• ベストアンサー


The news that his brother's house in Nagano was damaged by the earthquake was a great shock to him. 単文に直してください。お願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • kobecco
  • ベストアンサー率44% (94/213)

ご質問の英文を単文に直すと、次のようになります。 “He was greatly shocked to know the damage of his brother’s house in Nagano by the earthquake.”


その他の回答 (2)

  • artist0
  • ベストアンサー率24% (92/378)

To his great ~, his brother's house in Nagano was damaged by the earthquake. とするのが、まわりくどくなくていいと思いますが、 to his shock と言えるかどうか定かでないのが泣き所です。 ~ にうまくはまる表現があるといいのですが。





His brother's house in Nagano was damaged by the earthquake. The news was a great shock to him.






  • made of made by

    その家は、彼によって木で作られた。を英訳すると The house was made of wood by him. The house was made by him of wood. この2つが思い浮かびましたが、どちらか当たってますか。

  • 解説をお願いします

    以下のそれぞれの英文の解説をお願い出来ますでしょうか? (1)彼らが書いた手紙は長いです。 誤答:The letter written by them is long. 正答:The letter that they wrote is long. (2)この家は去年、彼によって建てられました。 誤答:This house was built by him last year. 正答:This house was built last year by him. (3)朝早く起きることは大変ですか? 誤答:Is it hard to get up early morninng? 正答:Is it hard to get up early in the morninng? なんとなく意味の違いやどうして下段の英文の方が正しいのかはわかるのですが、明確な解説が出来ません。 助けて頂けましたら幸いです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • without the suspicionを含む文の訳をお願いします

    In your own house you might have kicked him downstairs and slammed the door in the face without the suspicion dawning on him that he was not a weocome visitor.  以上の文章のwithout the suspicion dawning on himがよく解りませんので、ご教示下さい。

  • ....that was been written by himがわからない!

    昨日ネイティブの方と勉強をしていて、このような表現を教えてもらいました。 The book that was been written by him 意味はわかります。本はまだ完成していないんですよね!?途中で何かが起こり、書きかけの本ということになってますよね!? でも文法的なことが一切わかりません。 どうしてwasが使われるのですか!?受動態の形になっているのと、完了形の形が混ざっているように思うのですが、何だかピンときません。 The book that has been written by him The book that was written by him(これはもう本は完成してますよね!?) 全てピンとこないので、この違いについて教えていただけますか!? お願いします。

  • 長文の中のある一文なんですが

    From the point of view of his teachers, hi was an unsatisfactory pupil, apparently incapable of progress in languages, history, geography, and other primary subjects.His interest in mathematics was roused, not by his instructors, but by a Jewish medical student, Max Talmey, who gave him a book on geometry, and so set him upon a course of enthusiastic study which made him, at the age of fourteen, a better mathematician than his masters. という文なのですが、後半のbut by a Jewish・・・ のあたりから後ろの文はすべてMax Talmeyの説明の文となっているのでしょうか? あとその部分の中の set him upon a course of enthusiastic study which made him という部分はどう訳せばいいんでしょうか? set him uponの部分とstudy which made him をどうしていいかわからないです。 どうかよろしくお願いします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    "Pete" was a friend of mine. He was 20 years older than I and died at the age of 87. He worked hard his entire life and retired with his wife, and they lived in a small but nice house in Palm Springs. They didn't spend much money and had just enough for a comfortable retirement. Their main source of wealth was their house, which was valued at $600,000, and they owned it free and clear. I live in Los Angeles, a little more than 100 miles from Palm Springs, and we kept in touch by phone at least once a week. I would visit him in person three or four times a year. The point is that I did not keep track of Pete day to day. You can imagine my surprise when one day I woke up to find three voice messages from him saying that I must fire his new caregiver, "George." I called Pete back but could not reach him. I found out later that he had been taken to the hospital and had died several hours later, alone in the hospital room with George. I was immediately suspicious because Pete had been in excellent health, but I could prove nothing. The hospital said he died of "heart failure," and considering his advanced age, that was that. Pete left me various personal items in his will, and when I went to his house to retrieve them, I was shocked to discover that George had moved into his bedroom. George is younger than I am, but he was suddenly having an affair with Pete's widow! I was too disgusted to comment, especially by the timing. that was thatはどう訳したら良いでしょうか?あと、 by the timingはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • inform him of the news の受動態

    I informed him of the news. という文は、 He was informed of the news by me. と受動態にできると思うのですが、 The news was informed him of by me. とすることはできないように思います。それは正しいですか? また、できないのなら、どうしてできないのでしょうか? 文法的な説明をお願いいたします。

  • この一文を和訳してください><

    I didn't let the pause last, not upon seeing the look that momentarily passed on his face. Nerves kicked in, despite the burn in his chest telling him to take it easy, he was compelled to talk. どういう意味なのでしょうか、私にはさっぱり理解できませんでした、 どなたか和訳してくださいませんか??

  • in houseなのか at a house

    彼は昨日家にいました。と言いたいときに どういう言い方が正しいのでしょうか。 (1)He was in a house yesterday. (2)He was in house yesterday. (3)He was in his house yesterday. (4)He was at house yesterday. (5)He was in his house yesterday. 特にaをつけたりつけなかったりと違いがよく わかりません。ネイティブの感覚がわかる方、 どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • hisの修飾場所について

    A was killed by B in his house. という文の場合、his house は A と B、どちらの家という意味になりますか?

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