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  • 訳してください(英文)

    英語⇨ Richard Nixon, having promised a swift end to the war, would, like all the presidents who came before him, end up widening it. In the process, he would re-ignite opposition to the war on American campuses that threatened to tear the country apart again. リチャード・ニクソンは、戦争の迅速な終結を約束したが、彼より以前のすべての大統領のと同じように、それを拡大させるだろう。 この過程で、彼は再び国を引き裂く恐れのあるアメリカの学生の戦争反対運動を再燃させるだろう。 一応日本語に訳して見たのですが… つまりここで言いたいことは、「ニクソンは戦争の終結を約束したが、他の大統領と同じように戦争を拡大させ、それは学生の戦争反対運動に再び火をつけた」 という感じでしょうか? 簡単にでいいので、わかりやすくまとめていただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を添削して欲しいです

    Richard Nixon had taken office as president in January of 1969, pledge to restore law and order and end the war with honor. (リチャード・ニクソンは、1969年1月に大統領に就任し、法と秩序を回復し、名誉で戦争を終結させることを約束しました。) He(Nixon) had to find a way to extricate Americans from Vietnam without seeming to surrender. (彼は降伏するようなことなく、ベトナムからアメリカ人を救出する方法を見つけなければならなかった。) Richard Nixon, having promised a swift end to the war, the result was like all the presidents who came before him, end up widening it. In the process, he would re-ignite opposition to the war on American campuses that threatened to tear the country apart again. (ニクソンは戦争の終結を約束したが、結果的に他の大統領と同じように戦争を拡大さた。それは学生の戦争反対運動に再び火をつけることととなった。) 上の英文の添削をして欲しいです。 また、別の表現方法などもあればそちらも教えて欲しいです。 (日本語訳に忠実でなくても大丈夫です) よろしくお願いします。

  • 「ようになる」のFormationに疑問

    日本語を外国人に教える際の「ようになる」の文法について教えてください。 教科書には以下のようにありました。 ...................................................................................................................................... 「ようになる Get to the stage where....」 Formation: verb (plain) + ようになる To indicate that a change has taken place. This change is usually gradual and a natural course of events. ようになる is often translated as "learned to..." when used with the potential, or "started to...". 例1) 沢山の外国人が日本に来るようになりました。    A lot of foreigners have started to come to Japan. 例2) その赤ちゃんは、もう歩けるようになりました。     The baby has learned to walk already. 例3) 子供のとき、泳げませんでしたが、最近泳げるようになりました。      When I was young, I could not swim, but recently I have learnt how to. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 例1)は分かります。「来る」はverb (plain) ですよね。 でも例2)と例3)は、Formation は 「verb (plain)」 ではなくて、「verb (potential)」ではないでしょうか。 「歩ける」のもともとのプレーンフォームは「歩く」だから、 ● その赤ちゃんは、もう歩くように~。 「 泳げる」のプレーンフォームは「泳ぐ」だから、 ● 子供のとき、泳ぎませんでしたが(泳がなかったが)~。 となるのではないでしょうか。 なぜ教科書には verb (plain) となっているだけで、(potential)を併記しないのでしょうか。 私がなにか根本的に勘違いしているのだと思いますので、どうぞ平易に教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    翻訳をお願いできますか? むずかしくてさっぱりです・・。 I think you have known him in a past life but not many details show. His Luna node conjuncts your Jupiter in the eleventh house. This suggests that he was a teacher, or possibly a priest. The leader of a group. Someone who wanted to help humanity, to make the world a better fairer more equal place. He wanted to bring change by educating or enlightening people. He wanted to harness the collective power of people in the community to do good. May have worked in social reform for several recent lives, but the fist connection was in an older life when he was a kind of Priest figure, Guru figure. You were his equal, but more behind the scenes. You both undertook a karmic task together to make the world a better place in some way. You were both too far ahead of the times, But you may both have suffered at the hands of society, who were not ready for the changes you wanted to make. The relationship was because of the karmic task, but you were also friends,, and became lovers, you spent some time apart, but took great risks to see each other, the love relationship was illicit or legal, or difficult. it became a dangerous liaison. There is a mercury ion the midpoint between this aspect and the house of death and reincarnation. It suggest that an intercepted message, letter, note, betrayed the relationship, and may have indirectly resulted in the death or imprisonment of one of you.

  • 英語翻訳の質問です

    こんにちわ よろしくお願いします! カナダの方からのメールです。 私の力では翻訳できず・・・ 英語の得意な方よろしくおねがします。 長くてすいません。。。 I'm glad you searching Owen Sound on google map. I like exploring Japan on google Earth, however the more I search the more I want to visit. Kyoto is one of the have to see stop I want to visit. I think it would be a beautiful place to visit. I also want to find some beautiful places maybe not as tourist heavy to get a more "aw this is Japan" feeling. I would like to visit Oogata sandy beach, it sounds like I would really enjoy it. The only thing I enjoy to really do near me is to go to Sauble beach with is about 20 minutes from Owen sound. If you come visit Canada it would be a pleasure to guide you around. You'll have to give me a little heads up so I can save some money if you want to visit a different province, or to let me know if theres some place you want to see, so I can make a map of how to get there =D. I do indeed know what you mean. ^_^

  • どなたか翻訳してください!

    海外のネットショッピングで商品が届かず、数ヶ月経過後、本日下記の内容のメールが届きました。 英語がまったくわかりません。翻訳と、対処方法を教えてください。よろしくお願いいたします。 This is DealExtreme and we are aware that you have a pending order 0407C1C1 which contains unshipped items. They have been either out of stock or difficult to obtain from the suppliers for a long time. Since this order has expired the reasonable delivery date and we are still unable to fulfill it completely, we have transferred the unshipped value of your order into the DX Store Credits. You may refer to the following instructions on how to use the credits. The amount of store credits we saved for your order 0407C1C1 is US$7.31. Option1: Redeem products to your new order. (Recommended) You can use the credits to redeem any product from DX. To do so, you need to contact our customer service at http://services.dealextreme.com/forms/StoreCredits.aspx and provide the following information: Order number where your store credits are coming (in your case 0407C1C1). New order number which you want us to add the redeemed product to. The SKU of the product which you would like to redeem using your store credits. Our customer service representative will add the product to your order and make it shipped right away. Option2: Get discount / Refund with your new order made within 8 weeks. You may use the store credits to get discount on your new order. To do so, you may contact our customer service at http://services.dealextreme.com/forms/StoreCredits.aspx and provide the following information: Order number where your store credits are coming, in your case, 0407C1C1. New order number where you would like to get a discount or refund with. Specific statement as to the discount / refund request of your store credits. You will receive the discount / refund within 7 working days. Please be noted that any status changes to your order will halt the processing of your refund. If you have any further questions regarding this order, you are free to contact us at http://services.dealextreme.com We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

  • リチャード・バックの翻訳

    「飛べ銀色の空へ」リチャード・バック (著)の以下の部分が、稲葉 明雄 (翻訳) 草思社(絶版)ではどのように訳されているか探しています。 "The odds against our breaking the biplane in a little town that happened to be home to a man with the 40-year-old part to repair it; the odds that he would be on the scene when the event happened;the odds that we'd pushed the plane right next to his hanger, within ten feet of the part we needed-the odds were so high that 'coincidence' was a foolish answer."

  • NLPを学びたい

    NLPについて、関心があり学習したいと考えております。 他人に施術を施すために学ぶためではなく、自分自身のストレスマネジメントや能力開発(ex.行動力をなんとかしたい!)と言う側面での利用が目的です。 そこで、まずは、NLPに関しての書籍をご紹介願えればと考えてます。そもそもNLPとは何なのか?というものでも構いませんし、初心者でも出来る簡単なインストラクションが出ているものでも構いません。 安価なセミナーも今はネットで検索したりして探している最中です。 まずは、書籍でよいものがございましたら、ご紹介をお願い申し上げます。

  • NLPのこと教えてください❗️

    人とのコミュニケーションや仕事における自分の能力を上げるためと思いNLPに興味を持ちました。 ですが、NLPに関する書籍がたくさんありすぎて、本屋さんで何冊か見て買って読んでみましたが、基本的に用語集&簡単な使用例で構成された本や用例自体が分かりづらくピンとこない本ばかりでした。 NLPにお詳しい方で、書籍でNLPを本気で理解し学びたいならばどの書籍が最も相応しいとお考えでしょうか。 これぞという推薦書籍を3冊までで教えてください。 (セミナー以外の方法でご教示お願いします)

  • NLPについて
