• ベストアンサー


英訳をしたのですが、まるで意味が通らず、最後の文は翻訳すらできませんでした。。。どなたか教えていただけたら幸いです。 During the issue formulation step, the support that is needed tends to be of an affective, perceptive, or gestalt nature. 問題公式化の段階で必要な支援は、感情、知覚、ゲシュタルト性質である傾向があります。 Intuition-based experiential wisdom plays a most important role. 直感に基づいた経験で得た知恵は最も重要な役割を果たします。 During the analysis step, the need is typically for quantitative and algorithmic support, typically through use one of the formal methods of systems engineering, a few of which are described in later chapters. 分析段階の間、通常は量的でアルゴリズム的な支援、ひとつのシステム工学の形式にかなった方法の使用が必要です。 In the interpretation step, the effort shifts to a blend of the perceptive and the analytical. ????。

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • go_urn
  • ベストアンサー率57% (938/1643)

こんにちは! 非常に抽象的な議論で分かりにくいですが、一応、教育学的なものと判断しました。 著者の議論は、(1) the issue formulation step(問題形成段階) → (2) the analysis step(分析段階) → (3) the interpretation step (解釈段階)と3つの段階を追って進んでいます。(問題形成段階とは、自分たちが取り組む問題を何にするか、というようなことかな、と想像しました。) (1)During the issue formulation step, the support that is needed tends to be of an affective, perceptive, or gestalt nature. 問題形成の段階では、必要とされる支援は、(生徒達の)心を動かし、感覚を開かせ、物事の全体像をつかませるような性質のものになります。 (tends toは、ボカす言い方ですので、「一般的には~だ」というニュアンスで捉えればいいと思います。) (2)Intuition-based experiential wisdom plays a most important role. 直感に基づいた経験知がきわめて重要な役割を果たします。 (a most は one of the most ...ということです。) (3)During the analysis step, the need is typically for quantitative and algorithmic support, typically through use one of the formal methods of systems engineering, a few of which are described in later chapters. 分析段階に入ると、よく必要とされる支援は、(データ処理のような)数量的支援、物事を順序立てて考えていく支援、システム工学的な確立した方式の1つを使用する支援です。この後者の幾つかの例については、後続の章の中で取り上げて説明してあります。 (4)In the interpretation step, the effort shifts to a blend of the perceptive and the analytical. 解釈段階では、支援努力は、知覚的なものと分析的なものを総合したものになっていきます。 (the perceptive、the analytical というthe + 形容詞の形は、後ろに名詞が省略されたもので、この場合は、effort, ないしsupportを補って考えるといいでしょう。)

その他の回答 (3)

  • Compo
  • ベストアンサー率41% (32/78)

アドバイスします。参考にして下さい。 最後の文章ですが、次のように解釈しました。 In the interpretation step, the effort shifts to a blend of the perceptive and the analytical. ????。 観察の段階では、洞察や分析の方に注力することになります。

  • tjhiroko
  • ベストアンサー率52% (2281/4352)

すみません、もう1行残っていましたね。 In the interpretation step, the effort shifts to a blend of the perceptive and the analytical. 解釈の段階においては、その努力は知覚的なものと分析的なものとの混合へと移行する。

  • tjhiroko
  • ベストアンサー率52% (2281/4352)

専門的なことは全く分かりませんが、アルクなどを利用して分かる範囲でのお手伝いです。少しでも参考になればいいのですが。 During the issue formulation step, the support that is needed tends to be of an affective, perceptive, or gestalt nature. 問題定式化の段階においては、必要とされるサポートは感情的、知覚的、あるいは形態的な性質を持つ傾向がある。 Intuition-based experiential wisdom plays a most important role. 直感に基づいた体験的知識が非常に重要な役割を果たす。 During the analysis step, the need is typically for quantitative and algorithmic support, typically through use one of the formal methods of systems engineering, a few of which are described in later chapters. 分析段階においては、量的かつアルゴリズム的サポートが概して必要とされ、通常はシステム工学の形式的方法の1つを用いてなされるのであるが、この形式的方法のいくつかについては後のチャプターで述べることにする。


  • 訳が不安です

    一応訳してみたのですが、日本語が支離滅裂でわかりづらいです。stepとphaseが両方とも「段階」の意味があり、頭がこんがらがってしまいました。 添削していただけたら幸いです。よろしくお願いします。 More importantly,this morphological framework,in terms of phases of the design process and steps within these phases, does not emphasize the different types of information and different types of support that are needed within each step at the various phases. より重要なことは、これらの段階の中での設計過程とステップの段階に関して、この形態学的な枠組みはそれぞれのステップの中の様々な段階で必要である異なったタイプに関する情報と異なったタイプのサポートは強調しないようにすることです。

  • 英文について

    アメリカの歴史について Conservative Resurgence <Roots of the conservative resurgence> ・Response of most Americans to the turmoil of the 1960s was a swing towards conservatism ・Conservative backlash of the late 1960s had deep roots ・Liberalism faced significant challenges from the right <Urban Unrest> ・Widespread urban unrest during the summers of 1966 and 1967 ・Kerner Report released in 1968 ・Rise in calls for “law and order” <George Wallace and the Conservative Resurgence> ・George Wallace's 1968 presidential campaign the most visible sign of the conservative backlash seen during the late 1960s ・Wallace saw national support over 20% at points during the election What developments and factors led to a conservative resurgence in American politics during the late 1960s and 1970s? という問題があるのですが、まとめると「都市の不安から「法と秩序」の要求が高まった。そして、ジョージウォレスの大統領選挙では保守的な反発とも取れる兆候だった。」 こちらでいいでしょうか?これ以外にも文章は少し加えるつもりです。 Barry Goldwater was a conservative politician. He is the politician credited for sparking the resurgence of the American conservative political movement in the 1960s. ・・・と彼の起こした行動についてです。 質問に対する答えになっているでしょうか?

  • 英文和訳です

    Flying cars are even more prevalent in The Jetsons, a 1962 animated TV series about a “typical family” of the twenty-first century. Bubble-topped machines, apparently jet-powered and computer-controlled, have completely replaced the family station wagon (and, apparently, all other forms of ground transportation). The Jetson family’s car is capable of supersonic speeds and rock-steady hovering, and it folds itself into a briefcase when not in use. Typically, for stories about the future, it is ordinary to its users and astonishing to twentieth-century audiences. Blade Runner(1982) is nominally set in in the first decade of the twenty-first century, but its nightmarish vision of a more distant future. Residents are unfazed, therefore, when flying cars swoop overhead and a flying police cruiser descends vertically into their midst. お願いします^^;

  • 英文和訳です

    Flying cars are even more prevalent in The Jetsons, a 1962 animated TV series about a “typical family” of the twenty-first century. Bubble-topped machines, apparently jet-powered and computer-controlled, have completely replaced the family station wagon (and, apparently, all other forms of ground transportation). The Jetson family’s car is capable of supersonic speeds and rock-steady hovering, and it folds itself into a briefcase when not in use. Typically, for stories about the future, it is ordinary to its users and astonishing to twentieth-century audiences. Blade Runner(1982) is nominally set in in the first decade of the twenty-first century, but its nightmarish vision of a more distant future. Residents are unfazed, therefore, when flying cars swoop overhead and a flying police cruiser descends vertically into their midst. よろしくお願いします^^;

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Yet, according to McKay and Swift, "...the subject of Vimy Ridge, including the country's birth and the glories of the war itself, falls onto a highly contested terrain...many official and popular presentations of war today avoid something that the returned soldiers of the Great War kept insisting upon: that under conditions of modernity war had changed -- changed quite completely." The Canadian National Vimy Memorial is Canada's largest and principal overseas war memorial. Located on the highest point of the Vimy Ridge, the memorial is dedicated to the commemoration of the Battle of Vimy Ridge and Canadian Expeditionary Force members killed during the First World War. It serves as the place of commemoration for Canadian soldiers killed in France during the First World War with no known grave. France granted Canada perpetual use of a section of land at Vimy Ridge in 1922 for the purpose of a battlefield park and memorial. A 100-hectare (250-acre) portion of the former battlefield is preserved as part of the memorial park that surrounds the monument. The grounds of the site are still honeycombed with wartime tunnels, trenches, craters and unexploded munitions, and are largely closed off for public safety. A section of preserved trenches and a portion of a tunnel have been made accessible to site visitors.

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Death The process of dying may normally go through a sequence of stage. According to Kubler-Ross (1969), if death us not too sudden and if the dying person is aware of what is happening, dying progresses through five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. In the first stage, the person denies that death is impending. In the second stage, the person is typically struggling with the question “Why me?” “Frustration builds and anger overflows as the question resists satisfactory answer” (Kastenbaum, 1975). In the third stage, the person tries to postpone death by making a bargain with God, the doctors, or others. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんんか?

    Loss of spouse During the early years of life, loss of souse is certainly not a normally encountered crisis. After adolescence, however, it becomes increasingly common with increasing age. During the early years of adulthood, divorce cause loss of a spouse much more often than death does. Incidentally, the crisis of losing a spouse is more likely to have a gradual onset in the early adult years than a sudden onset, because during these years divorce-the more usual cause of losing a spouse-is likely to result from a gradual buildup of tensions, while death-the less common cause of losing a spouse-is likely to have a sudden onset. The most common cause of death in early adulthood, as in adolescence, is accident. お願いします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Richebourg-l'Avoué is a village and former commune in the Pas-de-Calais region of France. It was merged with Richebourg-Saint-Vaast to form the commune of Richebourg on 21 February 1971. Miliary operations began in the area during September 1914, when the opposing armies made several reciprocal attempt to outflank their opponent to the north during the Race to the Sea (17 September – 19 October). Operations continued in 1914 at the Battle of La Bassée (10 October – 2 November) and in 1915, during the Battle of Neuve Chapelle (10–13 March 1915) and the Battle of Festubert (15–25 May). An attack was planned for part of the 39th Division to capture the Boar's Head, a German salient near Richebourg-l'Avoué, on 30 June 1916, as part of the effort made by the armies north of the Somme, to support the offensive by harassing the Germans opposite. From 1 July – 18 November, 310 raids were made on the German lines by the Third, First and Second armies. Two battalions of the 116th Brigade with one battalion for carrying parties, attacked the German front position on 30 June. The British took the German front line trench and the second trench for several hours before retiring, having lost 1,366 casualties.

  • 次の英文が表しているものを教えてほしいのですが

    1)The object consists of a closed tube which contains a red or silver liquid,and is made of glass. The tube is cylindrical in shape,but one end is spherical in shape. 2)This object is small and made of metal. One end is flat and circular in shape. There is a V-shaped groove across the middle of the circle. The other part of the object is at right angles to flat end. It is tapering,with a pointed tip. Around the exterior of the tapering part there is a spiral-shaped groove.

  • 英文の邦訳

    In this sense, there is no evidence of the formation of transnational enterprise groups - sets of giant firms whose boards interlock and whose shares are owned in blocs that enable coordinated strategic control over major corporations based in multiple countries. Rather, intercorporate ownership relations, typically emanating from financial institutions and consisting of holdings of considerably less than 5 per cent of share capital, express the cross-penetration of investment and the developing solidarities of a transnational corporate community. The continuing clustering of both directorial and ownership relations on a national basis is consistent with Kogut and Colomer's (2012) findings that the transnational network of interlocking directorates and intercorporate ownership in the 1990s was very strongly a small world ――locally clustered within countries, particularly for the directorial network, with a few key transnational interlocks creating 'short cuts' that shrink the global social space (cf. Carroll 2009). 以上の英文の邦訳をお願い致します。