• 締切済み


'08 1月~2月 プレミアリーグを見に行ってきました その際 ふと思いついて日本から持っていったホッカイロを現地の友人にも使ってもらったところこれが大好評 別れる時余った数個(靴用、衣類用)も渡して つたない英語で 決して肌に直接当てないこと、使用直前に封を切ること、必ず 必ず 洗濯前に衣類から取り外すこと 等々 くどい程にインストラクションはしたのですがどうも不安です 衣類につけたまま洗濯機に入れてしまうと大惨事、ということも聞いたので何とか英語版の取説(マニュアル)を提示して不安を一掃したいのです 理想的にはこのHPに完璧な英語版マニュアルがあるよ、というような情報が Most Welcomedなのですが… 


  • rats8star
  • ベストアンサー率33% (13/39)

 The hot pads. You open the plastic packet but not the paper bag thats inside. Keep that closed. Shake the paper bag and the oxygen in the air reacts with sand inside. The sand inside the paper bag starts to get hot. Really hot. About 40oC!! Sometimes the bag paper bag has a sticky side, and you can stick that to your clother or inside your gloves. Never stick the bags to your skin because you'll get burnt - badly. Different hot pads have different uses. The square shaped ones can be stuck on the inside of your jacket or outside of your jeans, and can keep your body or legs warm. Some hot pads are quite small and can be put indide your gloves to keep your hands warm. However even those do get quite hot. The best ones are shoe shaped ones. They can go inside your skiboots or shoes, and will keep your feet warm. The warning label on those is to only use them inside your shoes, because they work in silghty different way to the others. Don't wash your clothes with any of the pads still inside any pockets or anything. The hotpads have this black powder inside, and they will break open inside a washing machine. You'll need to buy new clothes, if you wash them with the pads still inside. On the plus side. They really work, and really keep your body warm. Have fun, and stay warm. 私もイギリス人です。初めてホッカイロ見たとき感動しました。 長い文ですが 分かりやすく書いたつもりです。

