• ベストアンサー


everything we need to stay healthy can be found in nature's abundant storehouse, including medicines that can heal us should we fall sick. 私達が健康なままでいるために必要なすべての物は自然の豊富な貯蔵庫で見つける事が出来、私達を癒して病気を治す事が出来る薬を含んでいます。 と訳したのですが、どこか変だと思うのですが、どこが変なのでしょうか? 教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • tjhiroko
  • ベストアンサー率52% (2281/4352)

>including medicines that can heal us should we fall sick. このshould we fall sick の部分が違っているように思います。 should we fall sick =if we should fall sick ではないでしょうか。文語ではifを用いずに主語と動詞もしくは助動詞の語順を逆にして仮定や条件を表すことがありますが、この場合もそれにあたるかと思います。 「もし病気になったら治してくれる薬」ということになるのでは。



全然気づきませんでした! 助かりました。 ありがとうございました。



  • 和訳を教えてください。

    Of course, we can just buy dermatological ointments and sedatives at the drugstore, but there is something comforting about letting nature heal us. comforting・・なぐさめる、元気づける letting・・~させる  heal・・治す but there isからの訳がなかなかうまくいきません。 単語の意味はあっていると思うのですが、日本語に訳してみるとなんだか変な文になってしまいます。よい和訳を教えてください。

  • 並べ替えの問題を教えてください

    2問の並べかえ問題を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。 1 信じがたいことにすべてが昔のままだった。 I could hardly believe that ( be / everything / it / the / to / used / was still / way). 2 ご宿泊を楽しんでいただけるよう、できる限りのことはいたします。 We will ( can / do / everything / make / to / we / your ) stay enjoyable.

  • 英訳お願いします。

    Guideline are made to help people eat healthy. If we consume the recommended amounts of calories and nutrients every day,we can stay in good health. これを訳してください。 あと How ( )sugar do we have? Desserts like cakes and cookies usually contain ( )calories. We can prevent ( )diseases by eating a healthy diet. Calories are untits for measuring how much energy foods contain. You sholdn't put too ()salt on your food. カッコないにはmuch、manyのどちらが入りますか? いまいちよくわからないので教えてください!

  • 英語の意味を教えて下さい。

    これはどういう意味でしょうか? We still need to meet up for coffee so I can practice my bad Japanese haha. I hope you stay happy, and just remember you can always messege me if you need something! 今は海外にいて外国の方とメールをしています。 ちょっとよくわからないのですが、これでメールが終了ということでしょうか? クリスマスは日本では大きくなったら家族とあまり過ごさないよー。というメールをした後です。 こっちでクリスマスをお祝いする予定は今のところないという話をしたから可哀想に感じたんでしょうか? メールの意味がよくわからず。 教えていただけると助かります。

  • 訳みてください?うまくできてない所教えてください

    I never was any good at Chemistry. 私は科学で少しも(いくらも)いい思いをした事がない I have medicine for diarroeha, you have no need to worry, 1-4-3, I mean vegetables. 私は下痢の薬をもってるよ。あなたは必要じゃないから悩まない。(下痢をしないから悩まなくていい??)野菜という意味だよ。 1-4-3って何ですか?? this month up to 〇th if you want. 今月〇日まで、もしあなたが(そう)したいのなら up to youのような訳し方では変ですよね? we could go to the batting centre in △. 私たちは△で、バッティングセンターに行く事が、できるでしょう 何故Canではなく、couldが使われてるか教えてください。 ....and do my washing - JOKE! 私の洗濯物して。ジョークだよ お願いします

  • この英文、訳して下さい

    私がokwaveで先ほど質問したら、英語の回答が返ってきました。 この英文の意味を知りたいので訳して下さい。 大体で構いません。よろしくお願いします。 One should always believe in eat as much as you require and stay healthy. It is good to eat if you want to live. However, if you believe in living for the sake of eating as much as you can, it isn't good. One should always remain fit and healthy. For remaining healthy and fit, you need not go to the gym always. One can easily try the apps from the Play Store. However, the moment you open your play store you will immediately be loaded with apps. How to choose which are the good ones which aren't? Well you can do that from here- Top 10 Health Apps for Android

  • 一橋大学 自由英作文 part.4 <Humankind should return to nature.> 2001

    こんにちは。受験生です 私は来年一橋大学を受験しようと思っています。 そこで皆さんには一橋英語の自由英作文を添削してもらいたいと思います。 ただ、パソコン上でいちいち添削してもらうのも忍びないので、 1)論理・説得力 2)特筆するほどの文法・構文ミス 3)使える表現, 幅広く使える定型表現など 4)総合点(やはり一橋を基準としたときに、それは合格点をいただけるのかどうか、などです)) をつけていただきたいと思います。もちろんコメントだけでも結構です。 I think that humankind need not return to nature. Some may say that humankind should return to nature, because our civilized culture has done too much harm to the earth and the world is faced with an unprecedented crisis. But I believe that there is a possibility that even our present culture plays an important role in the global environmental conservation. First, the society where information technology is developed would lead to a paperless society. In this society we can lead a present life without cutting enormous trees. Second, what the civilized are absorbed in is replacing goods into information. Goods need sacrifice something, while information need not cost anything. From this view, we are in the saving energy society. To sum up, even if we keep up our living standard, we can dispense with the damage to the earth, so humankind does not have to return to nature. (149words) 読みにくい、稚拙な英文で申し訳ないです。 ぜひ一読した上でご指導お願いします。

  • 訳をお願いします

    とある論文らしいんですが、難しすぎて分かりません。。 投げやりで申し訳ないのですが、訳していただけると嬉しいです。 Somewhere in your brain, there’s a cake network. You couldn’t see it even if you knew where to look. But it’s there all the same―and it’s powerful thing. You weren’t born with a liking for cake, but long ago, early in your childhood, you got your first taste of cake, and instantly a series of connections was made in your brain. In the process, your brain filed away a simple, primitive, unconscious idea: Cake is good. A life time love affair with cake―perhaps pleasant, perhaps tortured―began. Human beings have always had a complicated relationship with food. Staying alive from day to day requires our bodies to keep a lot of systems running properly, but most of them operate automatically. Eating is different. It’s a voluntary thing. And it’s essential to keep the species going. So nature cleverly controls the game, making sure we can’t resist food. That has lately meant trouble. Human history has usually been characterized by too little to eat rather than too much. Nature never planned for what could happen when unchecked appetites were suddenly matched by unchecked resources. Nut we’re seeing it now. Today, Americans―as any trip to an all-you-can-eat buffet will tell you―have become a soft, inactive, overfed lot. It’s not just that 67% of the U.S. population is overweight (including about 17% of children aged 6 to 19); it’s that we know that fact full well and seem helpless to control ourselves. Our doctors warn us about our rising blood pressure and cholesterol a, and we get briefly frightened―until we’re offered the next helping of cheesecake of curly fries, and then our appetite shouts down our reason, and before we know it, we’re at it again. Just why is our appetite so powerful a driver of our behaviour, and, more important, how can we control it? If that question doesn’t have an easy answer, it’s no wonder. Understanding a process as complex as appetite is an incredible challenge that involves many fields of scientific knowledge. But science is trying. Researchers in labs and institutes around the world are looking into the brain to understand the regions where appetite is perceived and satisfied, and pinpointing the sensitive areas on cell surfaces that keep us hungry or make us feel satisfied. They’re studying the nerve networks of the digestive system, as well as the operation of the genes that drive our appetite in order to track how signals of satisfaction are sent and to determine why they sometimes get lost. And they’re looking back into human history to understand better how we became inclined to overeat from the start and how we might be able, so many thousands of years later, to break away from this tendency at last. “The problem of excessive body weight has become a leading cause of death worldwide”, says Dr. David Cummings, and associate professor of medicine at the University of Washington. “Understanding it is perhaps the most serious challenge in the field of medical research.”

  • 和訳をどなた様かお願い致します

    Everyone is ok here as well! Thats one thing about life we all are getting older so we just have to ride life until the wheels fall off lol! i know your parents are healthy so don't worry so much. One thing i learned from my dad passing on is... make sure you love them as much as you can while they are still here and everything will be ok! Im getting old too but we still look good hahaha! ill send you a picture of me so you can see lol. You send me one too. Im really sorry i haven't checked on you in a while to see how you doing i feel bad for that because you are a good friend and a good person ok. Take care be safe... send me a picture ok peace.

  • 和訳みてください( -.-)

    I cannot say everything on 〇 address because it is sometimes checked if they pick up key words. About us, I just wanted you to know: 私は〇のアドレスで全てをいう事ができない、なぜかというと時々チェックがあるから。もし彼らが私たちのキーワードをひろったら、私はあなたを知りたかった??? If you fall in love a japanese boy who can be with you every day, I cannot compete with that. If that ever did happen I hope we can still be good friends mail and see each other. もしあなたが日本の彼氏ができたらいつも(その彼と)一緒にいられる、わたしは競うことはできない?? もしそれがいつか生じたら、私たちは、いい友達でいてメールをし、お互い会えたらいいと思う。 お願いします(*_*)

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  • ブラザー製品のMFC-J739DNでのトラブルです。急にiPhoneからPDFをプリントできなくなりました。お使いの環境はiOS16.1.1で無線LAN接続です。関連するソフト・アプリはMobile connectで、電話回線はdocomoです。
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