagement process and as a result I'm usually the one they call first after the engagement ring. So I sort of live through that transformation with them. ある女性デザイナー(主にウエディングドレスを手がける)のインタビュー番組です。 内容がどうしてもつかめません… 長文ですがよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 和訳をお願いします

    Is it easy and enjoyable to sit or lay around and come up with things to nag, prod or goad? My day consist of wanting to get up and looking forward to having a better day than the day before. Wanting to hang on and try and blame, accuse me for something I did not do and not see any fault in what your misguided reaction was is beyond belief and wrong on so many levels! Hang onto the anger, keep trying to make me the bad guy I on the other hand will not entertain it.