• ベストアンサー




補足拝見しました。ありがとうございます。 訳が混乱を招いたようで大変失礼いたしました。個人的に、#3の方がおっしゃるように、2重否定→肯定ということになりますが、わざわざ前後を否定にする場合にはそれなりに理由があってのことだと思うのです。例えば、 I don't think it's impossible.→不可能ではないけど、絶対に可能とも言い切れない。 などと解釈しておりました。ですので、今回の 1:I don't think a few days off wouldn't cure. と 2:I don't think that a few days off wouldn't cure. のとらえ方として、1は「2~3日休めば良くなるかも知れない(もしかしたら良くならないかも知れない)。」2は「2~3日休んでも良くならないかも知れないけど、何とかならないこともない。」 という意味合いを含んでいるものとして考えておりました。あくまでも個人的な語感です。 例えば、 I don't think it's anything that I cannot work out. ですと、わざわざit's anythingを入れることにより、「できないかも知れないけど、出来ないこともない」という意味を含んでいるものと考えておりましたし、そのように使われていることが多い気がしておりました。 ただ、英検の出題文ということで、ここまで考える必要はないのかも知れません。いずれにせよ誤解を招く回答をしてしまい大変失礼いたしました!!



またまた参考になりました^^ いままでのこのサイトでのやりとりのなかで、一番充実したものになりました。 誠にありがとうございました^^


  • 会話文 正答が正しいかどうか?

    国家公務員採用試験の英語出題について、模範正答に納得できないのでみなさんに質問致します。 問い)次のAとBの会話文の(   )に入る文として、最も適切なものは(1)~(5)のどれか。 A : What happened? You don't look fine. B : I feel sick. A : Did you eat anything bad? B : (                  ) (1) : Yes, I didn't eat bad food. (2) : No, thank you. I don't want to eat anything. (3) : Yes, I am good at cooking. (4) : No, I drank too much wine. (5) : Yes, you did. 取り寄せた正答は(4)になっています。  この正答で間違いないでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 会話の応答文の答えを教えて下さい。

    Mr. A : I don't think we'll make it on time. Ms. A : That's why I said we should leave earlier. Mr. A : I know, I know, but ( ) ( )内に入る適切なものを答えなさい。 1. don't you remember I was the one who insisted on leaving home earlier? 2. if we are late for the concert, it'll be your fault. 3. the problem is that we didn't expect anything like this. 4. why are the roads so crowded at this time of a weekday? 1,2がおかしいのはわかるのですが、3ではいけないでしょうか? 答えは4になっています。

  • 英語が分からないので教えてください

    カッコ内の単語を並べ替えてください。 1.(now, order, are, ready, you, to),or shall I give you few more minutes? 2.(for, of, another, same, the, me),please. 3.Well, I think (night, I'll, it, call, a). It's been a long day. 4.(room, do, have, left, you, any) for dessert? 5.(think, I, for, I'll, go, the) vegetarian special. 6.I've been (catch, trying, to, waiter's, the, eye), but he doesn't seem to notice me. 7.(what, you, will, be, it, for),madam? 8.(it, you, if, bother, doesn't),I think I'll have a glass of wine.

  • 自然な会話文になるように、添削をお願いします。

    Kevin: Hi. Looks like busy, huh? Texting? John: Um... Yeah... K: To whom? J: ... Nobody... K: Hey, hey, it wouldn't happen to be her. Don't tell me you started to text her again. J: ... K: Answer quick. J: Well, I'm just wishing there is a way that... I could have another chance... K: Come on! You just don't understand, do you? If you keep doing this thing, he's gonna show up right in front of you at any minute. What would you do then? Think you can handle it? J: ... Whatever... K: John, I know you had your heart broken badly and I feel really sorry about it. But, look, you two are NEVER getting back together and you know it. You have to face it. Just forget about her and live again. J: Well, that's easy for you to say... K: I'll tell you what. John, there are millions of girls out there waiting for you, I promise. I think it's about time to go out. (the cell ringing) K: It's your date, John. J: What do you mean, "my date"? K: I gave Alice your number. J: You mean you fix me up? K: No, I mean, she's been interested in you for million years, that's all. You know, she sure is a lot of fun to hang out with. I bet you have a good time. Come on! What are you waiting for? Answer it! J: Well... Okay, I'll speak to her. K: Okay! Go for it! John, you are gonna owe me so big for this if you can make it, remember that? よろしくお願いします。

  • 入試問題の対話文です

    1文を選んで1語追加して並べ替える問題です。 Jiro:Are you alli right,Joe? you don't look well at all. Joe:I don't feel good.In fact,I feel terrible.I've got a headache.(1)____. Jiro:Let me feel your forehead.You're really burning up. How long have you been feeling this way? Joe:(2)_____.It's gradually gotten worse,though. Jiro:Have you taken any aspirin or anything like that? Joe:I took two aspirins after breakfast.But i don't think they were effective. Jiro:(3)________.I think you ought to see a doctor right away. Joe:(4)_________.I'm not sure where to go. Jiro:The college has its own doctor.He's very good. I'll take you to see him if you like. Joe:Thanks veru much. I'd appreciate it. A (I,once,hospital,to,have,the) B(been,woke,I,this,up,I've,like) C(I,too,fever,have ,high,think,a) D (what,tell,you,I,me,happened,want) E(serious,if ,have,something,it,sounds,you) F (before,doctor ,Japan,never,in,I,have,to,a) わたしの答え (1)??? (2)I've been like this since I woke up. (3)I think you have a high fever ,too. (4)I have never been to a doctor in Japan before. 打ち間違いがあるかもしれませんが、 おしえてください。

  • 英訳なんですが

    彼から貰ったメールなんですが、私の解釈があいまいすぎてなんと返事を出していいか分りません。 彼は私に対して、一体ナンなの???どういうつもり!もういいや!と怒っているような感じがするんですが、この文章だと正しい訳はどのようになるんでしょうか?このようになんとなくでしか理解ができません、分る方いらっしゃいましたらどうか教えて下さいお願いします。 You must don't email a lot huh! It's been about a week and I think that you are very busy! When I come back, I want to see you but you really seem like you never had a boyfriend so you never keep in contact with people. Well, take it easy ○○(私の名前)! I wonder every day, how you are doing but you don't reply to anything I write. Am I an ugly guy or something? What's the deal here? I know that I shouldn't worry as much because maybe I shouldn't care at all! Maybe I should chill by myself.......

  • 英文解釈をお願いします。

    Bの解釈に悩んでいます。和訳をお願い致します。。 A:Okay, let’s go through your wardrobe. It’s kind of slim pickings in here. B:I don’t think I’m as clueless as I look when I walk out of my house. It’s more that I just don’t have anything. A:You wear things that make you feel comfortable……that look good on your frame. A:Because you have, what you think, is an unusual body.  And I’m telling you, it’s not as unusual as you think.

  • It’s been a long night in New York

    It’s been a long night in New York City It’s been a long time since 20 too I don’t remember you looking any better But then again I don’t remember, don't remember you この意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • 分詞か動名詞? そして文の構造が分かりません。

    以下の文ですが、意味は何となく分かるんですが、 構造が分かりません。~ingが分詞になるのか 動名詞になるのか、文の構造を教えてください。 1.This is your captain speaking. (こちらは機長です。) このspeakingはcaptainに掛かる分詞ですか? 2.It's been nice meeting you. (お会いできて良かったです。) meetingは動名詞でniceの後に前置詞が省略されているのでしょうか? 3.I think it's terrible. Gils chasing boys! (とんでもない、女の子が男の子を追いかけるなんて!) このchasingはどういう構造でどのような使用法なんでしょうか? 4.I don't like people talking loudly (私は人が大声で話すのは嫌いだ) talkingは動名詞ですか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 会話文について

    会話文について A: Janet,have you seen my wallet? B: No,I haven't. A: This is really strange. I'm sure I put it on this table, but now I can't find it. B: Is there a lot of money in it? A: No,just a few dollars, but my driver's license is in it, so I really have to find it. B: Have you checked your jacket pocket? Maybe that's where it is. A: No, it isn't there. B:( ) A: Because I just remembered where I put it. Year, here it is. just where I put it when I got dressedーin the back pocket of my jeans. 1. Well, how do you know if you don't check 2. Are you positive that's where you placed it 3. Why are you always so tidy 4. Why are you so sure you put it on the table この答えは1になるのですが、どうしても1をうまく訳すことができません。 赤本の訳によると、「まあ、チェックもしていないのになんでわかるの?」となるのですが、自分が訳すと「どうしてチェックしていないのかどうかわかるの?」となってしまいます。 自分は、knowの後には目的語が必要だと思い、ifを「~かどうか」という名詞節で取ったのですが。。 まさか、knowの後には何かが省略されているのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。