• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

(1)(2)が共通なら→「electronic」 (1)(2)がそれぞれ違うなら (1) 「electronic」 (2) 「electric」 が妥当じゃろう、勿論上記と全く違う単語も全くあり得ないことではないが、このヒントだけで正解を出すのは至難の業。。。。





  • 英文が訳せなくて困っています。

    わからなかったので訳して頂けたら助かります。 Thanks to the speed and ease of using the Internet,sending e-mails―rather than mailing lettes using the postal systems(now often called “snail mail”)―is the preferred means of communication for many people. 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 和訳と穴埋め

    (1)Car navigation has become one of the ( ) important ( ) of an automobile. (2)Hard disk drives are ( ) compact and lighter than cassette tape recorders. (3)An ammeter is an ( ) for ( ) the rate of electric current flow. 適切な単語をいれて全体を訳せという問題です。 ご教授のほど、よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 交流高圧電界治療器の英訳。

    交流高圧電界治療器は英語で何と言えばいいのでしょうか。特殊な機械なので正しい翻訳を教えて欲しいと思います。宜しくお願い致します。 自分で訳してみたのは下記の通りです。 an alternating high-voltage current electric field medical treatment machine 機械については下記URLを参考にして下さい。 http://www.kumagaya.or.jp/~yoko_c/link_7/romance.html

  • 訳を教えてください。

    シリコンバレーの不動産事情の記事中に以下の文章がありましたが、look more the partがよくわかりません。訳を教えてください。lookの主語は文頭のSales of homesですか? またpassingは金持ちに買いつくされたビバリーヒルズなどを避けて? それとも金額が超えたということですか? Sales of homes for $1 million or more doubled in the towns south of San Francisco in the past year, passing Beverly Hills and Miami, where the sumptuous palaces snapped up by the rich look more the part. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/2-million-buys-silicon-valley-152126460.html よろしくお願いします!

  • certain trains of とは?

    ある論文を読もうとしているのですが、 It suggests, certain trains of thought by no means devoid of interest or of speculative importance. の、certain trains がどうしても上手く掴めず、 「それは、思考の確かな順序が、無関心と思索の非重要性では決してない、ということを示唆する」 という風になり、困惑しています。certain trains というのを思考の順序としてしかとれないのですが、辞書をみても、よく掴めないので、ご教授いただければと思います。

  • 和訳お願いします

    I have shown with what disciplined routine Edison attacked the problem of making a practical incandescent lamp which would possess the qualities and requirements necessary for use in his proposed system of parallel distribution. In October,1878,at the very time when he was planning the distribution of electrical energy as light,heat and power,he said: 'When it is known how I have accomplished my object,everybody will wonder why they have never thought of it,is so simple. 'I have discovered how to make electricity a cheap and practical substitute for illuminating gas.The same wire that brings the light to you will also bring power and heat.With the power you can run an elevator,a sewing machine,or any other mechanical contrivance that requires a motor,and by means of the heat,you can cook your food.The dynamo electric machine maybe run by water or steam power at a distance.'

  • 至急です!英検2級の英作文添削お願いします!

    至急です!英検2級の英作文添削お願いします;;添削だけでもいいのですが、もしわかる方がいらっしゃったら採点もお願いします;; TOPIC Today in Japan, many buildings and public areas have a lot of lights for decoration, such as the lights used during Christmas. Do you think this is a good idea? I don't think this is good idea that buildings and public areas have a lot of lights for decoration. Firstly, if people continue using lights for decoration, the cost likely to get worse and worse. Indeed, electric bill is to get higher and higher now. Thus, using a lot of lights for decoration is waste money. Secondly, using electricity is bad influence for environment. In fact, many people say saving electricity is a good for environment. In conclusion, I think people should abolish using lights of decoration.

  • 翻訳してください、難しすぎて

    Years ago I began to notice that I was incapable of really being in the moment when I was speaking – or even while I was thinking! In other words, when I’m speaking, I’m not reporting from an instantaneous state of knowing. Rather, I am passing on things I’ve already thought through some what. Speech references past experience, if even only a moment old. It is not of the ‘now’. ‘Now’ is all I can truly know. The rest is only a partial view, after-thoughts, of the ‘nows’ dead and gone. On the other hand… お願いします。

  • Xenophanesについての英文

    Xenophanes of Colophon Following Thales, he criticizes the Homeric concept of anthropomorphic gods. Homer’s gods, Xenophanes complained, had all the immoral and disgraceful traits of flawed human beings and should hardly be the object of veneration. In one of the earliest known expressions of cultural relativism, Xenophanes remarked that Homer’s gods were simply a reflection of Homerian culture. As he proclaimed, ‘the Ethiopians make their Gods black and snub-nosed; the Thracians say theirs have blue eyes and red hair’. If oxen and horses had hands and could paint, Xenophanes said, oxen would no doubt paint the forms of gods like oxen and horses would paint them like horses. Likewise, he criticized Pythagoras’ doctrine of the transmigration of souls, making fun of the idea that a human soul could inhabit another animal. Xenophanes held some vague concept of a single deity that was ‘in no way like men in shape or in thought’ but rather ‘causing all things by the thought of his mind’. 最後のところなのですが、 ‘in no way like men in shape or in thought’ but rather ‘causing all things by the thought of his mind’.はどういう意味ですか?前半の‘in no way like men in shape or in thought’のところがわかりません。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳を見てください

    難しくてうまく訳せません。 (1)The very progress we've made in becoming the most advanced technological society in the world may be our Achilles's heel in the event of nuclear attack. 自力で訳すと 「世界の最も進んだテクノロジー社会になりつつある私たちがつくってきた大いなる進歩は 核兵器の攻撃の出来事のアキレス腱になるかもしれない」 こんな感じですがどうでしょうか? The very progress we've made in becoming このあたりが難しくて、うまく訳せません。。 (2)Transistors, delicate silicon chips in computers and electronic deveices in our defense system, power plants, and even personal stereos would immedeately be put out of commision. 自力で訳すと(ちょっとわけの分からない訳になりますが) 「トランジスタラジオ、コンピュータや電気機器の繊細なシリコンチップなど、私たちの防御システム、パワー機器、個人のステレオでさえ、 すぐに委員に外に出される」 put out of commision. ここをどうやくせばいいのか分かりません。 前半部分は何とか訳せていると思うのですが・・。 おねがいします。