• 締切済み

英語にできません。He runs wild..........


  • googoo1956
  • ベストアンサー率47% (623/1316)

 こんな英文はいかがでしょうか。  The other day I took my little cat to a veterinary.  While she was being treated, she ran wild with great pain.   I was holding her firmly in my breast ( or against the bed ), but she bit my finger as hard as she could.  She has recovered now, but my finger is still aching.


  • 英語のsummarize

    招き猫の猫がなぜ幸運をあらわすようになったか、wikipediaに載っていてその記事にこう書いてあります one day the luminary passed by a cat, which seemed to wave to him. taking the car's motion as a sign, the unknown nobleman paused and went to it. diverted from his journey, he realized that he had avoided a trap that had been laid for him just ahead. とあります。けれど、英語がちょっと難しくて(意味は大体わかります)わかりにくいので、この文章をもうちょっと簡単な英語に直していただけませんでしょうか。

  • 英語に訳してください

    「部屋の中にごきぶり! 殺虫剤をかけてやった。そのうち死ぬだろう。」って英語でお願いします? There is a cockroach in my room! I spray insectiside him?  ・・・he die?

  • 英語の訳し方

    中3の受験生です。英語が大の苦手で困っています。 At first, the cat tried to run away. but when the cat found out that he was not going to catch it, it came near him. 訳:最初は、猫は逃げようとしました。しかし、猫が彼がそれを捕えそうでないとわかったとき、それは彼に近づきました。 「found out]とはどうやって訳したらいいでしょうか。

  • 内容を教えてください。

    Last Friday I actually had bad things. My father almost lost my dog on the way home, which spoiled the whole day. He should be kept on a leash. Fortunately we found him again, I was too much worried because he is already old, had an operation last year, have to take medicine every day. Coming back home, he looked tired and stressful. You know he is not just a dog, my another younger brother. 帰り道で弟さんとはぐれてしまったという事でしょうか?

  • 英文の言い換え問題です!

    英文の言い換え問題です! 1)My mother requested that I go shopping. →My mother (requested) (me) (to) (go) (shopping). 2)He saw the cat run out of the kitchen. →The cat was seen (it) (runs) out of he kitchen by him. 3)He told me that I should read the paragraph aloud. →He told () () () the paragraph aloud. 4)The parents made their sons paint the fence white. →Their sons () () () (paint) the fence (write) (by) the parents. 5)My parents permitted me to drive their car. →My parents () () () their car. 6)You are very kind to help me. →It is very kind (to) (you) () help me. 空欄が多いです。すみません;; 回答解説よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語を教えてください。

    次の各組の対話が自然なものになるように、空所に適切な語を入れてください。 (1)”How ( ) did you pay for the pen?” “My uncle gave it to me for my birthday. (2)”How ( ) will your father come back?” “He’ll be back in a few days.” 次の各組の文がほぼおなじ意味になるように、空所に適する語を書き入れてください。 (1)How well he speaks French! →What a ( ) ( ) ( ) French he is! (2)Which way should I go? I don’t know. →I don't know ( ) ( ) ( ) go. 次の日本文に合うように、空所に入る最も適当な語を書いてください。 (1)彼にはたった5ドルしか持ち合わせがありませんでした。 He had ( )( )( ) five dollars with him. 次の各組の文がほぼ同じになるようにしてください。 (1)Our teacher plays the violin well. →Our teacher is ( ) ( ) playing the violin. (2)While I was in New York, I met him several times. →( ) my ( ) in New York, I met him several times. これを解いてみると、 (1)reason (2)soon (1)good to speak (2)which was should (1)enough to crash (1)good well (2)わかりませんでした。 になりました。 間違っているところがあれば、訂正を含めて教えてください。

  • 英語を教えてください。

    次の各組の対話が自然なものになるように、空所に適切な語を入れてください。 (1)”How ( ) did you pay for the pen?” “My uncle gave it to me for my birthday. (2)”How ( ) will your father come back?” “He’ll be back in a few days.” 次の各組の文がほぼおなじ意味になるように、空所に適する語を書き入れてください。 (1)How well he speaks French! →What a ( ) ( ) ( ) French he is! (2)Which way should I go? I don’t know. →I don\'t know ( ) ( ) ( ) go. 次の日本文に合うように、空所に入る最も適当な語を書いてください。 (1)彼にはたった5ドルしか持ち合わせがありませんでした。 He had ( )( )( ) five dollars with him. 次の各組の文がほぼ同じになるようにしてください。 (1)Our teacher plays the violin well. →Our teacher is ( ) ( ) playing the violin. (2)While I was in New York, I met him several times. →( ) my ( ) in New York, I met him several times. これを解いてみると、 (1)reason (2)soon (1)good to speak (2)which was should (1)enough to crash (1)good well (2)わかりませんでした。 になりました。 間違っているところがあれば、訂正を含めて教えてください。

  • 英語についてです!

    A.( )内から適切な語を選び、文を完成させなさい。 1.This room is twice ( as larger than / as large as / largest ) my room. 2.The red dress is ( prettier / prettiest / pretty) than the blue one. 3.Tom wishes he ( knows / has known / had known ) her email address then. 4.If he ( is not / were not / had not been ) busy, he would come. 日本語の意味に合うように、( )内に適切な語を入れなさい。 1.もしタクシーを使っていたなら、私たちは駅にもっと早く着いたのに。 If we ( ) ( ) a taxi, we would ( ) ( ) at the station earlier. 2.彼女はまるで海外に住んでいたかのように話します。 She talks ( ) ( ) she ( ) ( ) abroad. 3.これは最も効果的なダイエット法です。 ( ) other diet is ( ) effective ( ) this. 日本語の意味に合うように、英語で表現しなさい。 1.私はそのとき、まるで夢の中にいるように感じました。 _____________________ 明日までに教えて下さると助かります!

  • 英語の問題が分からなくて困ってます

    [ visit break give repair speak laugh see become go play leave ]の中から選んで動名詞・分詞・不定詞のどれかに変えて(  )の中に入れてください 1、Would you mind ( ) in Japanese more slowly? 2、She will postpone ( ) Tokyo for Osaka till next Sunday 3、I enjoyed ( ) my daughter last Saturday 4、You had better practice ( ) the piano every day 5、My friend wants ( ) up smoking 6、He decided ( ) to the US to study 7、She expects him ( ) an astronaut 8、I couldn't but ( ) at the dog 9、I found the lock ( ) 10、I had my watch ( ) yesterday 11、I tried to avoid ( ) him よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の質問です

    visit break give repair speak laugh see become go play leave のどれかを 動名詞・分詞・不定詞のいずれかの形にして( )にいれてください 1 Would you mind ( ) in Japanese more slowly? 2 She will post pone ( ) Tokyo for Osaka till next Sunday 3 I enjoyed ( ) my daughter last Saturday 4 You had better practice ( ) the piano every day 5 My friend wants ( ) up smoking 6 He decided ( ) to the US to study 7 She expects him ( ) an astronaut 8 I could`t but ( ) at the dog 9 I found the lock ( ) 10 I had my watch ( ) yesterday 11 I tried to avoid ( ) him