• ベストアンサー

My love does it good の意味


  • sukinyan
  • ベストアンサー率38% (119/313)

僭越ながら英国人(大卒)として付け加えますと、My Loveはリンダさんのことです。涙。 僕の心は、彼女の両手の中にあれば安心なんだ。彼女は、(僕の心を傷つけたりすることが絶対なくて、)僕の心をどう扱えば良いか世界中の誰よりも知っているから、留守中も上手く扱ってくれるんだ。 事実でした。涙。 Sir PaulとLady Lindaの長い結婚生活の間、二人が離ればなれの夜を過ごしたのは、たった1晩だけだったとか聞きました。天国に昇ったリンダさんは、今も英国人に愛されています。質問者様も是非、リンダさんの冥福を祈って熱唱してくださいね!



ご回答、ありがとうございます。 >Sir PaulとLady Lindaの長い結婚生活の間、二人が離ればなれの夜を過ごしたのは、たった1晩だけだったとか 素敵なエピソードを教えていただき、ありがとうございます。 だから曲があんなにロマンチックなんですね。 涙、です!素敵なカップルだったんですね。私もあやかりたいです。 >質問者様も是非、リンダさんの冥福を祈って熱唱してくださいね! はい!みなさんに教えていただいた歌詞の意味をかみしめながら 熱唱します♪


  • Does it do windows? ってどういう意味?

    英会話のテキストの中にあったのですが、どういう意味なのかわかりません。 前後の文章は、 A: Have you seen my new microwave oven? B: No. I haven't. A: Oh, it's fabulous. It has an automatic timer. It can turn itself on and off. And it cleans itself. B: Does it do windows?

  • I have my love. の意味

    Love is more pleasant once you get out of your twenties. It doesn't hurt all the time. I no longer fall in and out of love. I have my love. という文章で、I have my love. の意味は 1)私は恋をしたことがある 2)私には愛する人がいる 3)私は今、恋をしている 4)私は愛についての独自の考えを持っている の内、どれか、という問題なのですが、 2)と4)で迷っています。 どなたかご教示下さいませんでしょうか。

  • ノーダウトのit's my lifeという曲のついてなのですがなんとなく訳せますが意味がよくわかりません

    Funny how I find myself in love with you If I could buy my reasoning I'd pay to lose One half won't do I've asked myself How much do you commit yourself? It's my life Don't you forget? It's my life It never ends Funny how I blind myself I never knew if I was sometimes played upon Afraid to lose I'd tell myself what good you do Convince myself It's my life Don't you forget? It's my life It never ends I've asked myself how much do you commit yourself? It's my life Don't you forget Caught in the crowd It never ends これが歌詞ですが、何が言いたいのかよくわかりません。詳しい人いましたら的確に訳して解説してください

  • この歌詞の意味を教えて下さい。

    見て下さり、ありがとうございます。 先日、「この歌 好きだと思うとよ!」と友人に教えてもらったのですが、いまいち歌詞が分かってません。 簡単な単語を使った歌詞なのに、恥ずかしく申し訳ありませんが… 翻訳していただけませんでしょうか? こちらです↓ I Look up and I see god. I look down and see my dog. Simple spelling god. Same word back wards dog. They would stay with me all day dog. I'm the one who walks away. But both of them just wait for me... And dance at my return with glee. Both love me no matter what... Divine god and canine mutt... I take it hard each time I fail. But god forgives. Dog wags his tail. God thought up and made the dog. Dog reflects a part of god. I've seen love from both sides now. It's everywhere... Amen Bow...WOW... I Look up and I see god. I look down and see my dog. And in my human frailty... I can match their love for me. 宜しくお願い致します。

  • If that does it

    I have been friends with “Jon” for four years. He’s a great guy but not my type. Four months ago Jon got drunk, confessed his undying love for me, and tried to kiss me. I gently rejected him and got someone else to sober him up. The next day, Jon apologized. I told him I valued our friendship and since then, our things have gone back to normal—but several of our mutual friends are pressuring me to give Jon a chance. They ignore my refusals and try to sell me on him. One got very angry when I started dating someone new and accused me of stringing Jon along. I was honest with Jon, and I have tried to be kind (I don’t complain to him about my love life or anything). I have asked Jon several times if we are OK, and he said yes, but all this interference from our friends has left me with doubts. Jon and I have plans to go to France this summer with another friend, and I have spent a lot of money on nonrefundable tickets. Should I ignore all this or press Jon for more details? —Pining I don’t think it’s Jon you need to speak to right now. It’s possible that he’s been pretending to be fine while secretly complaining to your friends, but that’s not at all certain, and the people whose behavior is bothering you right now are your mutual friends—so tell them to knock it off. “I’ve been very clear with Jon from the start that I care about him as a friend and I’m not interested in him romantically. I’m not stringing him along, but I’m also tired of your attempts to convince me I ought to want to be with him. I don’t know why you think it would be a good start to a romantic relationship for one party to have to be repeatedly talked into it. I certainly don’t. You need to stop.” If that does it, great! If that does itはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • itが指すもの

    以下の文でitが指すものがよくわかりません。1つでもいいのでおしえてください。よろしくお願いします。 (1) I take my truck out sometimes and just go for drives when I feel like 'it' to get away from the city. ・このitは後に続いているto~の部分を指しているという解釈でいいですか?そうだとしたら、I feel like getting away from the city.とどう違うのでしょうか。 (2) I'm really busy these days 'it' makes my head spin!

  • 激甘のラヴ・ソング

    激甘のラヴ・ソングを探しています。 洋楽でお願いします。 今すぐ購入の予定は無いですが目星を付けておきたいです。 (視聴サイトで聴くぐらいはできます) イメージとしては、 ポール・マッカートニーの「My Love」 ベイビー・フェイスの「Every Time I Close My Eyes」 エルヴィス・コステロの「She」 こんな感じでしょうか。 知人の好みなんです。 私はビートルズバカなものでCD所持枚数の割りに レパートリーが少ないんです。 幅広くご存知の方、ご紹介願えますでしょうか。

  • shakes it off

    No one in my family, including myself, wants to spend time with my mom. She can be really toxic. She has hurt me all my life, and, really, everyone I love. I stopped asking my husband and kids to go with me a while ago. In fact, I limited my children's exposure to her when they were growing up, but they still have scars from stuff she did or said when they were young adults; it's difficult to be prepared for the truly awful stuff she says and does, even when warned your whole life. Even though I know all this and I'm normally pretty pragmatic, I am finding it tough to just cut my mom off. We've had so many conversations over the years about the things she says and does, but she is never going to change because she just doesn't get it. It's almost like punishing a fish for bad behavior. She never accepts accountability for anything, and never sees the damage. She says and does petty, horrible things in irritation, then just shakes it off, accusing others of being too sensitive. ここでのshakes it offはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • ポールマッカートニーの曲で・・・

    ポールマッカートニーの曲で、バラードといえば「MY love」のほかに、お勧めの曲ってありますか? 歌詞に「so so so・・・」というフレーズの入るバラード調の曲を探していますが、曲名がわかりません。

  • 歌詞の意味が知りたいです

    i can`t believe in love liken a mom i know it from the time i saw you that night,at sight kiss and snug never fabe away this is the must time,last vibes in my life, rib it "forever" youre my precious beby cant stop thinking of you i will love you forever