• 締切済み


At the foot of the hill country lie the great northern plains, stretching two thousand miles. 上記の、Sはcountryで、Vはlieで正しいでしょうか?

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数3



 本来なら,The northern plains lie at the foot of the hill ~となるところを,At the foot of the hill country を前に出したために,lie the great northern plains と倒置が行われています。  すなわち,主語は the great northern plains になります。lie という動詞の形からも,単数形の country ではなく,複数形の plains が主語だとわかるでしょう。  ついでに,stretching 以下は分詞構文で,「2000マイル,広がっている」という意味になります。two thousand miles は副詞的に「2000マイル分」という感じで,stretch は「広がる」という自動詞です。




  • t-yamada_2
  • ベストアンサー率40% (587/1460)

At the foot of the hill country は、「丘陵地帯のふもとに」なので、 the great northern plains 「大きな北平原」が主語ではないでしょうか? 訳すと「丘陵地帯のふもとに、2000マイルを広げて、大きな北平野があります。」




  • t-yamada_2
  • ベストアンサー率40% (587/1460)

lie :[動詞](ある状態に)ある[いる]   です。



ありがとうございます。 ご指摘のことはわかっているのですが、countryが主語で正しいということでしょうか?


  • ビザ申請書の文章を翻訳してください。

    List at Least Two Contacts in Applicant's Country of Residence Who Can Verify Information About Applicant.

  • 英文の邦訳を願います。

    By contrast, look at the United States. "Scattered over three thousand miles . . . Lacking traditions of the Lord and Professor . . . relatively impotent, and driven to vagaries in consequence." 上記英文を御訳し願います。

  • 文法問題

    Soon we came to a hill at the foot ( ) stood a deserted factory. 1 in which 2of which 3which 4whose 解答と解説お願いします(^^)/

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    By 12:30 they had passed through the trenches that had been abandoned by their defenders earlier in the day. At around 15:00 the two regiments of the 1/4 Brigade gathered on the hill overlooking Tutrakan itself. Meanwhile, the Kmetov Brigade also advanced, though not as quickly and with greater disorganization. Parts of it reached the northern end of the forest at 13:00 and immediately attacked the Romanian trenches, but it was only at 15:30 that the trenches were occupied, most of the defenders having already pulled out due to the success of the 1/4 Brigade and the artillery bombardment. By 17:30 the brigade reached the hill overlooking the town.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    During the evening of 26 October, the Australian Mounted Division was at Tel el Fara holding the front line from Shellal to Gamli with the Anzac Mounted Division in reserve at Abasan el Kebir. The Imperial Camel Brigade was at Shellal, the XX Corps concentrated near Shellal, while the Yeomanry Mounted Division was concentrated near Hiseia and Shellal. General Erich von Falkenhayn, the Commander of the Yildirim Army Group, planned a two phase attack beginning with a reconnaissance in force from Beersheba on 27 October. This was to be followed by an attack on the morning of 31 October 1917, by the Eighth Army from Hareira. The reconnaissance in force was made by 3,000 Ottoman infantry, 1,200 cavalry, and twelve guns, which advanced from the Kauwukah defences in front of Tel el Sheria, to attack the EEF outpost line. These troops were organised in six infantry battalions, two cavalry squadrons and two artillery batteries. They were the 125th Infantry Regiment (16th Division) from Tel esh Sheria and troops of the 3rd Cavalry Division from Beersheba, commanded by İsmet Bey and included an infantry regiment from the 27th Division and the 125th Field Artillery Battery. dubious – discuss] Armed with lances, the 3rd Cavalry Division, had served in the Caucasus campaign before transferring to Palestine. The 8th Mounted Brigade (Yeomanry Mounted Division), temporarily attached to the 53rd (Welsh) Division, relieved the 4th Light Horse Brigade at 17:25 on 26 October, when they took over the 14 miles (23 km)-long outpost line covering the railway construction to Karm. This line ran from el Buqqar, to Hill 720 and on to Hill 630, stretching along the Wadi Hanafish and the Wadi esh Sheria to a point south of El Mendur. Most of the left section stretching north, was lightly held by standing patrols strongly supported in the rear, by an entrenched infantry brigade of the 53rd (Welsh) Division. However, the 3 miles (4.8 km)-long section on the right, stretching from el Buqqar to the west of Bir Ifteis "was to be held at all costs", supported only by the Hants Battery RHA.

  • how + 形容詞 + S+V の構文って??

    how + 形容詞 + S+V で名詞節になる構文って文法的に説明するとどうなりますか? howは関係代名詞でいいですか? だとすると先行詞が無いし… たとえば 以下の様な文で使われていますが The success rate shows how easy it is that most peaple get their drivers' lisence. Looking at his worn shoes, I can imagine how far he has came by foot. 気になってます、どなたかよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 次の文章を翻訳できる方、お願いします。

    Northern Ireland, which is at the top of the separate island called Ireland, is politically part of the UK and separate from the country called Ireland to its south. 文法的な注意事項もあればそれも教えてください。 初歩的な質問すみません。

  • この英文がうまく訳せません

    以下の一文がうまく訳せないのですが、どなたかうまく訳せないでしょうか?これは芥川龍之介の「藪の中」冒頭の英文です。 That is when I found the body in the body in the woods at the foot of the hill. この場合のbodyは文脈上から「死骸」、woodsは「藪」という意味です。

  • Such as~以下の解釈を教えて頂きたいのですが、、、

    Such as~以下の解釈を教えて頂きたいのですが、、、 よろしくお願い致します。 Beyond the Mississippi are the great plains ? a thousand miles of farm and grass land. Here the country is flat as far as the eye can see. There are few trees and no natural forests such as had to be cut down east of the great river.

  • どなたかお直しいただけませんか><

    どなたかお直しお願いします>< 閲覧ありがとうございます。 間違った並び、単語などあれば、直していただけませんか Continuance of the yesterday's story But, I came to like two men at a restaurant. I heard, "he was married" to hear the story of two men. I am sad if that is true. "Why do you say a lie?" I thought so. When somebody speaks a lie, I can believe nobody. Dark story is over. 昨日の話の続き しかし、私はレストランで2人の男性を好きになりました。 私は「彼は結婚している」と聞かされました。 それが真実であるならば、悲しいです。 「なぜ、あなたはうそを言うの?」 私はそう思いました。 誰かがうそを話すとき、私は誰も信じることができません。 暗い話はこれで終わり。 英文と和訳一致させていただきたいです><。 出来れば、 本当に信じて欲しいとき嘘を沢山言っていると信じてもらえなくなる これもお願いできないでしょうか・・