
  • アンソニートロロプの自叙伝について分からない点があります。読者が人間を認識し、神や悪魔に心を奪われないことを感じさせるというメッセージが含まれています。
  • 『地球のある塊』が何の例えなのか理解できません。自叙伝の一部抜粋であるため、分かりにくい部分もあります。
  • アンソニートロロプの自叙伝から読者が人間性を感じることができるメッセージが込められています。
  • ベストアンサー


こんばんは。久しぶりの質問となりますが、宜しくお願いします。 現在アンソニートロロプの自叙伝を読んでいるのですが、 何が言いたいのかよく分からずに困っています。 I have always desired to 'hew out some lump of the earth', and to make men and women walk upon it just as they do walk here among us, - with not more of excellence, nor with exaggerated baseness, ― so that my readers might recognise human beings like themeselves, and not feel themselves to be carried away among gods or demons. 逐語訳ですが、ご了承ください。 「私は常に、『地球のある塊』を切り出したいと望んできたし、また、男性や女性達にその上を歩かせたいと望んできたのだ。ちょうど、我々の間のここを歩くように。それは、・・・(すいません、―の中は訳せませんでした…)私の本の読者達が人間とは自分のことが好きだと言うことを認識し、神や悪魔に、心を奪われないことを感じないために。』」 となり、完全にお手上げ状態です。『地球のある塊』とは何かの例え だとは思いますが、何の例えなんでしょうか?それも良く分かりません。 自叙伝で一部だけを抜粋したものなので、分かりにくいかと 思いますが宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

私はこのトロロプの自伝を読んだことがありませんので、確かなことは言えませんが、引用されている部分だけで判断すると hew out some lump of the earth はこの「地球上の一郭を切り出す」つまり「地球上のどこか一郭を設定して、そこに、余分な優越感も持たず、大げさな卑屈感も持たず、普通に我々の周りを歩いている人たちと同様な男女を歩かせることを常に望んできた」というくらいの意味だと思います。 トロロプは小説を創作するに当たって、地球上の何処かを舞台として設定し、ごく平凡な生活している人たちを描きたいということを言っているのでしょう。



返事が遅くなってしまい、大変申し訳ありません。 ご回答を読ませていただき、納得できました。考えるきっかけを与えてくれるご回答で、感謝しております。ありがとうございました。


  • このような文を送ってくる人って、どんな人だと思いますか(すみません、英文です)

    私の友達が、こんな文章を送ってきました。 私が書いたメールに対して(ちょっとキツイことを書きました)、「いつもこの文は僕の胸の中にあるんだけど、キミのメールを読んでいきなり思い出した」とのこと。 彼は私のことを好いていてくれていて、「お互いうまくいきそうだったら結婚したいと思っている」と言ってくれています。 なんかいろいろ頭の中がぐるぐるしちゃって、うまくまとまらないので、第三者の方の意見を聞かせていただきたいと思います。 よろしくお願いします。 Do not walk in front of me Because I am not going to follow Do not walk behind me Because I may not lead; Just walk beside me And just be my friend. by Albert Canns

  • 至急この英文の和訳をお願い致しますm(*_*)m

    Societies which recognize that pacta sunt servanda among their own members,do not find it difficult to recognize the advantages of fulfilling obligations and contacts in dealings with individuals and groups in different societies.The fact that all societies appear to recognize that there is an obligation to fulfil contacts,alongwith prudential advantage in fulfilling them (just as,it is often argued,they all recognize rules that limit violence among their members and enjoin respect for rights of property) provides a basis for the extension of the principle of the sanctity of contracts beyond the bounds of particular societies.

  • toが省略されている?

    It can often be quite embarrassing to be alone in the company of someone you are not acquainted with and not speak to them. 上の文ですが、andは be alone~とnot speak~を並列している参考書にあったのですが、不定詞の否定は not to なので、and以下はnot to speakとしなくてはいけないのかと思うのですが、toが省略されていると考えたらよいのでしょうか?

  • 和訳お願いしますm(_ _)m

    Bean-Scattering Ceremony Originally the term setsubun referred to any of the divi-sions of the solar year, but over time it came to be associated specifically with the eve of the first day of spring. According to the old lunar calendar, the first day of spring and the new year were celebrated at about the same time. Traditional ceremonies for purification and for driving away demons were held to prepare for the new year as well as for the spring planting season. In order to drive away evil forces, people threw roasted beans at the invisible demons outside their homes and then scattered beans inside to attract good luck. This ceremony is still carried out by most families, although it is not considered as seriously as it was in the past. often one child in the family wears a devil mask, and the other children playfully throw beans at him or her as a game, not as an exorcism ceremony. 長文失礼しましたm(_ _)m

  • 英文翻訳をお願いいたします。

    "French intentions in Syria are surely incompatible with the war aims of the Allies as defined to the Russian Government. If the self-determination of nationalities is to be the principle, the interference of France in the selection of advisers by the Arab Government and the suggestion by France of the Emirs to be selected by the Arabs in Mosul, Aleppo, and Damascus would seem utterly incompatible with our ideas of liberating the Arab nation and of establishing a free and independent Arab State. The British Government, in authorising the letters despatched to King Hussein [Sharif of Mecca] before the outbreak of the revolt by Sir Henry McMahon, would seem to raise a doubt as to whether our pledges to King Hussein as head of the Arab nation are consistent with French intentions to make not only Syria but Upper Mesopotamia another Tunis. If our support of King Hussein and the other Arabian leaders of less distinguished origin and prestige means anything it means that we are prepared to recognise the full sovereign independence of the Arabs of Arabia and Syria. It would seem time to acquaint the French Government with our detailed pledges to King Hussein, and to make it clear to the latter whether he or someone else is to be the ruler of Damascus, which is the one possible capital for an Arab State, which could command the obedience of the other Arabian Emirs."

  • 和訳おねがいします!

     it is not teaching them to think in some scientifically sound way; it is persuading them to acquiesce. it is accustoming them to the presence of computers in every walk of life, and thus making them dependent on the machine's supposed necessity and superiority.

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    間違っている箇所があれば訂正を宜しくお願いします。 (1)Staggers or stubs her feet occasionally, and when walking to the point of      exhaustion develops a staggering walk.  彼女の足は時折よろめいたり、踏み外したり、疲労困ぱいまで歩くとよろめきなが ら歩くようになります。 (2)There is a kind of urgency about her walk, though it is not especially rapid, it is not  a calm stately walk.  彼女の歩き方にはある種の緊急性があります。とりわけ急ではありませんが、それ は静かで穏やかな歩行ではありません。 (3)It is the walk of a woman going places and who has allows just enough time to get  there, not late but cuts it close, has no hesitations, or stops in it.  歩いてあちこち寄り道しそして遅れず、到着するのに十分時間がありますがしかし 待ち時間を縮めたり、ためらったり、やめたりはしません。 (4)She is agile.  彼女は機敏です。 (5)Finicky and fastidious about her personal appearance. Likes fine possessions and  clothes and accessories.  彼女は個人的な外観について細心の注意を払っています。服やアクセサリーを所有 するのが好きです。 (6)Finicky about health and hygiene Tidy in habits.  健康と衛生を気にする傾向があります。 (7)May be sensitive to the smell of smoke or food, or stale air.  たぶん煙や食べ物、ムッとする空気に敏感な場合があります。

  • 英語 和訳

    (1)Animals in the wild lead lives of compulsion and necessity within an unforgiving social hierarchy in an environment where the supply of fear is high and the supply of food low and where territory must constantly be defended and parasites forever endured. (2)But such an event is less likely to happen than for a member of our own species,say a shopkeeper with all the usual ties-to family,to friends,to society-to drop everything and walk away from his life with only the space change in his pockets and the clothes on his frame. (3)If human beings,boldest and most intelligent of creatures,will not wander from place to place,why would an animal,which is by temperament far more conservative? (1)~(3)の英文の和訳どなたかよろしくお願いします。

  • 急ぎです。困っています。

    翻訳をしてください。 So tired of the accusations, ultimatums, threats and disregard of my belongings! Not to mention dealing with what just took place & my concern for your wellbeing, which was was not noticed as usual. So tired of this, I go to train and prior to going you tell me to disappear along with your other inane comments. I’m so tired and I have nothing more to say.

  • 英文についての質問です。

    In comparing his results obtained for different domains, Galton claimed that they supported, but did not prove, his hereditarian thesis. "The general result is, that exactly one-half of the illustrious men have one or more eminent relations." The highest proportion of the illustrious with an eminent family, 0.8, he found among senior judges(24 out of 30 lord chancellors) and men of science (65 out of 83), the lowest, 0.2-0.3, among divines (33 out of 196) and musicians (26 out of 100), with an overall average for all domains of 0.5. However, Galton admitted that his personal bias could easily have influenced his choice of illustrious and eminent individuals. (Genius by Andrew Robinson) 1) 以下の数字が出てくる英文はどのように読むのでしょうか? The highest proportion of the illustrious with an eminent family, 0.8, he found among senior judges(24 out of 30 lord chancellors) and men of science (65 out of 83), the lowest, 0.2-0.3, among divines (33 out of 196) and musicians (26 out of 100), with an overall average for all domains of 0.5. 2)exactly one-half of the illustrious men have one or more eminent relations. ・・・・relationsは親戚ですか? 3)his personal bias・・・彼の個人的な先入観、ですか? 複数の質問になってしまい申し訳ありません。 よろしくお願いいたします。