
  • 質問文章の要約文1
  • 質問文章の要約文2
  • 質問文章の要約文3
  • ベストアンサー


If in timeslot mode and TSA B2 enable is a 0,then the B2 channel is not present on D,and the transmit data on the S/T interfaced to all 1s and D is high impedance. です。 このIFのあと、なにか主語でも省略されているのでしょうか? 「タイムスロットモードでSTA B2有効が0なら、その後、B2チャンネルはDに存在せず、S/Tインターフェース上の送信データは全て1に強要され、Dは高インピーダンスです。」 かと思ったんですが… これば電気の取説の分文です。 すみませんが、どなたか教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • dipdip
  • お礼率44% (116/263)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー

in timeslot mode and TSA で一旦切って、B2 を if 節の主語と考えました。また、enable (what) is a 0 の what が省略されていると考えれば、この if 節は説明可能です。 interfaced to all 1s and D は、the S/T を後ろから修飾する句で、interfaced は過去分詞の形容詞用法です。 ですから最後の節では、the transmit data on the S/T interfaced to all 1s and D までが主語になります。 「タイムスロットモードとTSA において、B2 が有効にするものが 0 である場合、B2 チャンネルは D 上にはなく、全ての 1 と D に接続された S/T 上の送信データがハイ・インピーダンスになる。」 専門的な文章なので、日本語訳は変ですが、だいたいこんな意味だと思います。

その他の回答 (1)


放映時間モードおよび TSA B2の場合、その後0が可能にする、B2チャンネルはD、あるいはすべての1およびDに接続されたS/Tの上の送信データで存在しない高いインピーダンスだ。 難しいです。なんの事だかわかりません。軽く流して参考にしてください。


  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    Maybe she panicked when she saw the barries were down on the other side. She dropped her bicycle and spilled all the groceries in her basket. People on both sides were calling to her, telling her to run because a train was coming, but she just stood there.Then suddenly a brave young man jumped over the barrier on the other side,ran to the woman, put her on his shoulder and carried her to safety.The train came in on the track closest to me, so she wouldn't have been injured, but still it was a scary moment.When the barriers came up again, some other people picked up the woman's bicycle and groceries for her.If the railway company doesn't make that crossing safer, it's only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured there.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    Walters is a man of few words. When asked by the press why he did it, he said: 'You can't just sit there.' When asked if he was scared, he answered:'Wonderfully so.' When asked if he would do it again, he said: 'No.' And asked if he was glad that he did it, he grinned said:'Oh,yes.' The human race sits in its chair.On the one hand is the message that says there's nothing left to do.And people like Larry Walters are busy tying balloons to their chairs, directed by dreams and imagination to realize them.

  • 英語の訳

    This email is to notify you that an invoice has been created for your account at HostGator.com, which is due on 03/15/2012. The Invoice ID is 14174328, and is due for the amount of 9.95 dollars. If you have a credit card on file with us, this invoice will automatically be billed on 03/15/2012. You may login anytime to make a manual payment at: https://gbclient.hostgator.com/login/ We are available 24/7. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. どなたか訳して頂けませんでしょうか? 翻訳サイトなどではわかりづらいので・・・。 宜しく御願いします。

  • 英語の穴埋めと訳の問題です

    次の英語の問題の解答をどなたかお願い出来ないでしょうか 答えが無いのと体調がすぐれない為 思う様に進められません 宜しくお願いします。 次の英文中の( )内に最も適する表現を a ~ d の中から1つ選びなさい  ・ There is ( ) telling what will happen in the future .    ( a:not   b:any   c:all   d:no )  ・ You ( ) go to such a place in the middle of the night .    ( a:had better not   b:had not better   c:didn’t have better      d:hadn’t better )  ・ He is one of her friends . = He is a friend of ( ) .    ( a:she   b:hers   c:her’s   d:she’s )  ・ I haven’t seen him ( ) three years .    ( a:during   b:from   c:since   d:for )  ・ ( ) had he finished his work when he went out .    (a:Frequently   b:Hard   c:Scarcely   d:Often ) 答えと合わせて 訳・解説の様なものも頂けると助かります 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    The human race sits in its chair.On the one hand is the message that the human situation ishopeless. And people like Larry Walters soar upward knowing anything is possible, sending back the message from eleven thousand feet: 'I really did it. I'm FLYING!' It's the spirit here that counts.The time may be long, the vehicle may be strange or unexpected. But if the dream is held close to the heart, and imagination is applied to what there is close at hand, everything is still possible.

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??

    Heh, it's sad but it's a true. In period of 1990 through 1999 only bad things happened in Yugoslavia [now Serbia and Montenegro]. And, what is more sadly is that it wasn't Serbia's fault, but now they put 80% of guilt on the Serbia's spine. こんにちは、いつも御世話になっています。下から二行目のnow they put 80% of guilt on the Serbia's spine.という文章のspineについてなんですが80%の罪がセルビアの背にある=セルビアのせいになっている....といったような訳でいいのでしょうか?? だれかお願いします。

  • プログラミング教えてください!!!お願いします。

    プログラミング教えてください!!!お願いします。 次の文が実行されると何がどのようにプリントされるか。何もプリントされない時は「なし」と記せ。 また、途中に「ブランク」が入る場合は、”b”と記せ。 (1) int func1(), func2(); int data = 100; main() { int w = 1; static x =10; printf("** %d, %d, %d\n" ,w,x,data); func1(); printf("** %d, %d, %d\n" ,w,x,data); } int func1(){ int w = 2; static int x = 20: printf("*** %d, %d, %d\n", w, x, data); x += 10; func2(); printf("*** %d, %d, %d\n" , w,x,data); x *= 2; data = data - x; } int func2() { int w = 3; static int x = 30; printf("**** %d, %d, %d\n" ,w,x,data); data -= x; } (2) int func1(char *, char *, char *); int func2(char *, char *, char *); main() { char sta[20], stb[20], stc[20], std[20]; int i=0; func1("abc","xyz",sta); printf("%d -- %s\n" ,++i,sta); func1("123","456",stb); printf("%d -- %s\n" ,++i,stb); func1(sta,stb,stc); printf("%d -- %s\n" ,++i,stc); func2(sta,stb,std); printf("%d -- %s\n" ,++i,std); } int func1(char *a, char *b, char *c){ while(*a) *c++ = *a++; while(*b) *c++ = *b++; * c = 0x00; } int func2(char *a, char *b, char *c){ int i = 0; while(*b){ if(i%2 == 0) *c++ = *a++; else *c++ = *b++; i++; } *c = 0x00; }

  • 物理英語

    object is on the ground.what force is acting on both the object and ground? A. Gravity pulls both object and the ground B. Energy pushes both object and the ground C. Energy pulls both the object and the ground D. Gravity pushes both the object and the ground この問題の訳と答えを教えてください energy の意味はなんですか・?

  • 英語訳お願いします。

    どなたか、英語が堪能な方お願いします。 (1) This is charcoal. I like barbeque very much. I often have barbeque party with my family and friends in summer. It is really fun and dish is very delicious. (2) This is an autographed ball. I was given an autograph by Mr.Yoshinobu Takahashi in Yomiuri Giants. It is genuine. I like baseball since long ago. My father watched Major League games on TV in the weekend and I came to like it affected by that. (3) These are vegetables. I am working as a part time worker at the grocery store. All worker are friendly and cheerful and I am happy to work. My job is easy. (lol) Good points to work there are that hourly pay is high and I can eat many fresh fruits. (4) This is a savings bank in the form of Jizo (a guardian deity of children). It has good touch and I like it. No money is in it. (lol) (5) This is a seal. I bought it when I went to the trip to Beijing, China. It was made of crystal and by craftsman’s hands. I like it very much but have never used. (lol) (6) This is a photo of Tenanmon. It was very cold on the day I took this photo. It was very wide and the building had sense of history. Here was also a location site of the movie "Last Emperor." (7) This is a ticket of the World Cup. I went to the World Cup 2006 in Germany. I saw the game between Japan and Brazil and was very excited. Dortmund in Germany had very beautiful street and very tasty baked sausage 長文すいません・・・

  • 英語 会話

    問題集のわからなかったところです。 訳も教えていただけると嬉しいです。 答えを選ぶ問題です ・"Helli. This is Emily. May I speak to Anne?" a. "Hello, Emily. Hold on a minute." b. "Hello, Emily. I am Anne's mother." c. "Hello,Anne. Just a moment." d. "Hello,Anne. Do you want to speak to my daughter?" 並び替えの問題です ・A: "I'd like to, but I'm afraid I can't." B: "No. I can't afford it." C: "How about going to Seattle this summer, Satoshi?" D: "Do you mean to say you don't have enough time for the trip?" a. C-A-B-D b. C-A-D-B c. D-B-A-C d. D-A-C-B ・A: "Yes. There's going to be a famous musical on Channel 31." B: "Are there any interesting programs tonight?" C: "Would you like to go out this evening?" D: "Not really. I'd rather stay home and watch TV." a. B-D-C-A b. B-D-A-C c. C-D-A-B d. C-D-B-A