• 締切済み



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  • ベストアンサー率53% (55/103)



  • 次の文を否定文に直してください。 お願いします

    1.My daughter is very good at sports. 2.My son went to Frankfurt last week. 3.You must take the dog for a walk. 4.Yukiko was singing a song.5.Be late for the meeting. 6.I have already done my homework. 7.My aunt has a very old coins. 8.I want some old coins. 9.Our teacher shut the door. 10.He has to call on his uncle on his way home.

  • 宜しくお願いします

    宜しくお願いします 文法初学者です Mr. Timit's history of reckless driving led to his driver's license being revoked for one year. ティミット氏は無謀な運転を繰り返したせいで、1年間免許停止になった。 という文章があります(Iknow 現smart.fmからの抜粋) being revoked とありますがwas revokedとはならないのでしょうか? 宜しくおねがします

  • この文の和訳お願いします!!急いでます

    この文の和訳お願いします!!急いでます The Emperor Claudius2 was ambitious for a large army assumed that his potential soldiers were tied to their families

  • 複数なのに has

    またまた ダライラマに関する記事なのですが Indeed, his very determination to speak for openness and a long-term vision has sometimes brought him critics on every side. という文章があります。 これは Indeed, his very determination to speak for openness and a long-term vision なのに その後につづく動詞が hasになってます。 なぜだか教えてください(´_`。)

  • これらの文を疑問文に直すとどうなるのでしょうか?教えてください。

    1.Akane is very kind to children. 2.My father cut down the large tree. 3.Takuya has to study English everyday. 4.The girls are singing in the garden. 5.They know my brother. 6.The record will be brought by Junji. 7.There are some books on the desk. 8.They have washed the car. 9.The work can done in two hours. 10.These dolls were made by Mika.

  • 完了形、過去完了形

    (参考書より) The deaf person said he had been struggling for many years but he had now come to terms with his disability. had been... had ... となっているのは、 "said"言った、のが過去だから、という認識 で、have been...have..では"said"と合わず不自然、 という認識で合っていますか? また、この文章から、The deaf person said を 省いて、「その耳の聞こえない人は、長年苦悶し続けた が、今では自分の障害が受け入れられる」という事実だけ 書きたい場合、"has"か"had"どっちでしょうか?? The deaf person has been struggling for many years but he has now come to terms with his disability. ↑ こんな文章? 

  • 以下の文のカンマの用法

    And, perhaps most revealingly, in the majority of his works, the traditional accents and techniques of the teller of folktales are clearly discernible, for example in the adoption of an omniscient, summarizing voice at the end of his narratives, a device that is generally recognized as being employed to conclude most folktales. ここの最後の、in the adoption of an omniscientとsummarizing voice at the end of his narrativesは言い換えで、a device that is generally recognized as being employed to conclude most folktalesはその全体をひとまとめとして付加説明している感じでしょうか? また、 Others, however, dismissed his works as simple retellings of local tales, full of unwelcome liberties taken with the details of the well-known story lines. この文のカンマもretellingsの言い換えでいいのでしょうか。

  • ____にあてはまる英語教えてください

    ____にあてはまる英語教えてください 1. The teenager was arrested for _______________ driving, 2. They have ____________________ a campaign to raise \10 million for the child to go to the States for a heart transplant. 3. I left __________________ when he refused to shake hands with me. 4. The man is suffering from ________________ tuberculosis. 5. He ________________ this afternoon while he was playing golf with his customers. 6. The professor is too strict; I wish he could be a little bit more ________________ with his students. 7. The Japanese police have been rather reluctant to ________________ in domestic conflicts. 8. He _______________ all he had just eaten.

  • on which to ~と続く文

    Thousands of Chinese couples got married on Friday because the date, 4th January 2013, sounds like "endless love until death" when spoken in the Chinese language Mandarin. The newlyweds hoped the day would prove to be an auspicious one on which to tie the knot. という文がありまして、  ~ be an auspicious one on which to tie the knot. という文でひっかかってます。 私もこのような使い方をマスターしたいのですが、 考え方として be an auspicious one を 確実にしたい その機会、ジャンルで  というイメージの on とみました。(prove on~)かもしれませんが、 で 機会が向かっているのが tie the knotという動作 だと考えました。 which は、the day ( when にしたいところが on があるのでwhichかと) の言い換えと理解していていいんでしょうか?  宜しくお願いいたします。

  • isなのかhasなのか解からないのです。

    アメリカの大統領物の本を読んでいて、The president has a cold. He's canceling the remainder of this trip and returning to Washington on the advice of his doctor. とあります。このHe's ですがis か has なのか どうやって理解すればよいのか教えてください。