• ベストアンサー




The Statue of Liberty has a torch ( ) her right hand. 答えはinなんですが、なぜでしょうか。 前置詞 in のイメージは、~の中にある状態で という意味です。右手の中にたいまつの一部が包み込まれている という感覚なので、in her right hand になります。


  • 超むずかしい選択問題。

    挑戦してみてください。答えだけもかまわないが、できれば、理由も述べていただけたら幸いです。 Physics professor: Some scientists claim that superheated plasma in which electrical resistance fails is a factor in causing so-called "ball lightning." If this were so, then such lightning would emit intense light and, since plasma has gaslike properties, would rise in the air. However, the instances of ball lightning that I observed were of low intensity and floated horizontally before vanishing. Thus, superheated plasma with failed electricl resistance is never a factor in causing ball lighting. The physics professor's conclusion follows logically if which one of following is assumed? a) Superheated plasma in which electrical resistance fails does not cause types of lightning other than ball lightning. b) The phenomena observed by the physics professor were each observed by at least one other person. c) Ball lightning can occur as the result of several different factors. d) Superheating of gaslike substances causes bright light to be emitted. e) All types of ball lightning have the same cause.

  • The cancer was missed

    My sister has been diagnosed with terminal cancer—at 44, with children. This came out of the blue. She has not had previous cancer. The cancer was missed, her doctor was supercilious, her boyfriend finally took her in to the emergency room for pain after he became fed up. The cancer was missedとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 付帯状況のwith

    「彼女は手を振りながらさよならを言った」を付帯状況のwithを使って、She said good-bye with her hand waving.と表現したのですが、これは不自然なのでしょうか?むしろShe said good-bye waving her hand.のほうが普通に使われる表現なのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の文書の書き換え問題を教えてください

    (1)She lays her baby down on the bed.  Her baby(     )(     )(     ) on the bed by her. (2)Can you see the mountain over there? That' Mt.Akagi.  The mountain (     )can(     )(     ) over there is Mt.Akagi.. (3)Tom was born in New York,and grew up there. Tom (     )(     ) and (     )in New York. (4)Her mother didn't allow her to go out at night at all.  She was (     )allowed to go out at night . (5)When I came home,my mother was talking with my brother?  My brother (     )(     )(     )by my mother,when I came home. (6)彼は新しい車に歓喜した。  He (     )(     )(     )the new car. (7)朝食にはご飯を食べますか?それともパンを食べますか?  (     ) is (     )for breakfast ,rice or bread?                   以上、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語 問題

    与えられた書き出しで始まるように、次の文を言いかえて下さい。 1 Our city has an art museum in its cencer. →There is ____. 2 You can get to the soccer stadium in ten minutes by bus. →It takes _____. 3 About 35,000 people live in this town. →This town has ____. 4 Our town festival is near at hand. →Our town festival is just ____.

  • この問題の答えが合ってるか教えて下さい

    問題は「John fell in love with Mary at first sight and proposed for her at once,but she turned him down.の誤りの部分を選びなさい」何ですが、答えはproposed for her ではなく proposed to her で合ってますか?

  • 英語の訳について分からないことがあります。

    The weather is fantastic. She is good at her work and has had listened to her presentation about her products he was convinced that the new shampoo wouldbecome a big hit. He placed a large order with her company, and the shampoo will be on store shelves by March at the latest. この二つの文について訳を教えてください。 また、newest line というのはどういう意味ですか?

  • 教えてください。

    教えてください。 英語の予習です。 (並び替え問題です) (1)彼は試合の結果に満足するでしょう。 He (the result /with /will/satisfied)of the game. He will be satisfied with the result of the game. (2)彼の絶え間ない練習によりその勝利が可能になりました。 The victory (made/ his constant practice/ been / possible / by / has). (3)そのスター選手は長い間、彼のすべてのファンに賞賛されました。 The star player (all his fans / admired/ has / by / been/ long). (4)彼女はコーチに大いに褒められました。 She (given / praise / was / a lot of / her coach/ by). She was given a lot of praise by her coach. 上記の内容を教えてください。 考えてもよくわかりません。 一応考えて、こうかなと思ったところがあっているかも知りたいです。 間違っていたら正しい語順も教えてください。 よろしくお願いします‼

  • 翻訳

    すみませんが日本語に訳して下さい。英語わからないです。 The bloody Ellenbogens'll probably barge in with her

  • a plate on which rests ・・・

    ある英文を読んでいたら 「A picture by Francesco Maffe,representing a handsome young woman with a sword in her left hand, and in her right a plate on which rests the head of a beheaded man,has been acknowleged as a portrait of Salome with the head of St,John the Baptist.」  ( Francesco Maffe Salome  St,John the Baptistは人名)  という文章がでてきたのですが  in her right a plate on which rests the head of a beheaded man  の部分で この構造は 倒置と考えて the head of a beheaded man rests on a plate と考えていいのでしょうか?  いろいろ英文をよんできたつもりですが  ここでの倒置はなんか変な気もするので  質問したしだいです  間違っているようでしたら  ご指摘とご説明ねがいます<(_ _*)>ぺコリ  ちなみに  文法での説明を望みます<(_ _*)>ぺコリ