• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー率30% (54/178)

自動翻訳を使うようでしたらありでしょう。 だいたい滞在中どんなコミュニケーションしていたのですか?





  • 意味が通じますか?

    下の英語の文章ですが下の日本語の訳のように読み取ることができますか? 変と思うところがあれば指摘お願いします。 the physical condition worsensという体調が悪くなるという表現したもののしっくりきません。体調というのを表現するときphysicalで良いのでしょうか? I want to become a system engineer in the future. Such a story has been heard. Life becomes irregular, and, in addition, the physical condition worsens to work of system engineer. Moreover, the value to the work is a little. It is not understood whether it is true. However, it is different how it feels it because it depends on the person. Those problems will not worry if it is work that I want to do. Otherwise, it is thought it is painful and doesn't last long. It is the best to be able to choose the work that I want to do. 私は将来システムエンジニアになりたい。 こういう話を聞いたことがある。システムエンジニアという仕事は生活が不規則になり、さらに体調が悪くなる。又労働時間に対する対価が少ない。事実かどうかはわからない。 ただそれは人によってどのように感じるかは異なる。 自分がやりたいと思う仕事であればそれらの問題は気にしないだろう。そうでなければ苦しく思い長続きしない。自分がしたい仕事を選べることが一番良い。

  • 英文を訳してください

    英文を訳してください アメリカから商品を輸入しました。 輸入先からメールが届いたのですが 内容が理解できませんでした。 訳していただけますでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。 Call Tag Fees Effective Immediately For all orders that we generate a call tag for, should the product that is returned be the product that was ordered and it is not defective, you will be charged for the call tag and shipping fees. We are increasingly getting product back that is the correct product that was ordered, but it was reported that the customer received an incorrect item. We have always paid for these fees and not passed them on when the error was not at fault of Our company . We will no longer pay for un-necessary returns. Thank you for your support in this matter.

  • 英文のおかしい所を直してください!

    I went to a driving school and an ion on Saturday. In the morning, I ran on the street by car. It was very fun. I went to an ion with a friend in the afternoon. I was very glad to be able to do shopping. 宜しくお願いします!!

  • 暑さが戻ったという表現

    英語は苦手ですが最近英語で毎日日記を書きはじめました。 天気などの表現でit was sunny and muggy のような今日は晴れて蒸し暑かった いうような簡単な表現はわかるのですが、暑さが戻ったという表現がわかりません。 思いつきで表現すると こんな感じなんですが ↓ it was Heat returns これでいいのでしょうか? 教えていただきたいです。

  • 海外ホテルへのリクエストメール(英文)

    下記のような内容のリクエストメールを滞在先のホテルに送りたいのですが、英語が苦手なので翻訳サイトを利用しました。 ホテル側の方が受け取って気持ちの良い、失礼にならないメールを送りたいです。 訂正点などありましたら、教えていただけたらと思っております。 よろしくお願い致します。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 初めまして。 ○月○日から、○○○○ホテルに日本から滞在する○○と申します。 早速ですが、部屋についてリクエストをお願いしたく、メールを差し上げました。 眺めのいい素敵なホテルと聞きましたので、 できることなら、できるだけ高層階の眺めのいい部屋に宿泊できたら嬉しいのですが、お願いできますか?  ↓ Nice to meet you. I say on July 1 staying ○○ from Japan to the ○○○○ hotel. To come straight to the point, it wanted to ask for the request of the room, and I sent mail. Because it was heard a wonderful hotel where the view is good Could you do though are glad when it is possible to stay in A Room With a View of a multistory floor as much as possible if possible? ------------------------------------------------------------ どうぞよろしくお願い致します。

  • 英文を作りました。間違っていますか?

    私は普段返品を受け付けませんが、私はすべてのお客様が私の品物を 買ってくれたときに満足しても欲しいと考えています。 商品を受け取ったとき、商品を送ったときの状態であると言う事なら 全額返金させて頂きます。私の住所は・・・。 I don't usually accept returns however, as I want all my customers to be happy when they buy from me, I will offer you full refund for the item provided it is shipped back to me in original condition. Plsarrange for shpmt back to me and I will refund you all the costs upon receipt of the item in same condition as shipped to you. My address is …

  • 英文解釈について(><)

    下記英文の解釈について教えてください。よろしくお願いします。 1. More than one trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity was being produced o light homes and run factories, provided 84.3%. →was being producedのように、being過去分詞が使われるのはいつでしょうか? 2.Regardless of whether the world is getting warmer or cooler, it is certain that even small changes in climate can upset weather patterns, which have a direct effect on water supplies and other aspects of the environment. → cooler, it isのように , itと続くのはいつでしょうか? 3.These pollutants pass through the food chain to humans, where they tend to build up in nerve tissue. →, whereと続くのは、いつでしょうか? 4. He developed a new approach based on the idea that an animal's behavior is determined by its struggle for survival and is therefore the product of evolution, just as an animal's physical features are. →, just as an animal's physical features areのように、, just as SVと続くのはなぜでしょうか? 5. It is knowledge that whales and dolphins can hear and make sounds, but the extent to which sea mammals use sound to communicate and navigate was not known until World War II. →, but the extent to whichとwhichが続いているのはなぜでしょうか?

  • 困っています。次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    英語の文章なのですが、私には難しくて和訳ができないです。翻訳サイト等を使わずに、和訳をお願いできないでしょうか? The Greek Memoranda strategy is organised through two EAPs and their numerous interim revisions . The first EAP was launched in March 2010 . It issued 110 billion loans (80 billion from EU countries and 30 billion from IMF ) with 5.5 per cent interest rate , for the service of the external debt and the needs of the Greek economy with a time horizon (in term of its loans ) until 2013 . Then it was assumed that Greece would not be needing support and could borrow directly on the international markets . This means that the loan program was planned for the three-year period of 2010-13. Moreover , it was planned that BD in 2014 would be less than 3 per cent of GDP . It was also predicted that for the first two years of the program the economy would shrink by about 6.6 per cent and that cumulative growth of 5.3 per cent would follow in 2012-14 .

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    As foreign minister Briand formulated an original proposal for a new economic union of Europe. Described as Briand's Locarno diplomacy and as an aspect of Franco-German rapprochement, it was his answer to Germany's quick economic recovery and future political power. Briand made his proposals in a speech in favor of a European Union in the League of Nations on 5 September 1929, and in 1930, in his "Memorandum on the Organization of a Regime of European Federal Union" for the Government of France. The idea was to provide a framework to contain France's former enemy while preserving as much of the 1919 Versailles settlement as possible. The Briand plan entailed the economic collaboration of the great industrial areas of Europe and the provision of political security to Eastern Europe against Soviet threats. The basis was economic cooperation, but his fundamental concept was political, for it was political power that would determine economic choices. The plan, under the Memorandum on the Organization of a System of European Federal Union, was in the end presented as a French initiative to the League of Nations. With the death of his principal supporter, German foreign minister Gustav Stresemann, and the onset of the Great Depression in 1929, Briand's plan was never adopted but it suggested an economic framework for developments after World War II that eventually resulted in the European Union.

  • この英文が訳しづらいです

    すみません 先程投稿ミスで英文かくのをわすれてしまいました。外国人の知り合いからのメールなんですが訳がわかりづらいです 教えてください I am mostly staying close to home today people come to me today but i am already and start at 12pm but was talking to my sister in New York this morning 今日はいえの近くにすんでる人のところへ泊まって 夜中の12 ニューヨークの妹と話していた ? 全然わかりませんでした お願いします 基本的な文ですよね…