• 締切済み

日本語→英語 訳しました。チェックしてください。No.2


  • flex1101
  • ベストアンサー率37% (45/119)

また、少し時間が空いたので一部回答します。 Silver Salmon - Domestically farm-raised in Miyagi Prefecture. Stay fresh by cooked and blood taken out in freshness. Better in color than previous Salmon product. Now they are increasingly eaten in Summer and Autumn. They can be used in different dishes (e.g., Sushi, Sashimi (raw fish), ..... ------- 上記、文法の主語、動詞を省略した記載ですが、商品説明では こういうのもありかと思います。 間違いも含んでいるかもしれないので、使えそうな部分だけ使って みてください。 だいたいこの回答で20分くらいかかってます。他の部分の回答までは 時間の捻出は難しいです。



私の質問に対して丁寧なご回答をありがとうございました。 魚の知識が全くなく、日本語の表現も難しく,英語もNative Speaker ではありませんから翻訳するのも大変でした。お忙しいところ お時間をいただき check してもらって たすかりました。


  • 英語を日本語に訳して下さい

    (1)It is the dury of parents to teach their children manners. (2)It is important not to give up till the very end. (3)I found it impossible to read that book in a day. (4)She makes it a rule to read a newspaper after breakfast. 上記の英語を日本語に訳して下さい。 御願い致します><

  • 英語の手紙チェックして下さい。すいません何回も…↓

    前のやつに自分なりに直したやつを乗っけようと思ったんですが、場所が無く(どこに書けばいいのかわからない)ので、もう1つ立てちゃいました…↓すいません。メインの2つの違いと1つの似ているところの文章だけですが、チャックよろしくお願いします。 First of all, Canadian people enjoy doing the winter sports while not many Japanese people enjoy doing that. Although we have snow in Japan, we don't really enjoy having the snow. However, Canadian people enjoy it and do some winter sports like dogsled, canoeing or skiing. Second, there is a lot of nature in Canada while there is not much nature in Japan. When I was watching the movie, I realized that there is nature everywhere in Canada. Finally, I found one similarities between Canada and Japan! There are a lot of water place in Japan and Canada! I could see many rivers and lakes in the video, and I see them in Japan, too. です。

  • 独立した英文の日本語訳をお願いします。

    それぞれ独立した英文になります。日本語訳お願いします。 (1) If a negotiation is seen as a zero-sum game, a participant's gain or loss is balanced by the loss or gain of the other party. It is best, however, if both parties come out of the negotiation in a win-win situation. To achieve this, it is vital to prepare a negotiation strategy and evaluate it comprehensively. Prior to the meeting, it is essential to reach a consensus in house on what points are open to negotiation and how to prioritize them. In any negotiation, the outcome is directly affected by the knowledge, abilities and interpersonal skills of the participants. Also, knowledge of the other party is essential to ensure both an effective strategy and effective tactics in the negotiation. (2) International travel is becoming more common nowadays. This includes travel between Japan and other countries. Statistics show that 6.79 million foreigners visited Japan in 2009, while 15.29 million Japanese visited other countries in the same year. In an attempt to boost its international exchanges, the Japanese government is seeking to encourage up to 10 million foreign visitors to come to Japan and up to 20 million Japanese to travel overseas. However, the recent trend of many Japanese corporations is to reduce the number of overseas business trips. This represents their need to cut costs and counter the current economic crisis.

  • どなたか英語に詳しい方、日本語に翻訳してください。

    長文ですが、どなたか日本語に翻訳してください。 お願いします。 First,please allow me to introduce my self. i am monica guiao, 22 years old.now let me share a short story of my life. year 2010, it was the year that i finished my studies. on that year i also started to look a job. i am lucky because i was given the opportunity to teach a korean students. it was my first job.in terms of salary it was good but it is not enough in our daily lives so i decided to lokk for another job. until one day someone told me that japan is looking for a machine operator. we all know japan is one of the richest and the most beautiful countries in the world. so, i tried to apply.i am very much lucky because i was selected. november 13,2011, i remembered that day when i left my country to work in japan. it was such a ravishing feeling, thinking that i can reach my dreams. this was also the first time being far away from my family. but why should i stay away from my family. my goal is to earn money to give a better future for my family and in order to send my niece to school. It has already been 10months since we came here in japan. so, i realized that as a foreigner trainee in a japanese company, it is very important to learn their culture, and business practices and etiquettes.about the language, very few japanese can understand english. so, i realized that i really need to study to learn japanee language, to be able to communicate much easier with the japanese people. for me if you want to survive here, learn japanese. but i can say that with the help of takasaki san we learned a lot. About the japanese foods, for me all the japanese foods are delicious, especilly ramen. For now what i really want to do while in japan is to embrace and adopt the displine that the japanese so effortlessly display. It amazes me how naturally it comes to them, and I believe that this firmly rooted trait of the japanese is one of the key reasons to their progressive country. for the end of this presentation I would like to say thank you to all of you. thank you for trusting me to work here in taiyo yuden japan. I will assure that you will not repent that you chose me to work here in japan. once again thank you very much..

  • 英語から日本語に訳してください。

    下記の文章は日本語に訳してください。たくさんあるのでちょっとだけ訳してもいい。私は英語のALTで生徒の前に講演するためにこの文章を使った。生徒は講演を聴きながらノートを読むことが出来る。たくさん高校で講演するつもりだから、この訳した文章があれば便利です! お願いします。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Often when Americans think of Japan, they have a distorted image. They can only imagine the Japan they've seen in movies - that is to say, Tokyo, samurai, and karaoke. Over the past few years, I've come to see that Japan is much more diverse and interesting than my previous misconception. In the same way, I think the average Japanese person has a distorted image of American culture. Perhaps when you think of America, you think of two major cities - New York and Los Angeles. That's very natural, they dominate American movies so it's often the only America you can see. But today I'd like to take some time and talk about America's diverse culture and its many regions. America is a wonderful, interesting country with many diverse cultures. While I'm talking, please keep in mind that geographically, most of these areas I'm showing are larger than Japan. It is easy to forget that America is such a large country. When we talk about American culture, we must talk about immigration. America is a nation of immigrants. America has been famously called a "melting pot," but the anology does not always hold true. It's racial and ethnic groups do not always mix - instead creating something more like a "salad bowl" where each group is unique but makes up one part of a whole. While it's sad, America's native cultures have been almost wiped out. Immigrants from around the world have replaced them. So today, we're going to focus on the dominant cultures in modern America. Today, there are over 300,000,000 Americans which makes up about 4.5% of the world's total population. Of these Americans, 31,000,000 live in New York or Los Angeles. So roughly 1 in 10 Americans live in one of these two cities - which is why we see them so much in movies. But we're not going to talk about them. We're going to talk about the other 90% of Americans who are spread throughout the fourth largest country in the world. Now lets talk about race, ethnicity, and ancestry. America as a whole has a very diverse ancestral makeup. Lets take a look. Out of 100 Americans, 15 people are of German ancestry. 10 people are of Irish ancestry. 9 people are of African American ancestry. 9 people are of English ancestry. 7 people are of Mexican ancestry. 5 people are of Italian ancestry. 3 people are of French ancestry. 2 people are of Native American ancestry. 1 person is of Japanese ancestry. These make up about 60% of Americans. The remaining 40% are from a scattering of countries around the world. Another important factor in shaping our culture is religion. Different religions bring with them a different set of morals, food, music, literature, and ways of life. America has long been a destination for religious immigrants. These immigrant communities have made large impacts on the cultures of regions.

  • 英語→日本語に翻訳お願いします!

    japan has some beautiful car models. you see them here every day then you have these and its hard to find them in any other country then Japan what i have seen. whats the thing with these cars? its not really about this particular car its like often when i see images of japanese streets i see cars in that shape and size for a very short time they tried to sell a car with that shape here but no body bought it

  • 英文法チェックお願いします

    1. I feel inferior to younger brother because he does better everything than me. 2. I am always surprised about how well he talks. 3. Taylor swift are becoming more and more popular because of her beautiful voice. 1. it is said that Coach is not expensive store in the USA although it is expensive in Japan. The reason why Coach is Expensive in Japan is a lot of duty on the way to Japan from USA.

  • 英語について】日本語→英語

    <ヨーロッパ難民についての話です> 日本語→「つまり難民の急増と暴力事件の増加の間には、相関関係があるということがわかります。難民の受け入れは、文化や国民のアイデンティティーに大きく関わる問題だ。」 英語→ 「In other words, it is shown that there is a correlation between the increase of refugees and the increase of violent incidents. Refugee acceptance is a big issue related to culture and the identity of public.」 - 国民のアイデンティティーを the identity of publicとしました。 これは特に合っているか自信がないです。 日本語を英文にしたのであっているか見て欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳お願いします

    日本語訳お願いします! I guess I heard about it... why did you move on? How is to live in Japan? I got kinda scared because I was searching for it on internet and I saw that in Japan, foreign people aren't very accepted because of many factors and they donnot have laws of protection.... please don't feel ofended about my questions. I never went to Japan and I am not judging you guys... <3 よろしくお願いしますm(._.)m!

  • 日本語訳をチェックしていただけますか

    以下の英語の文章を、自分なりに訳してみたのですが、まったくわかりませんでした。 3時間以上かけて考えてもわからなかったので、どうか助けてください。 長くて申し訳ないのですが、よろしくお願いいたします。 In regarding these varying but related approaches to human relationships, people tend to sense that one or the other is the real dynamic. One man, on hearing my analysis of ways of talking tothe plumber, commented, "Wouldn't using solidarity be deceptive?" If, like many men, one believes that human relations are fundamentally hierarchical, then playing on connection rather than status amounts to "pretending" there is no status- in other words, being deceptive. But those who tend to regard connection as the basic dynamic operating between people see attempts to use status differences as manipulative and unfair. Both status and connection are ways of being involved with others and showing involvement with others, although those who are focused on one may not see the other as a means of involvement. Men are more often inclined to focus on the jockeying for status in a conversation: Is the other person trying to be one-up or put me down? Is he trying to establish a dominant position by getting me todo his bidding? Women are more often attuned to the negotiation of connections: Is the other person trying to get closer or pull away? Since both elements are always present, it is easy for women and men to focus on different elements in the same conversation.