• ベストアンサー

you really dont sight see


  • ベストアンサー
  • wflnsbtn
  • ベストアンサー率20% (1/5)

sightseeing で観光という意味です。なので、but以下の訳は 「あなたはここの出身だから(自分の住んでいる場所を)観光するってことはないでしょうね。」 という感じです。 lolとill ttylはどちらもネット、メールでよく使われます。 lolはlaugh out loud またはlots of laughs の頭文字をとったもので日本語の「(笑)」と同じような感じで使われます。 ill ttylは i'll talk to you later のことです。





  • 整除問題

    初めて質問させていただきます。 「病気をして初めて病気をすることがどんなか悟る」 Only [get/what/like/realize/you/you/when/seriously ill/really/do/it/be ill/is/to]. という整除問題についてですが、 私は Only when you get seriously ill, you really realize what it is like to be ill. としたのですが、[do]が余ってしまいどこに入れて良いのか解りません。 根本的に文の構造が間違っているのでしょうか…? 私が間違えている箇所と、正答が知りたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 断り

    外国人のE-palに電話で話したいといわれました。私は英語が苦手で文字で何とか会話が出来るくらいのレベルです。電話だと、リスニングも難しい、私は発音も悪いし、絶対会話は無理がある感じなんです・・・こういう場合英語でどう断るのが相手に失礼なくいえるのでしょうか?教えて下さい。 (会話は難しいかも知れないけど声を聞く程度なら私はOKなのですが相手はきっと会話をしてくると思うし・・・やはり今はまだ断ったほうがいいですよね・・・) ちなみにこの文で入ってきました。これは普通に誘ってる感じですか?それとももっとナンパな軽い感じですか? I really hope we can be good friens and also communicate a lot.I just wannna ask you If is cool to talk on phone sometimes... you know I ont have internet connections at home yet.so I thought it will really be cool if we can talk on the phone.You can teach me JP...lol and I english.anyway Im just asking. you dont have to do it if you dont want to.but If you dont mind.you can emailme your number and I can holla at you sometimes.



  • 英語分かる方お助けください

    not your fault,i really gotta start getting my faith up so i can heal myself.anyway it was a good time,gl out here,if you need any help just holler,tho you dont look like you need it 上記は、あるオンラインゲームで私が相手にメールで「Sorry」と送ったところ、かってきたメール文です。 ちんぷんかんぷんでまったくわかりません・・・・。 大まかでも構いませんので、和訳していただけないでしょうか? どうかお助けください(T-T)

  • 和訳お願いします。

    already changed myself you really make me smile :) im in good mood at the moment oh yea!! punding my heart because of you hahahaha:)

  • このメールはどういう訳ですか?

    メールなんですが、私はこのように英語で入れました 最近メールできなくてごめん、病気になって調子よくなかったんだ。○○という病気だといわれて、右のわきがちくちく痛い。でも二週間くらいで治る。 週末は何してた? という文をいれたら i feel tired same as you, and a little sick. i dont know why. maybe im connected to you haha. im thinking about you. and im feeling a little sad i guess. i cant control it. I miss your email. i want to hold you hand in sickness. と帰ってきました。 訳を教えてください 君と同じ。。。感じる なぜかわからない君のことを考えているよ少し寂しいだ。メールがこいしいよ手をにぎりたい 教えてください 

  • 英訳お願いします。

    英訳お願いします。私は彼がいますが、好きな人ができてしまいました。 でも素直にはなれず、喧嘩しました。怒っているのかニュアンスがわかりません。 どなたか訳してもらえますか? 女:i know i was being selfish last night when you are busy 男:No your not being selfish i just think its not good idea 女:what is mean 男:im sorry though i know you want to see me i just dont think it is good idea 女:why? 男:i think you deserve more then i can offer 女:??? 男:i know you want boyfriend and right now i cannot have girlfriend so i think maybe you should find someone else 女:i usually dont need boyfriend..you dont know me well.i like just fun and something like that..you dont know me..im maybe not good person 男:by your text messeges you give off a different vibe 女:you dont know me really... 女:i dont need boyfriend..so i just told you i dont like something is such a hassle i like just fun 男:you just text me way too much making me think you are looking for boyfriend 女:im soorry i have boyfriend 4years..so idont need boyfriend..you asked me before..JK is your boyfriend? its true.do you know me? 男:haha i knew it and you told me no. i should just trust my instincts 女:then you never asked me..sorry 男:yea its ok idont care about that as long as you dont get too attached 女:next month he is going trip..so..still i wanna see you ..its true 男:sounds like trouble to me ..does he know? 女:no! he doesnt care me.he doesnt try to know about me. anyway you dont care about me right? 男:still sounds like too much drama for me 女:why too much drama? you told me you dont care..you dont need girlfriend i dont need boyfriend.. 男:yea i dont but i dont really care to get involved either... its just too much right now . 女:?? you dont be involved...what? 男:im done. 女:i dont know what you want to say..you dont like 'i want you' but i didnt tell you that 男:your situation is too complicated for me i just dont wanna get involved with you 女:i dont know..never mind its not problem.what do you want to say? i mean to say that you want me to tell you.. 男:yea..then ill be clear about it you should probably find someone else 女:is it okay i will break up him right now? and i dont need boyfrien im free! its okay???!! 男:No thats not the point.. 女:someone? no need. Tell me really want you want to say ! it was better that i didnt tell you true things.. if i tell you whatever..you will be mad.. 男:i dont want to hang out anymore. im not mad..im just done 女:im just done too.

  • 英訳お願いします。長くて申し訳ありません

    長くて申し訳ございませんが、英訳おねがいします。ニュアンスがわかりません 英訳お願いします。私は彼がいますが、好きな人ができてしまいました。 でも素直にはなれず、喧嘩しました。怒っているのかニュアンスがわかりません。 どなたか訳してもらえますか? 女:i know i was being selfish last night when you are busy 男:No your not being selfish i just think its not good idea 女:what is mean 男:im sorry though i know you want to see me i just dont think it is good idea 女:why? 男:i think you deserve more then i can offer 女:??? 男:i know you want boyfriend and right now i cannot have girlfriend so i think maybe you should find someone else 女:i usually dont need boyfriend..you dont know me well.i like just fun and something like that..you dont know me..im maybe not good person 男:by your text messeges you give off a different vibe 女:you dont know me really... 女:i dont need boyfriend..so i just told you i dont like something is such a hassle i like just fun 男:you just text me way too much making me think you are looking for boyfriend 女:im soorry i have boyfriend 4years..so idont need boyfriend..you asked me before..JK is your boyfriend? its true.do you know me? 男:haha i knew it and you told me no. i should just trust my instincts 女:then you never asked me..sorry 男:yea its ok idont care about that as long as you dont get too attached 女:next month he is going trip..so..still i wanna see you ..its true 男:sounds like trouble to me ..does he know? 女:no! he doesnt care me.he doesnt try to know about me. anyway you dont care about me right? 男:still sounds like too much drama for me 女:why too much drama? you told me you dont care..you dont need girlfriend i dont need boyfriend.. 男:yea i dont but i dont really care to get involved either... its just too much right now . im done 女:i dont know what you want to say..you dont like 'i want you' but i didnt tell you that 男:your situation is too complicated for me i just dont wanna get involved with you 女:i dont know.. i mean to say that you want me to tell you..so. is it okay i will break up him right now? and i dont need boyfrien im free! its okay???!! 男:No thats not the point..yea..then ill be clear about it you should probably find someone else 女:Tell me really want you want to say ! it was better that i didnt tell you true things.. if i tell you whatever..you will be mad.. 男:i dont want to hang out anymore. im not mad..im just done 女:im just done too.

  • 英文を作ったんですが変ですか?

    Do you belong to a club? Yes I do which club do you belong to? I belong to the archery club Are you going to archery club tomorrow? No Im going to shopping How of ten does your club meet ? it meets five times a week when does it meet? it meet on monday tuesday wednesday thursday and Friday at 4:00

  • ebayについて

    こんばんは。 日本へ発送してくれないセラーへ特別に発送してもらえないか聞いたところこのような返事をもらいました。 ILL SHIP TO YOU IN JAPAN BUT IM NOT SURE OF THE SHIPPING CHARGE IF YOU LET ME KNOW YOUR ZIP CODE ILL LET YOU KNOW.. BUT I DONT HAVE A PC SO I WONT BE ABLE TO LET YOU KNOW TIL TUESDAY.. 翻訳サイトで翻訳してもよく意味がわかりません。 どなたか教えていただけますでしょうか? よろしくお願い致します。