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私なら文を分割して順序を入れ替えます。一案ですが、  それこそが、宗教神学上の対立の下でこの苦悶  の題材に関与してしまったミケランジェロの  感情表明である。  当時教会内では深い軋轢が生じており、また  トレント公会議で最高潮に達していた、カトリック  とプロテスタントの修復不能な分裂期でもあった。 といった具合に、時代背景を後に付け加えれば いいのではないでしょうか。 ・more than once はそのまま「複数(回)」、という意味でしょう。  自画像もおそらく複数出現していて、少なくとも  聖バルトロマロイが持っている、剥がされた皮は  確実にそれである。 ・personal involvement について  直後の "this agonizing theme" の this が指す内容がわかると、よりはっきりすると思います。thisが「最後の審判」なのか、それとも別の問題なのかは、示された原文だけからはなんともいえません。


  • 翻訳希望

    以下の英文を翻訳していただけるかた、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします Also, you are intensely private and personal, while he is more social and needs more friends and acquaintances and a busy life, variety and to participate in the world at large. Involvement in groups, associations, clubs, or community affairs is important to him. His interests are broad and he needs intellectual companionship and sharing on a mental or spiritual level, This means that you might feel you don’t get enough of his attention..

  • 経済英語についての質問です。

    this is the result of significant increases in primary expenditures and revenues, of more than 0,3 percent of GDP per year. どう訳したらよいかわかりません。 どなたかご教授くださいm(__)m.

  • 訳してください!↓続きです

    These different approaches to knowledge are reflected in different relationships to the scholarly process. A scholar can play the role of a transcendent observer, applying rigorous reason and research to a chosen study and remaining unimplicated in the results of what is learnt. This relationship involves a strict separation of the observer from the observed and a trust of the 'other', be it the composer or the work, and a sense that the facts provided are what is needed. Or a scholar can be self-critical, acknowledging the power of language and the interdependence of language and meaning in musicological work. This may lead the scholar to ask not only theoretical questions but also political and ethical ones which may in turn shed light on some aspect of the larger would as reflected in music. Alternatively, a scholar can focus on personal insight, considering one's personal experience of music as a source of knowledge. Taking personal relevance or one's own perspective as the point of departure makes it clear that the scholar plays an important role in producing musical meaning. At the same time, such a perspective may have limitations as to the general relevance of the insights produced.

  • アメリカのニュースの和訳をお願いしたいんですが、英語が苦手なので困って

    アメリカのニュースの和訳をお願いしたいんですが、英語が苦手なので困ってます;; どなたか英語の得意な方教えてください!! Katie:America's carmakers are coming off a terrible year. Ford sales in 2008 were down more than 20% General Motors down nearly 23% and Chrysler sales fell 30%. And with that,Mark Strassmann reports,showroom after showroom is shutting down. Mark:With America's car business stuck in reverse,the annual convention of America's car dealers is no party. Stephan:It's hard to say this,but we're in survival mode. Mark:Stephan Wade's typical a utah car dealer since the early 70s. He built six franchises. TV Ad:Experience something out of this world Stephan Wade Cadillac. Mark:And last year,five of then lost money,though he won't say how much. He's had to lay off a hundred people. Stephan:I've lost about a third of our employees. Mark:So on the convention floor,Wade's looking for help and hope in seminars about survival. Is 2009 a make-or-break year? Stephan:Yes...yes,and for so many,for so many,it's a break year. Mark:America has 20,000 car dealerships,which sold almost three million fewer new cars last year than in 2007. Instead of closing deals,more dealerships are closing shop. 900 dealerships shutterd last year. By one estimate,at least another eleven hundred will close this year,in markets like Phoenix. Nobody in here now. 誤字脱字あったらすみません↓

  • アメリカのニュースでの冒頭?の場面なんですが、英語が得意な方、教えてく

    アメリカのニュースでの冒頭?の場面なんですが、英語が得意な方、教えてください! よろしくお願いします!! Katie:America's carmakers are coming off a terrible year. Ford sales in 2008 were down more than 20% General Motors down nearly 23% and Chrysler sales fell 30%. And with that,Mark Strassmann reports,showroom after showroom is shutting down. Mark:With America's car business stuck in reverse,the annual convention of America's car dealers is no party. Stephan:It's hard to say this,but we're in survival mode. Mark:Stephan Wade's typical a utah car dealer since the early 70s. He built six franchises. TV Ad:Experience something out of this world Stephan Wade Cadillac. Mark:And last year,five of then lost money,though he won't say how much. He's had to lay off a hundred people. Stephan:I've lost about a third of our employees. Mark:So on the convention floor,Wade's looking for help and hope in seminars about survival. Is 2009 a make-or-break year? Stephan:Yes...yes,and for so many,for so many,it's a break year. Mark:America has 20,000 car dealerships,which sold almost three million fewer new cars last year than in 2007. Instead of closing deals,more dealerships are closing shop. 900 dealerships shutterd last year. By one estimate,at least another eleven hundred will close this year,in markets like Phoenix. Nobody in here now.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    In this sense,rice does much better.It contains far less fat than bread, and white rice contains less than one-tenth of the fat in both breads.Protein is a substance our body needs in order to grow and remBesides the mineral above, whole-grain foods have a higher amount of magnesium in brown rice is seven times as much as that in white rice.Whole-wheat bread contains more than three times the amount of it than in white breads.There is also a largeain healty.Both kinds of bread have around four to five times as much protein as both kinds of rice have.

  • 言語学について

    言語学の専門書を読んでいるのですが、いまひとつ内容が掴めません。 できればパラグラフ毎の要約を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。 System for organizing grammatical relations In order to insightfully discuss systems of grammatical relations within a clause, it is convenient to identify three basic "semantico-syntactic roles" termed S, A and O. Similar terms are used by Comrie and Silverstein. These terms assume two prototypical clause types. The S is defined as the only nominal argument of a single-argument clause. This quite different from the S used by Greeberg in his characterization of constituent order typology, as discussed in chapter 7, or the S used in earlier versions of generative grammar to refer to the highest node in constituent structure. While the term S often reminds us of the grammatical relation subject, S as used in this chapter refers informally to the "Single" argument of a single-argument clause. Sometimes this type of clause is referred to as INTRANSITIVE clause. The A is defined as the most AGENT-like argument of a multi-argument clause. Sometimes this type of clause is referred to as a TRANSITIVE clause. If there is no argument that is a very good agent, the A is the argument that is treated morphosyntactically in the same manner as prototypical agents are treated. Usually there will be one argument in every verbal clause that exhibits this property, though there may not be.More complex systems are described below. O is the most PATIENT-like argument of a multi-argument clause (see chapter 4). While the term O often reminds us of the grammatical relation "object", O refers informally to the "Other" argument of a multi-argument clause. Again, if none of the arguments is very much like a PATIENT, then the argument that is treated like a prototype patient is considered to be the O. In this schema, the grammatical relation of SUBJECT can be defined universally(fo all languages, rather than for one particular language) as S together with A, while DIRECT OBJECT, or simply "object" can be defined as O alone. Some languages pay more grammatical attention to these notions than do others. In the following extended discussion, we will discuss the various morphosyntactic systems for expressing S, A and O. Languages may treat S and A the same morphosyntactically, and O differently. The following English examples illustrate this system with pronominal case forms-one form, "he" is used for third-person singular masculine pronouns in both the S and the A roles. A different form, "him", is used for third-person masculine singular pronouns in the O role. The extended circle around S and A in this diagram indicates that S and A are treated by the grammar of English as "the same", as demonstrated by the subject properties discuss above (use of the subject case form, "he", in 24, immediately before the verb). The distinct circle around O indicates that O is treated differently, insofar as a different pronominal form, "him", is used to refer to it. "Him" also appears in a different position in the clause, namely after the verb. This system is often referred to as a NOMINATIVE/ACCUSATIVE system. The morphosyntactic grouping of S and A together can be called the NOMINATIVE case, while the distinct morphosyntactic treatment of the O role is the ACCUSATIVE case. The Quechuan languages (a group of languages spoken throughout the Andes mountains in South America) employ the same arrangement. However, in addition to pronominal forms and constituent order, the Quecha languages express this system in morphological case marking on free noun phrases. In the following examples from Huallaga Quechua the same case marker 0(zero), occurs on noun phrases in both the S and A roles. A dis tinct case marker, "-ta", occurs on noun phrases in the O role (all Quechua examples courtesy of David Weber, p.c.)

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Aside from forcing a recognition of the personal elements of inquiry, Erikson suggests that personal involvement opens up potentialities for insight. Behavior is reflexive; it emerges through transactions. Understanding the transactional environment requires a “feel” for what is human about behavior. Such understanding demands an appreciation of factuality and a perspective on reality, but also a sense of action and what it can reveal. です。長いですが、どうしても専門書のためうまく訳できません。お願いします。

  • 英文の翻訳お願いします。

    TLRと敗血症に関する論文のものです。 どうしてもこの一文が訳せません。よろしくお願いします(>_<) In no situation is this perilous balance between the initiation and resolution of inflammation more important than in microbial sepsis.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    /In the middle of the world's fatest growing city, a group of young businesspeople and students push their way into a circle. /In the center is a young man looking at the crowd. /This is not a scene from Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park in London, but one of the English corners in Shanghai,China.