• ベストアンサー

intellectual baggage の意味


  • ベストアンサー
  • sukinyan
  • ベストアンサー率38% (119/313)

申し忘れましたが、opportunity to studyのところでtoが抜けていますね。それから、both as student and as teacherかな。ところで、Almost all of thisのthisは何をさすか、判っていらっしゃるのですよね。次に、baggageの次に文字化け–が見られますが、これは何でしょうか・・・。 さて、baggageとは御存知の通り、引きずるような大きな荷物ですね。 emotional baggageとは、たとえ教養のあるインテリでさえ、過去のトラウマの呪縛から解放されていないために精神的に引きずっているような「お荷物」のことです。御礼のところで「意味がわかりません」と書かれているのは、emotional baggageの意味が理解出来ない、という風に解釈させて頂いてよろしいのでしょうか? ここではとりあえず、そうであると仮定しまして、再度御説明しようと試みますと、これのインテレクチュアル版ですので、ずるずる引きずっている「知的なお荷物」そのものであった、と訳せます。「この文で intellectual baggage の意味だけがわかりませんでした」とおっしゃるので、これで全文の解釈が完成すると思ったのですが・・・。 御理解頂けますことを願っております。


  • through estoppelの意味は?

    Confidentiality Agreementに下記の条項があります。 No license to a party, under any trademark, patent, copyright, trade secret, mask work protection right or any other intellectual property right, is either granted, implied or created through estoppel by the conveying of INFORMATION to such party. 辞書によればestoppelは禁反言という意味で、この単語自体の意味するところは理解できるのですが、"is either granted, implied or created through estoppel by the conveying of INFORMATION to such party. "となると理解できません。これはどのような意味で、またどのように訳したらよいのでしょうか?ご教示いただければ幸いです。

  • この英語の問題を教えてください。

    次の各文がほぼ同じ意味なるように()に適切な語を入れなさい。 1、I don’t know that student. That student is a ( ) to me. 2、May I ask a favor? May I ask a favor ( ) ( )? 3、We can be happy by singing. Singing ( ) ( ) happy. 4、The teacher made us a good exercise book The teacher made a good exercise book ( ) us. 5、My library ( ) a lot of English books. ( ) are a lot of English books in my library. 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • nativist の意味教えてください

    下の文章の三段目のはじめにでてくるnativistとはどうゆう意味でしょうか? 辞書で調べてもなんかよくわからないんですが、重要な言葉ですのでこれが気になります。 Last October, a group of respected conservative thinkers from across the Continent published a manifesto titled “A Europe We Can Believe In.” It is, in many respects, a thoughtful, beautifully written document, a rhetorical mixture of national liberation movement discourse from the glory days of decolonization and a retrograde museum guidebook. The impression that the reader gets from this manifesto is that Europe’s conservatives are anti-imperial (the European Union is, they complain, an “empire of money and regulations”), anticolonial (“emigration without assimilation is colonization”) and defenders of the nation-state from the contempt of pro-European elites (who, they declare, are “blinded by vain, self-congratulating visions of a utopian future”). Believe it or not, the nativist revolution they call for resembles the left-wing uprisings of 1968. Like the protesters then, these intellectuals are not trying to simply win elections but to change the way people think and live. At the same time, however, precisely what they want is to undo the legacy of ’68 left behind in Europe. 元ネタ https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/21/opinion/europe-natavism-conservatism.html

  • 英語の質問です!

    There () so it will take a long time to move. (1)is many furniture (2)are a lot of funitures (3)is a lot of furniture (4)are many furnitures He will be back () about ten minutes. (1)during (2)till (3)of (4)in He is very ill but there is () hope for him. (1)a little (2)little (3)a few (4)few () passed the test, but there were some who failed. (1)Almost students (2)Most of the student (3)Almost the students (4)Most students It was () we found the nice antique silver spoons. (1)in London that (2)what in London (3)London in where (4)in London which He () us a tale about his adventure. (1)said (2)spoke (3)told (4)talked の答えと解説をお願いします。

  • TOEFL英作文特訓中です。

    お世話になります。 以下、TOEFL公式英作文問題集からの引用ですが。 In class they have the advantage of learning from the teacher, of interacting with their classmates, and of developing the resposivility it takes to be a good student. という模範解答の英文があります。 and of developing the resposivility it takes to be a good student は、「いい生徒になるために必要となる責任感を養う」という 感じの訳だと思われますが、このitは、whichやthatでは駄目 なのでしょうか? また、もし私が、英作文していたら、responsibility which is needed to be a good student と書いていたと思いますが、 これでは駄目でしょうか? お手数おかけし、恐縮ですが、ご指導いただければ幸いです。

  • この英文の和訳をお願いします。

    この英文の和訳をお願いします。 Trained as a painter of Nihonga , or modern Japanese-style figurative painting , and an expert on the classical Kano school of painting , which domimated Japanese art between the fifteenth and eighteenth centries , Murakami believes that Japanese art never distinguished high from low in the manner of European art.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いいたします。

    こんにちは。 お詳しい方の以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。 After taking Rhodes, the Turkish grand sultan allowed the knights a dignified departure wherein they were granted permission to leave and to take all of their possessions with them -- not least of which being the mummified hand of John the Baptist. これは16世紀のロドス島での聖ヨハネ騎士団に関しての説明です。 (1)この中にあるwhereinがどう訳すのかうまくわかりません。特になぜinがあるのでしょうか。 (2)not least of which being the mummified hand of John the Baptist.の中のof whichはwhoseと同じ役割でいいのでしょうか。 お詳しい方のご回答をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 下記の英文の訳し方がわかりません。

    Or he may give what on face of it is a polished lecture, but one which takes for granted that the lecturer can take for granted that the class takes for granted all that he takes for granted. この英文は長文問題集の本文の下線部訳の部分を抜き出しました。最後に全文を掲載しました。(12個の文があり、番号を付けました) 疑問が2つあり、また自作の和訳も書いてみました。長くなりますが、よろしくお願いします。 1)「but one which takes for granted」の「one」が何を指しているのか、わかりません。 2)「take for granted」が4回繰り返される英文の訳し方(意味の取り方)を教えて下さい。 [自作の和訳] 「あるいは、彼はその表面上は洗練された講義をするかもしれない。 しかし、その講師が当然だと思っている全てをそのクラスの学生も当然だと思っていることを、その講師も当然だと思っているとone も当然だと思っている。」 (1)In passing from school to college the student must prepare himself for the fact that he may be going to a place in which he will receive the best education in the world by the world’s worst teacher. (2)His teachers at school had been trained to teach. (3)At the university hardly any of those who teach will have been trained to teach. (4)Their major concern will be about the advancement of knowledge. (5)They may indeed like lecturing, just because they are bursting to express their new ideas. (6)But they may lecture in a way which has no relation to well-prepared lessons which students have been accustomed to receive. (7)The university teacher may turn his back on the class and excitedly write formulas on the blackboard, all the time delivering his statements very fast which are intended to give the class some clue to what he is so excited about. (8)Or he may give what on face of it is a polished lecture, but one which takes for granted that the lecturer can take for granted that the class takes for granted all that he takes for granted. (9)To be taught by such teachers is one of the greatest educational privileges in the world. (10)But in the odd forms of communication that occur in the lecture rooms of universities, the chief responsibility is at the receiving end. (11)That is why, rather paradoxically, university education is the most advanced form of self-education. (12)The student has to find out for himself the best way of listening to lectures.

  • 英文…訳していただけませんか?

    長文を訳しているのですが、二文だけ、どうしても訳せない文があって困っています。 どなたか英語が得意な方、訳していただけませんか? Similarly , one teacher may prefer to give explicit explanation and practice of a new grammar point before getting students to use it in a communicative activity. Another teacher may prefer to introduce the grammar point in the form of a contextualized dialogue and only draw the attention of the student to the grammatical form after they have used it communicatively or pseudocommunicatively. お願いします;;

  • 英語の文書の書き換え問題を教えてください

    (1)Mr.Smith was our English teacher.   We (    )(    )English by Mr.Smith. (2)All these novels were interesting to me.   I (    )(    )(    )all these novels. I (    ) a(    )(    )all these novels (3)The student knows the name of the town. The name of the town is(    )(    )the student (4)We all know her well She is (    )(    )(    )us all (5)Who discovered the island? (    )was the island discovered(    ) ?