• ベストアンサー



  • 0shiete
  • ベストアンサー率30% (148/492)

>They no longer express this view publicly,---. >(「彼らはこの見方をもはや公には公開しない」でいいのでしょうか…?) いいと思います。





  • 和訳です

    The idea that technology will magically transform us and our lives has been part of Western culture since the beginnings of industrialization. Flying cars, magically sweeping away the drudgery and frustration of driving, were enduring symbols of that idea in the twentieth century and remain so in the twenty-first. お願いします^^;

  • 英語できる方、教えてください。。。

    このthatがどんな意味を持つthatなのか分からなくて、訳せません。 関係代名詞のthatでしょうか?それからもうひとつ。world orderのorderは順番の意味なのでしょうか?よく分かりません。 the competing trends that will emerge as the new world order of the twenty-first century becomes established.

  • 文法

    Afrer twenty years of being very successful, fast-food restaurants are no longer doing as well as they were. という英文の、being を文法的に説明して下さい。また、are no longer doing の部分のdoing の訳し方を教えて下さい。「もはやしていない」ではへんですよね。

  • 英文の邦訳

    Entering the twenty-first century we also enter ongoing debates [about shareholder power], with new developments [. . . ] whose full implications are still working themselves out. [. . . ] this latest iteration of shareholder activism appeared to have genuinely changed the dynamics of shareholder power. 以上の英文の適訳をお願い致します。

  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    There is a threshold value for the reaction coefficient of the monopolist in such a way that the steady state is no longer stable. Mainly, the dynamic map(5) satisfies the canonical conditions required for the flip bifurcation [5,6].

  • よい訳を教えてください。

    以下の文章の訳を教えてください。and以下がよくわかりませんでした。 The "closed country" (sakoku) of the Tokugawa Period was anything but static, and the ferment and excitement that were evident in so much of that period were never more obvious than in the early eighteenth century when Baigan lived. よろしくお願いします!

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    During Bono's teenage years the Seven Towers housing project was in place, which relocated families to the Ballymun flats. "They were very unhappy, they were angry, they were annoyed, these were the people we would meet as young teenagers," he said. "A lot of my early memories of teenage years were of violence, and the sheer fear of leaving the house, going to catch the bus," he added. "That [song] has all the dignity of that neighbourhood. Some dark characters indeed, but the general decency of people, the goodness, is in [the] guitar solo. I couldn't have achieved that," he told music podcast Song Exploder.

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Note that in the twenty-nine centuries between 1000 B.C. and 1900, life expectancy increased by almost thirty years, and in the seventy years between 1900 and it increased almost another twenty-four years. These striking increases are misleading, however, because the averages reflect to a very large extent reductions in infant mortality. The figures we have been discussing-the ones in the first row of the second section-are life expectancies at birth. The second row of this table shows the life expectancies at the age of sixty-five years. It can be seen that in 1970, the average sixty-five-year-old could expect to live about fifteen more years, to the age of about eighty-nine years longer than the average life expectancy of the newborn infant. That is, when you were born you could expect to live seventy-one years, and as you grew older and survived longer, you could expect to live longer. (See P&L Close-up, Life Expectancy: How Long Is long?) お願いします。

  • この文の構造と訳お願いします

    There can be no denying that examples of an architecture entirely diffent from what our fathers were accustomed to have appeared on the scene during the last twenty years.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The casualties were transported on cacolets on camels or in sand-carts back to the field ambulances, as the heavy sand made it impossible to use motor- or horse-drawn ambulances. Between 4 and 9 August, the Anzac Mounted Division's five field ambulances brought in 1,314 patients, including 180 enemy wounded. The evacuation by train from Romani was carried out in a manner which caused much suffering and shock to the wounded. It was not effected till the night of August 6 – the transport of prisoners of war being given precedence over that of the wounded – and only open trucks without straw were available. The military exigencies necessitated shunting and much delay, so that five hours were occupied on the journey of twenty-five miles.