• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • chiesy
  • ベストアンサー率22% (6/27)

全部訂正した方がいいですね。 1 I'm so sorry I was absent without telling(calling) you on Tuseday. 2 I was busy and I completely forgot about it. 何を忘れたのかが知りたいところですが。 3 I feel sick the day before it rains. 4 I have a bad headache. 5 My son is in daycare(or a child care center)today. 6 I had been cleaning the house since this morning. 7 However, I took so long to finish cleaning. 8 My cousin's daughter said that she wanted to come here and study from today. 9 Although they have the same last name, they are not sisters. They are cousins. 多少変な所もあるかも知れませんが、これで通じると思います。



丁寧な回答本当にありがとうございました<m(__)m> 2は約束を忘れていたのです(^_^;) 助かります(T_T)ありがとうございました。 また機会があればよろしくお願いしますね\(^o^)/


  • 中二 英語の問題

    現在中二です。 「私の母はそのとき、台所をそうじしていませんでした。」 を英文にしろという問題がありました。 わたしは、 「My mother was not cleaning in the kichen then.」 とかきました。 だけど、答えは 「My mother was not cleaning the then.」 でした。 ここで、質問です。 なぜ、inはいらないんでしょうか。 私は、いろいろ考えてみて、そうじを結局しなかったからかなと思ったんですが・・・ ちがいますか。 分かるかたおしえてください。

  • 1文内において省略はどこまで可能か?

    They are primarily concerned with exploiting us , not with enhancing our living standards. という文章があります。 後半の not with は、they are not concerned with の略ですよね? これは、例えば not enhancingという略しかたは可能でしょうか?つまり They are primarily concerned with exploiting us , not enhancing our living standards. とは文法的に言えるか?ということです。(どっちも通じる、とかではなくあくまで文法的にという観点でお願いします。) 無理ならば、どうして無理なのか理由を説明いただけるとうれしいです 同様の質問として His autobiography was released today and was sold out by noon. ↓ His autobiography was released today and sold out by noon. の書き換えは可能でしょうか?

  • よろしくお願いします

    I recently heard from my parents that my college-age cousin has come out as trans. They heard from other family members and were told it was a secret. I’m not friends with my cousin on Facebook, but on her public profile she’s using female pronouns and a typically female variation of her name. All of this tells me that if it’s a “secret” that’s less in the sense she’s not out yet than in the sense that the family doesn’t quite know what to do with this information. female variation of her nameはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、if it’s a “secret” that’s less in the sense she’s not out yet than in the sense that the family doesn’t quite know what to do with this information.の和訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    When my fiancé and I first started dating, he confessed that he had slept with his female cousin when he was younger. (He is now 27.) I found it odd but assumed that they were teenagers when it happened. My boyfriend is now my fiancé. I recently found out that he and his cousin slept together as recently as 2007 after which they both got married. I also found out that they had an ongoing sexual relationship, not just a onetime thing. The problem is that we see this cousin fairly regularly. She always calls on him for help—particularly when she and her husband are fighting. I’m having a hard time getting over his past so that I can be comfortable with this cousin. Also, the cousin’s husband has no idea that the two of them hooked up during periods when he and the cousin were broken up. Now I am an unwitting participant in the keeping of this secret. calls on himはvisits himと同意でしょうか?あと、an unwitting participant in the keeping of this secretの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 手紙の添削おねがいします!!(どきどき

    手紙をかいたのですが おかしいところがあれば教えてほしいのです。 「Hello, How was your today? My today is soso,wark and wark・・・ nemely it is ordinarily. こんにちは、今日はあなたどうだったの 私の今日は、仕事仕事でまあまあです つまりいつもどおりってことです。

  • 2つ翻訳お願いします><

    2つ翻訳お願いします>< It was tired from love not fulfilled. There is a my present self because there are feelings to think of the other party. Is the love that dose to the point of telling a lie me? What do you want to do, and how do you want to be loved by you?

  • よろしくお願いします

    I have a 9-year-old grandson, "Bradley." He has been in and out of our lives, mainly because of the fact that his mother, "Jill," and my son, "Andrew," are not married and my son is not to have custody of Bradley at all. Jill and Bradley have mainly lived with Jill's parents. my son is not to haveはmy son will not haveということでしょうか?何か違いはあるでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • How are you?に対して

    英語が苦手なので外国人と会話する際にHow are you?と聞かれるといつも I'm fine thank you , and you? とばかり答えてしまいます。 本当は「今日は仕事が忙しくてクタクタです」と言いたいのですが何と言えばよいでしょうか? I'm tired because today was busy for work. こんな表現でよいのでしょうか? あと、今日はどうだった?と聞かれたときに、特に忙しく無かった日は何と答えればよいのでしょうか? Today was easy day.Nowadays I'm not busy for my work. こんな表現でよいのでしょうか? ご指摘よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    all i was telling you is a package was sent back to me from 3 months ago...it wasnt a big deal, just was showing you because that was not my fault . you did not understand my email.

  • 和訳してください

    Ogi-chan, Mi-chan, Today we sent your package. I did not have your correct address when I was in the US so I was not able to send yo u the package with the clothing gifts and my luggage was full when I arrived a few days ago so I could not bring clo thing gifts with me. But now that I do have the correct ad dress my sister can send the big package directly from he r job. They have commercial shipping so it can be better sent that way. So the package we sent today is just a small package with a few small gifts, but they are special as well and I hope f amily will enjoy them. There is also a present for Ichiro. When the big package is sent from my sisters work there will be presents for all Michitoshi and Ichiro families. The re is one clothing present in the package we sent today th o. It is VERY special. It is from a Seattle rap group that I used to work with closely. The leader of the group is Nih onjin from America and he is my brother. These shirts ha ve all been gone for years now, but I found this one. It is very rare. I know Ogi -chan & Mi-chan can share clothes i n style and size, so this shirt is for both of you. Eli お願いします(;o;)