
  • 未来の医療技術として、遺伝子療法や幹細胞治療が新たな「奇跡の薬」となる可能性があります。
  • これらの技術は多くの人々の苦しみを軽減し、数百万人に希望を与えるかもしれません。
  • 一部の科学者は、人間のクローン作成に既に成功していると主張しています。
  • ベストアンサー


どうしても長文で訳せない文があって・・・。 以下の英文3つの文の訳を教えてください。 お願いいたします。 『In the future, new medical technologies like gene therapy and stem cell treatments just might become the new "miracle drugs."』 『They might prevent an immense amount of suffering and provide hope for millions of people.』 『Some scientists claim, somewhat dubiously, that they have already cloned humans.』

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー

  将来、遺伝子療法と幹細胞処理のような新しい医療技術はただ新しい「特効薬」になるかもしれません。 彼らは、膨大な金額の苦しみを防いで、何百万人もの人々に関する希望を提供するかもしれません。 何人かの科学者が、彼らにはクローン人間が既にいるといくらか疑わしく主張します。  


  • 英文の日本語訳ができません。。。

    以下の5つの英文だけがうまく日本語訳ができません。 だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)Scientists have tried to construct computer models of the way people behave when they try to get out of a building in a panic situation. (2)The scientists found that the behavior of the mice corresponded quite closely to the predictions made by their computer models. (3)Unfortunately, we know very little about how such exits should be designed. (4)One research group recently conducted an experiment with mice to see how they behave in a crisis. (5)The results of this experiment could help researchers understand how humans might react in similar situations. (3)(4)(5)の英文はhowに導かれた名詞節が多用されている。と書いてあるんですが、なんのことやらさっぱりで・・・ だれかよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文解釈

    Since goats can survive on kinds of vegetation, such as bushes and desert scrub, which are unsuitable for other domesticated herd animals, they're a logical means of subsistence for millions of rural inhabitants the world over. の文ですが、とくに最後のthey're a logical means of subsistence for millions of rural inhabitants the world over. がよくわかりません。 詳しい構文解説と最後のoverの意味を教えてください お願いします。

  • 次の英文を訳してください

    Fancy living 100 years more? Some experts say scientific advances will one day enable humans to last decades beyond what is now seen as the natural limit of the human life span. An American professor says advances in manipulating cells and genes as well as nanotechnology will make it likely that humans will live much longer in the future. Many other scientists specializing in aging are skeptical of such claims. They explain that the human body is not designed to last more than 120 years. They add that even with healthier lifestyles and less disease, failure of the brain and other organs will eventually condemn all humans.

  • この英文の訳を教えてください

    Ever since his death in 1955, scientists have asked what features of Albert Einstein’s brain contributed to his extraordinary insights into physical laws. Research on the anatomy of Einstein’s genius, which dates back decades, faltered because many of the postmortem images and slides of tissue were scattered and became unavailable to researchers. 以上の2文です。 よろしくお願いしますm(_ _;)m

  • 次の英文の訳をおしえてください。

    とある報告書記載事項(箇条書き)の抜粋です。以下の二つの文について教えてください。 (1)a description and justification of the definition and description of any new impact categories. 文の構造としては、 a description and justification (of the definition and description (of any new impact categories.)) なのか a description and justification of the definition /and description of any new impact categories. なのか? 後者のほうだと、「定義の説明と根拠、および新規の影響領域の説明」 と訳せますが、これだと何の「定義」だか意味がわかりません。 また、「the definition and description」の「the」は、「definition」 と 「description」の両方に掛かるのではないでしょうか? かといって、前者のほうだと、二つ目の 「description」がうまく訳せません。 (参考) new impact categories:新規の影響領域(影響領域とは、地球温暖化とかオゾン層破壊などの環境影響の領域のことをいいます。) (2)a statement and justification of any grouping of the impact categories. こちらの文は、直訳で、「影響領域のグルーピングの声明と根拠」 と訳せますが、「statement」の意味はこれで良いでしょうか?いまひとつしっくりきません。 (参考) グルーピングとは、環境影響を分かりやすく提示するために、各影響領域に順位を付けたり類型化することをいいます。主観に基づくので、その根拠の提示が必要になります。 以上、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の日本語訳

    次の一文には,述部が見当たらないように思われますが,それは私の見間違いでしょうか?それとも述部のない英文もままある,ということでしょうか? Each staying within the bounds of the Open Door but pursuing the goal of liberal expansionism in somewhat different ways, with their own ideological emphases and with changing mixes of political, economic, and military means, coercive and less coercive forms of power. 宜しく御教示下さい。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    'It's natural for species to become extinct over millions of years,' says Dr.Lovejoy.'What's unnatural is that humans are speeding up the process many times over.' People are doing this in four main ways: destroying wildlife habitats, overhunting, introducing new species that endanger native wildlife, and polluting the environment. These activities affect all species in one way or another. 'All life is interconnected,' cautions Dr.Lovejoy.Is there time to prevent disaster? Just barely, say scientists.Worldwide action will be difficult and costly.But scientists agree that action must be taken - quickly. The clock is ticking…

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします!!

    Chemotherapy drugs act by interfering with the metabolism or replication of rapidly diving cancer cells. Surprisingly, the first drug used for chemotherapy was mustard gas, a chemical weapon from World War I. In the 1940s, scientists accidentally discovered that exposure to mustard gas inhibited rapid cell division and slowed some kinds of cancers, giving rise to the new medical field of chemotherapy. Once in the bloodstream, most chemotherapy drugs are non-specific in their attack on rapidly dividing cells. This means that while these drugs attack cancer cells, they can also attack other rapidly dividing cells in the body as well. The cells in your blood, mouth, intestinal tract, nose, nails, and hair are also undergoing constant, rapid division, and can suffer serious damage from the treatment. Doctors usually treat cancers with combination therapy, utilizing a mixture of two or more drugs. Combination therapy improves treatment effectiveness because the cancer cells have less chance of building resistance to several chemotherapy drugs. Drug resistance is a major concern in chemotherapy because drugs sometimes become ineffective when cancer cells are no longer affected by the drugs. There are several classes of drugs that are used in chemotherapy: Antibody-based therapies: There new drugs are able to target cancer cells. They represent a promising future in cancer treatment because they spare most of the beneficial cells in the body, and thus have fewer side effects. Antitumor antibiotics: There drugs bind with DNA in active cancer cells and prevent the synthesis of ribonucleic acid(RNA), which is imperative for cell survival. Alkylating agents: These agents add alkyl groups to strategic positions on the cancer DNA strand, making the strands unable to uncoil, thus halting cell division. Antimetabolites: These drugs alter the function of enzymes required for cell metabolism and protein creation, thereby starving cells to death and preventing division. Mitotic inhibitors: These drugs, derived from plants, stop cell reproduction by inhibiting cell division and blocking the use of certain proteins required for mitosis. Doctors and scientists are hard at work to make chemotherapy drugs more effective with fewer side effects. The day may be near when certain types of cancer will be successfully treated through chemotherapy with little or no incidental harm to the body.

  • この英文の訳を教えて下さい

    英文は nursing  Health care profession concerned with providing care to the sick and disabled and with promoting,maintaining,and restoring health.Nurses perform mamy different services,including research,education,andpatient consultation.They often coordinate their services with physicians and other health providers.  The need for nursing is uniuersal.The International Council of Nurses states that the function of nursing is fourfold-to promote health,prevent illness,restore health,and alleviate suffering-and that inherent in nursing is “the respect for life,dignity and the rights of man. It is unrestricted by considerations of nationality,race,creed,colour,age,sex,politics or social status. Nurses render health services to individuals,the family and the community and co-ordinate their services with those of related groups.” です。 訳がわからなくて困っています。 よかっから教えて下さい。 お願いします。

  • 下記の英文の訳をお願いします。

    In the most mature level of cognitive development, attained in early adulthood, the various cognitive structures are used appropriately and efficiently. A scientist , for example, might use formal operations for work on a theoretical problem, concrete operations for everyday business transactions, preoperational thinking for artistic endeavors, and sensorimotor processes for intimate personal interactions (Riegel, 1973). In this last case, the sensorimotor actions and pleasures will be adult and not like those of the infant. お願いします。