• 締切済み


ニューズウイークの英・日で理解して進めていますが、ある箇所が良く理解できません。多少前から、引用すると、 To quality, he would have to show that he gave his money to a group not on the State Department's list. He cannot do that, since he didn't ask who they were, nor would they, probably, have told him. So, no America for Abu Omar. (アブオマルは子供を誘拐され、なけなしの身代金を払い子供を取り戻しら){英文に無いもっと前の訳ー}立証責任は彼にあるのだが、それでも、アブ・オマルは身代金を渡した相手が誰だったか、アルカイダやアルアクサ殉教者団のような(国務省の)指定テロ組織とみなされたら、アメリカ定住は認められない。彼は相手が誰だかを尋ねなかったし、たとえ尋ねても相手は身元を明かさなかっただろう。 質問したいのは 英文は最後に近い部分の nor would they, probably, have told him. 日本訳は「たとえ尋ねても相手は~~」となっているところです。 nor would they で、たとえ尋ねても  となるのがよくわかりませんのでどなたか教えてください。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • duosonic
  • ベストアンサー率51% (585/1140)

>>he didn't ask who they were, nor would they, probably, have told him.を簡単な文にひき直してみると、 Nancy does not like Peter, nor does Peter like Nancy. ナンシーはピーターのことが好きでないし、ピーターもナンシーのことが好きでない。 、、、not ~ nor で「~は…でないし、~も…でない」ですよね。 上の例もそうですが、nor、neither、never など否定接続詞以下は倒置になりますから、nor would they, probably, have told him. となっています。 つまり、「彼はヤツらが誰なのか聞きもしなかったし、多分ヤツらも彼に言いもしなかっただろう」となりますよね。 ご指摘の通り、「たとえ尋ねても」というのは英文には書いてありません。反対に、even if he had asked them who they were と書かなくても、「聞いたところで言う筈ない ⇒ 聞くまでもない」ということが文脈からあまりにも明白だからなのかと考えます。


norというのはand~not(そしてまた~しない)という否定的な意味を持つ接続詞です。 したがって質問の箇所はもし書き直すとすれば and they probably would not have told him. という仮定法過去完了の文章になり、条件節として「たとえ尋ねたとしても」という意味のif he had asked them, というのが省略されています。それを補って和訳するとお示しの訳のようになることがおわかりでしょう。


  • 日本語に訳お願いします。

    He screamed that he would give himself to the Devil if he caught the girl before she reached home . Some of Hugo's drunken friends told him to let the hounds chase her, and so he ran from the house and unlocked the dogs. 日本語訳をしてもらいたいのです。よろしくお願いします。 ’~give himself to the Devil’とかどういう意味の表現でしょうか。

  • 日本語訳を!!6

    お願いします (1)“Hannibal, then about nine years old, was...pestering Hamilcar to take him along to Spain. His father, who was sacrificing to the gods before crossing over into Spain with his army, led the boy up to the altar and made him touch the offerings.” (2) What would these offerings have been? Hamilcar Barca, a powerful North African general, would probably have sacrificed a black dog whose body he had split in two with his sword, along with a white bull and a ewe whose throats he had slit. After killing the animals, he would have burned them on an altar so the gods could enjoy the smell of meat roasting in the flames. Military leaders made such sacrifices to persuade the gods to give them victory over their enemies. Livy tells us that as Hannibal touched the bodies of the slaughtered animals, Hamilcar made him“solemnly swear...that as soon as he was able, he would become the declared enemy of the Roman people.” (3) Hannibal kept the promise that he had made to his father. He became a great general. And in 217 BCE, he took war elephants from Carthage (in modern Tunisia), his hometown in North Africa, and marched to the gates of Rome. Rome had never faced a more dangerous enemy in all of its long history. (4) Who were these Carthaginians who hated the Romans so much? They were seafaring people who left their homeland in Phoenicia (modern-day Lebanon) around 800 BCE. They set up colonies in North Africa and Spain, and also on the island of Sicily―the ball that the Italian boot seems to be kicking. (5) The most powerful Phoenician colony was the North African city of Carthage. It became a busy trading post for merchants from all over the Mediterranean world. In time, Carthage gained independence from its mother country, conquered other Phoenician colonies, and founded colonies of its own. By the 3rd century BCE, this thriving and wealthy city controlled trade across the western Mediterranean.

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (17) Patriotic writers like Livy took great pride in telling about brave Horatius and how he stopped the foreign attackers. Livy knew that the story was exaggerated and that his first-century readers wouldn't completely believe it. But he wasn't telling it to get the facts straight. He told it because it painted a picture of Roman courage at its best. Horatius represented the “true Roman.” (18) Even though Rome had abolished kingship, the Senate had the power to appoint a dictator in times of great danger. This happened in 458 BCE when the Aequi, an Italic tribe living west of Rome, attacked. The Senate sent for Cincinnatus, a farmer who had served as a consul two years earlier. The Senate's messengers found him working in his field and greeted him. They asked him to put on his toga so they might give him an important message from the Senate. Cincinnatus “asked them, in surprise, if all was well, and bade his wife, Racilia, to bring him his toga.... Wiping off the dust and perspiration, he put it on and came forward.” than the messengers congratulated Cincinnatus and told him that he had been appointed dictator of Rome.

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (7) Tiberius was elected a tribune of the people in 133 BCE. This office was first established to protect the plebeians, but later tribunes used it to advance their own careers. And as soon as Tiberius took office, he set to work for the rights of the plebes. The aristocrats in the Senate claimed that he was interested only in his own glory, but Tiberius denied it. He said that a trip through northern Italy had showed him how desperate the peasants really were. “The men who fight and die for Italy have only air and light. Without house or home, they wander with their wives and children in the open air.... They fight and die for the luxury and riches of others.” Tiberius insisted that Rome should give the land it gained through war to the poor. Conquered territory became state land. Technically, it belonged to Rome, but if wealthy citizens paid a small tax, they were allowed to farm it as their own. In this way most of the conquered territory passed into the hands of those who needed it least─the rich. Some aristocrats, including many senators, got tens of thousands of acres in this way. They used slave labor to work the land and made huge profits. (8) Tiberius made up his mind to change this law. He proposed that no one─no matter who his ancestors were─should be allowed to keep more than 300 acres of state land. The rest should be given to the poor. Once the homeless had land, he reasoned, they would be able to support themselves. They would no longer roam the cities in angry, hungry mobs. And, as landowners, they would be eligible to serve in the army. This would help the people, help the army, and help Rome─a “win” for everyone. But most of the senators stood against Tiberius, and it's easy to see why. His proposed law would rob them of the huge profits that they had enjoyed for so long.

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (11) Some scholars believe that Amenhotep IV was a normal-looking young man. Their theory is that the distorted human forms artists began drawing at this time were the result of a new artists style. The bodies, neither male nor female, but a bit of both, were meant to show the king as "everything." Other scholars have a different theory. They believe that Amenhotep IV was deformed by disease. They believe the long spidery fingers nd toes, the head that looks like pulled taffy, and the stick arms, full breasts and sagging belly represent a true likeness. Amenhotep IV's mummy has never been found, but if one turns up with an unusual body shape, we'll know who it is. (12) Scholars aren't sure if Amenhotep IV ruled alongside his father for a short time or not. It would have been excellent on-the-job training for the inexperienced prince. It would also have made it crystal clear to anyone who might have designs on the throne that the job was filled. From Amenhotep III's mummy we know toward the end he was fat and in poor health. Two of his teeth on the right side were abscessed. He would have been in constant pain. With Amenhotep IV ruling beside latest painkiller from Cyprus―opium. If he had packed his teeth with opium, he would not have been able to make clear-headed decisions; a co-ruler would have been not only useful, but also necessary. (13) When Amenhotep III died, embalmers used a new method. They injected tree resin and salt under the skin to plump it up nd give the body a more life like look. This innovation was the first in increasingly drastic changes that marked the reign of the rebel Amenhotep IV―a short blip in Egypt's history we know as the Amarna Period.

  • on the no entirely unreasonable basis that they would have told him not to do it

    "The Graveyard Book"(by Neil Gaiman)という小説に出てくる一節について質問します。  主人公のボドは,赤ん坊のとき,墓地の幽霊に拾われました。大きくなったある日,育て親の幽霊たちが近づいてはいけないと言っている,犯罪者や自殺者が埋められている無縁墓地へ行きます。そして,そこで魔女狩りの被害にあって無縁仏となったリザ・ヘンプストックという幽霊に出会います。お墓のないリザを不憫に思ったボドはお墓を建ててあげようと思い立ちます。 There were broken lumps of other people's stones and statues in the graveyard, but, Bod knew, that would have been entirely the wrong sort of thing to bring to the grey-eyed witch in the potter's field. It was going to take more than that. He decided not to tell anyone what he was planning, on the entirely unreasonable basis that they would have told him not to do it.  上野"on the entirely unreasonable basis that they would have told him not to do it."を翻訳してください。 (試訳)  墓地には他の死者たちの墓石の破片が落ちてるけど,そんなものを灰色の瞳の魔女のところへ持って行くのは,どう考えても間違っている。他のものが必要だ。ボドは自分の計画していることを誰にも離さないことにした。on the basis that they would have told him not to do it.

  • 日本語訳を!!8

    お願いします (1) Spartacus was born into a world of comfort and freedom. His father may even have been a nobleman. And yet Spartacus died a Roman slave. (2) Ancient writers give us only a sketchy outline of Spartacus's early years, but he was probably born in Thrace on the eastern fringe of Rome's huge empire. He served in the Roman army for a while but then deserted. Now instead of fighting to defend Rome, he became a rebel and a robber. (3) When the Romans captured him, they made him a slave and put him on the auction block. Whoever offered the most money would own him. Like all slaves in ancient Rome, Spartacus could be bought and sold as easily as a pottery bowl or a bundle of grain. If he got into trouble or tried to escape, he might be forced to wear a metal band around his neck. On one of these collars, now in a museum, are the words:“I have run away. Capture me. When you have returned me to my master...you will get a reward.”He might have had a brand on his face, made with a sizzling-hot iron. He could not own land or vote. He could not marry legally, and his children would be born into slavery. He could not choose his work; his master would make that decision. (4) Many foreign slaves, mostly prisoners of war, did the backbreaking work of building roads and aqueducts. Another unpleasant job was cleaning the public toilets and baths. But one of the worst places to work was in the silver mines of Spain. This was often the fate of slaves who had been convicted of crimes. The Greek historian Diodorus describes the lives of these men: Their bodies are worn down from working in the mine shafts both day and night. Many die because of the terrible treatment they suffer. They are given no rest or break from their work but are forced by the whiplashes of their overseers to endure the most dreadful hardships.... They often pray more for death than for life.

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (4) When Monsier Grebaut's spies reported to him that Budge was in Egypt, he knew it must be about the tablets. He had Budge shadowed. The police reported Budge's every move to Monsieur Grebaut. Budge couldn't step outside his hotel room without being followed. Every antiquities dealer who met with Budge was investigated. When Budge traveled by train, the police climbed aboard, too. Monsieur Grebaut hoped Budge would lead him to the tablets. (5) In Luxor, while negotiating with a local dealer over a papyrus, word reached Budge that warrants for his arrest and the arrest of any dealer seen speaking to him were on their way. When Budge asked how long before the warrants arrived, the messenger explained that Monsieur Grebaut was bringing the warrants himself, traveling by steamer down the Nile. After coffee and more polite questions, the messenger told the whole story. It seems Monsieur Grebaut had not learned his lesson about threats. Single-minded in his quest to get Budge and the tablets, he had ordered the steamer captain to push on to Luxor and pass by the town where the captain's daughter was getting married. Just as they passed the captain's hometown the steamer "accidentally" ran aground on a sandbar. No matter how hard they tried, for some reason no one could free the steamer. It looked as if it wasn't going anywhere, at least until the wedding was over. (6) Frustrated, Monsieur Grebaut scoured the village for a donkey to hire so that he could ride the 12 miles to Luxor and arrest everyone who was mixed up in the whole tablet mess. But, oddly, there was not one donkey to rent anywhere in the village. (7) The messenger told Budge (probably with a sly smile) that the villagers had driven all the donkeys into the fields so none would be available for the unpleasant Monsieur Grebaut.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    He counted how long he could hold his breath. Each day he improved his time. Even back at home he timed himself by the clock, and was proud to find he could hold his breath for two minutes. The authority of the clock brought close the adventure that was so important to him. The day after tomorrow, his mother reminded him casually one morning, they must go home. He swam straight out to the rock and looked down into the water. This was the moment when he would try. If he did not do it now, he never would. He filled his lungs, started to count, and dived to the bottom. He was soon inside the dark, narrow hole. The water pushed him up against the roof. The roof was sharp and hurt his back. He pulled himself along with his hands — fast, fast. His head knocked against something; a sharp pain dizzied him. He counted: one hundred… one hundred and fifteen. The hole had widened! He gave himself a kick forward and swam as fast as he could. He lost track of time and said one hundred and fifteen to himself again. Then he saw light. Victory filled him. His hands, reaching forward, met nothing; and his feet propelled him out into the open sea. He floated to the surface, pulled himself up onto the rock and lay face down, catching his breath. After a time he felt better and sat up. Then he swam to shore and climbed slowly up the path to the house. His mother came to meet him, smiling. “Have a nice time?” she asked. “Oh, yes, thank you,” he said. “How did you cut your head?” “Oh, I just cut it.” They sat down to lunch together. “Mom,” he said, “I can hold my breath for two minutes — three minutes.” “Can you, darling?” she said. “Well, you shouldn’t overdo it. You look a bit pale. I don’t think you ought to swim any more today.” She was ready for a battle of wills, but he gave in at once. It was no longer of the least importance to go to the bay.

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (9) Knowing that he had very little support among the senators, Tiberius bypassed the Senate and took his proposal directly to the Assembly of the Plebs. He needed votes for his plan to become law, so he arranged for peasants to be brought in from the countryside to increase the number of votes in his favor. When another tribune, Octavius, tried to use his veto to stop the vote, Tiberius called for the Assembly to throw him out. According to Plutarch, one of Tiberius's servants dragged Octavius away. Luckily for Octavius, his rich pals rescued him from the angry mob. (10) With Octavius out of the way, the Assembly voted Tiberius's proposal into law. The senators tried desperately to block the actual transfer of land. They knew that it would involve a mass of paperwork, which is always expensive. All of the new farmers would need animals and tools. The total cost would be enormous. So the Senate refused to cover expense. That way, the hated law would be harmless─like a tiger without teeth. But Tiberius outsmarted them. He arranged to pay for the land transfers using money from a foreign kingdom. (11) Opinion in Rome was split. The way Tiberius had fought for his land reform, as much as thelaw itself, infuriated the senators. Tiberius had ignored the fact that the Senate was supposed to control Rome's finances. No wonder the nobleman hated him! But he became the common people's hero. This really worried the senators. They didn't want anyone to become too popular, especially with the Plebs. When Tiberius began to walk through Rome accompanied by bodyguards, the senators feared the worst. They thought he planned to take over the government by force and rule on his own, tossing aside written law and crippling the Senate's power.