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  • 50年以上経過したビデオゲームPONの新資料を日本で発見。この資料は、アメリカの研究を背景に持つ貴重なものである。
  • 著者は長年にわたるおもちゃ業界の歴史を背景に、PONの電子部品についての知見と、それがビジネスモデルにどのように影響したかを探る。
  • PONは日本で低コストの業務用ゲーム機として再生され、多くの技術者によって利用されていた可能性が高い。


  • ベストアンサー

「50年以上経過して日本で発見されたビデオゲームPONの新資料その1」 であれば、 Materials of Video Game “PON” Newly Discovered in Japan after 50 Years - Part 1 などと英語で表記できます。 英文の記事などのタイトルは、文章(主語と動詞の組み合わせがある)にせず、表記は前置詞以外のそれぞれの単語の始めの文字を大文字表記するのが一般的です。また、the などの冠詞も自明であれば省略します。



ありがとうございます。 先着一名様限定にしたかったので、ここで締め切ります。 他に面白がって閲覧する人を満足させるために関連する2と3を捕捉に掲載して終わりにします。 研究分野が違っても、親切は同じですよね。



50年を以上経過して日本で発見されたPONの新資料その2 私が何故、当事者でもないのに、このパーツセットの価値が理解できたかというと、創業100年の家系だから、今ではおもちゃ業界の歴史の生き証人になっているという事実以外にも理由がある。 私の従妹に裕福な家庭で英才教育を受けて、成人してから日本の通信インフラをデジタル化するためのプロジェクトで、どこかのパートで設計チームのチーフを務めた優秀な人物がいる。 その人物が、中学生の時に親から教材として与えられたPONその物だという事とだ、彼がそのPONのプログラミングが動作している低コスト業務用筐体を、地元の駄菓子屋で見かけたこと、そして、その人物と同年代の別の従妹が遠方で、同じプログラムだが、全く別の箱に詰められた業務用筐体を目撃している事だ。 親戚が集まる場で、そうした年上の従妹たちから、当時はファミリーコンピュータを私は売っていたし、家系がそれも古くから仕事をしていたから、日本の業界で埋もれた話として成人してから聞いていたのだ。 なぜこの話の真実は、もはやだれにも探求できないかというと、公の場であまり言いたくないが、その優秀な従妹もすでに、この世を去っているからだ。 だから、当事者から証言を聞いて確認する手段は私にすらない。 日本の場合は、PONは世の中で話題になったのが、任天堂がかなり遅れて家庭用に発売した時期以降の集約された資料だけで、それよりも古いこの日本製のPONに関しては、既存の資料が全く出てこなかった。 そもそも当時は素性が割り出せないように売り出された品で、このパーツが輸出もされていたならば、研究が盛んな外国で発見された既存のPONの基幹部品になっているかもしれない。 したがってこの資料は日本では誰も関心をもたないので、BINGに依頼した多角的な既存情報の調査の後に、仕上げとして英語圏に向けて研究公開しています。 BINGの調査能力は感嘆すべきでした。 各種キーワードから、日本語以外にも該当資料がないことを指摘したけども、ツイッターでの研究発表を予定して手伝ってもらったので、他社にBINGの翻訳文が掲載されて性能を比較して評価される事か、または、私の売名行為と判断したであろうという不明の規制で、BINGは英訳を作成することを辞退しました。 ------------------- 50年以上を経過して日本で発見されたPONの新資料その3 私の一族は、日本でゲームセンターと言われる業態が確立した初期まで、ゲーム機を駄菓子屋にレンタルする事業をしていたから、一族で年が若かった私は初期型のビデオゲームのメンテナンスを本職の技術者ではないが、自分で行うことはできた。 しかしこのPONは現役のゲーム屋の技術者では組み立て出来ないだろう。 経年劣化まで起こしている古い品のレストアは、現役の技術者にもできるが、専門分野に特化して技術を習得しているから、より古い年代の品は得意分野ではない。 この位の年代だと、日本の場合だとビンテージオーディオのレストア業者の方が、もしも組み立てを依頼するならば適している。 でも私自身は、この資料として発見されたパーツセットの希少性を知っているから、パッキングしてあるビニール袋すらまだ開封していなくて、設計図はあるが、パーツがそろっているかを確認することも躊躇している。 それから私の仕事はかなり以前にも英語圏にメッセージを送っていて「HATA GANGU TEN」という体裁で、トイザラスが日本に店舗を出店する時に、日本の玩具業界の中枢やマスコミなどからの委託で、日本の交渉相手として両国の政府も介入した政治交渉に参加していた。 当時は野党的な立場の交渉者で、わざと私が交渉に敗北するように演出して、日本はトイザラスを受け入れた。 日本のおもちゃ業界では、今も名誉的に影響力がある助言者なのだ。



  • 英語→日本語訳をお願い致します。

    If you are happy with our products please leave feedback and show photos at same time that would be more appreciate.For expressing Thanks we will send free gifts with next order. 海外通販で、買い物後に届いたメッセージです。 届いたものを評価するページに、Amazonのように写真も掲載できる仕様になっています。 こちらの訳は、 もし私たちの商品に満足したらフィードバックを残してね、という内容なのは分かるのですが、and show photo~というのは、商品の写真も載せて下さい、ということなのか、フィードバックを残したと分かる写真(スクリーンショットなど)を見せてほしいということなのか、どちらの意味なのでしょうか? よろしくお願い致します。

  • 株式会社サムスン日本研究所に就職するには

    株式会社サムスン日本研究所に就職したいと考えているのですが 就職するにはどのような大学にいけばよいのでしょうか? 家電や携帯のような電子機器のパーツの研究(リチウム電池など)を3年以上研究したことがある のが必要条件になっているみたいなんですが どのような大学に進めばよいのでしょうか? できれば携帯関連の研究に携わりたいです この大学から株式会社サムスン日本研究所に就職したという実績が見当たらないので どのようにして就職したらいいのでしょうか? 関連企業や、その類の研究をされた方にお答えいただきたいです

  • どなたか日本語訳をお願い致します。

    日本語訳を教えて下さい、お願いします(>_<) Modern science tries to answer questions about origins using carefully tested data and rigorous logic. Though many pioneering scientists, like Newton, were Christians who believed deeply in the existence of a deity, they also felt the Deity was rational, so their task was to uncover the underlying laws by which the Deity had created the world. This meant trying to explain the world as if there were no deity. Modern science, unlike most other traditions of knowledge, tries to explain the universe as if things happened without intention or purpose.

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    Your order is dispatched. Have you received it now? 海外のネットショップで注文しました。 商品が届かないので、問合せたのですが、 「あなたの商品は発送されています。届きましたか?」という意味でいいでしょうか? つまりすでに発送しているということでいいでしょうか?それともこれから発送するのでしょうか?

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    A German attack on 24 September, forced the French onto the defensive and Joffre reinforced the northern flank of the Second Army. As BEF units arrived, operations began piecemeal on the northern flank; the Belgian army refused a request by Joffre to leave the National redoubt of Belgium and sortie against German communications. A Franco-British offensive was substituted towards Lille and Antwerp. The allied troops managed to advance towards Lille and the Lys river but were stopped by German attacks in the opposite direction on 20 October. The "race" ended on the Belgian coast around 17 October, when the last open area from Dixmude to the North Sea, was occupied by Belgian troops withdrawing from Antwerp after the Siege of Antwerp (28 September – 10 October). The outflanking attempts resulted in indecisive encounter battles through Artois and Flanders, at the Battle of La Bassée (10 October – 2 November), the Battle of Messines (12 October – 2 November) and the Battle of Armentières (13 October – 2 November). Terrain North-east France and the south-west Belgium are known as Flanders. West of a line between Arras and Calais in the north-west are chalk downlands, covered with soil sufficient for arable farming. East of the line, the land declines in a series of spurs into the Flanders plain, bounded by canals linking Douai, Béthune, St Omer and Calais. To the south-east, canals run between Lens, Lille, Roubaix and Courtrai, the Lys river from Courtrai to Ghent and to the north-west lies the sea. The plain is almost flat, apart from a line of low hills from Cassel, eastwards to Mont des Cats, Mont Noir, Mont Rouge, Scherpenberg and Mount Kemmel. From Kemmel, a low ridge lies to the north-east, declining in elevation past Ypres through Wytschaete, Gheluvelt and Passchendaele, curving north then north-west to Dixmude where it merges with the plain. A coastal strip is about 10 mi (16 km) wide, near sea level and fringed by sand dunes. Inland the ground is mainly meadow, cut by canals, dykes, drainage ditches and roads built up on causeways. The Lys, Yser and upper Scheldt are canalised and between them the water level underground is close to the surface, rises further in the autumn and fills any dip, the sides of which then collapse. The ground surface quickly turns to a consistency of cream cheese and on the coast movement is confined to roads, except during frosts.

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    Battle of Ardahan (Turkish: Ardahan Harekâtı; Russian: Битва при Ардагане) between 25 December 1914 to 18 January 1915 was the Ottoman military operation commanded by German Lt. Col. Stange to capture the city of Ardahan and cut the Russian support link to Sarikamish-Kars line in supporting the Battle of Sarikamish. The operation was part of what the Russian Empire viewed the Caucasus front. It was a secondary to the Eastern front. Russia had taken the fortress of Kars from the Turks during the Russo-Turkish War in 1877 and feared a campaign into the Caucasus, a Caucasus Campaign, aimed at retaking Kars and the port of Batum. The Ottoman generalship and organization were negligible compared to the Allies. Caucasus Campaign planned to be a distracting effect on Russian forces. Enver hoped a success would facilitate opening the route to Tbilisi and beyond, with a revolt of Caucasian Muslims another strategic goal was to cut Russian access to its hydrocarbon resources around the Caspian Sea. This long-term goal made Britain vary. The Anglo-Persian Oil Company was in the proposed path. On 30 October 1914, the 3rd Army headquarters was informed by High Command in Istanbul about an exchange of fire during the pursuit of Goeben and Breslau in the Black Sea. High Command expected the Russian Army to cross the Ottoman border at any time. The Bergmann Offensive (2 November 1914 – 16 November 1914) ended with the defeat of Russian troops under the command of Bergmann. The Russian success was along the southern shoulders of the offense where Armenian volunteers visible (effective) and taken Karaköse and Doğubeyazıt. Hasan İzzet Pasha managed to stabilize the front by letting the Russians 25 kilometers inside the Ottoman Empire along the Erzurum-Sarikamish axis. The name of the force in western sources passes as the "I Army Corps," Turkish sources name it as Stange Bey (or Stanke Bey) detachment. The detachment was given to the command of the German Major Stange and became known as “Stange Bey Detachment”. The size of the force is also in dispute. Western sources claim it had from 30,000 to 35,000 combatants; the precise figure is uncertain. The left wing which made up of This detachment unit, known as Stanke Bey, consisted of two battalions of the 8th Infantry Regiment and two artillery batteries. It was brought at the outset of the war from Constantinople and landed at Kopa and other ports on the Black Sea south of Batum, and supplemented by many irregulars in the district of the Choruk (northeast of Erzerum), where its concentration was effected. Ardahan アルダハン

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    Falkenhayn doubted that victory was possible on the eastern front either, although advocated by Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff, because the Russian armies could retreat at will into the vastness of Russia, as they had done during the French invasion of Russia in 1812. On 18 November, Falkenhayn took the unprecedented step of asking the Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg, to negotiate a separate peace with Russia. Falkenhayn intended to detach Russia or France from the Allied coalition, by diplomatic as well as military action. A strategy of attrition (Ermattungsstrategie) would make the cost of the war was too great for the Allies to bear, until one enemy negotiated an end to the war on mutually acceptable terms. The remaining belligerents would have to negotiate or face the German army concentrated on the remaining front, which would be sufficient to obtain a decisive victory. A reorganisation of the defence of Flanders was carried out by the Franco-British from 15–22 November, which left the BEF holding a homogeneous front from Givenchy to Wytschaete, 21 mi (34 km) to the north. The Indian Corps on the right flank, held a 2 mi (3.2 km) front. During three weeks of bad weather, both sides shelled, sniped and raided, the British making several night raids late in November. On 23 November, the German Infantry Regiment 112 captured 800 yd (730 m) of trench east of Festubert, which were then recaptured by a counter-attack by the Meerut Division during the night, at a cost of 919 Indian Corps casualties. Joffre arranged for a series of attacks on the Western Front, after receiving information that German divisions were moving to the Russian Front. The Eighth Army was ordered to attack in Flanders and French was asked to participate with the BEF on 14 December. Joffre wanted the British to attack all along the BEF front, especially from Warneton to Messines, as the French attacked from Wytschaete to Hollebeke. French gave orders to attack from the Lys to Warneton and Hollebeke with II and III Corps, as IV Corps and the Indian Corps conducted local operations, to fix the Germans to their front. French emphasised that the attack would begin on the left flank, next to the French and that units must not move ahead of each other. The French and the 3rd Division were to capture Wytschaete and Petit Bois, then Spanbroekmolen was to be taken by II Corps, by an attack from the west and by III Corps with an attack from the south, with only the 3rd Division making a maximum effort. On the right, the 5th Division was to simulate an attack and III Corps was to make demonstrations, as the corps was holding a 10-mile (16 km) front and could do no more.

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    On 27 October, the Ottoman fleet put to sea under the guise of performing maneuvers. Enver had originally envisioned an encounter at sea in which the Ottoman's would claim self-defence, but Admiral Souchon conceived a direct assault on Russian ports. He would later say his intention was "to force the Turks, even against their will, to spread the war." The German battlecruiser, now known as Yavuz Sultan Selim, was to sail with two destroyers and a gunboat to attack Sebastopol. The light cruiser Breslau, now known as Midilli, protected cruiser Hamidieh, and the torpedo cruiser Berk-i Satvet were to attack Novorossiysk and Feodosia. Three destroyers were detailed for Odessa. On the way, one of these destroyers experienced engine trouble and was forced to turn back. Russian naval officers were under specific instruction not to fire first on the Ottomans in the event of a confrontation. The Russian government wanted to make it clear to any third party that the Ottomans would be the ones to instigate hostilities. Odessa Shortly after 03:00 on 29 October, the destroyers Muavenet and Gairet entered the harbour of Odessa. From a distance of less than 70 yards (64 m), a torpedo was launched into the Russian gunboat Donetz, quickly sinking it. The two destroyers proceeded to damage merchant vessels, shore installations, five oil tanks, and a sugar refinery. The destroyers had actually conducted their raid earlier than Souchon had intended, and the Russians managed to radio a warning to the forces in Sebastopol. By the time Yavuz arrived, the coastal artillery was manned. Sebastopol Just before 06:30, Yavuz sighted Sebastopol and proceeded to bombard the port for 15 minutes. During this time she exchanged fire with the pre-dreadnought Georgii Pobedonosets and shore batteries. Three heavy caliber shells from the batteries managed to damage Yavuz before she withdrew. The loaded Russian minelayer Prut happened upon the attack and was scuttled by her crew to avoid being detonated. Since Prut's arrival had been expected, the defensive minefield around the port was inoperative. By the time it was activated 20 minutes later, the Ottomans had cleared the area. Three Russian destroyers attempted to pursue, but their attack dissolved after the lead ship was struck by a shell. Feodosia Novorossiysk harbour bombarded by the cruiser Midilli At around the same time Hamidieh arrived off of Feodosia. Seeing no signs of armed opposition, a German and a Turkish officer went ashore to warn the civilian population before bombarding the port two hours later.

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    Fog also caused problems for infantry/tank cooperation. The 30th Infantry Division broke through the Hindenburg Line in the fog on 29 September 1918, entering Bellicourt, capturing the southern entrance of Bellicourt Tunnel and reaching the village of Nauroy, but the troops only managed to hold onto part of Nauroy. The advancing Australians came across large groups of leaderless, disoriented Americans. Bean wrote: "By 10 o'clock Monash's plan had gone to the winds....From that hour onward...the offensive was really directed by Australian battalion or company commanders at the front..." The 30th Division won the praise of General Pershing, who wrote: "... the 30th Division did especially well. It broke through the Hindenburg Line on its entire front and took Bellicourt and part of Nauroy by noon of the 29th." There has since been considerable debate over the extent to which the American forces were successful. Monash wrote: "...in this battle they demonstrated their inexperience in war, and their ignorance of some of the elementary methods of fighting employed on the French front. For these shortcomings they paid a heavy price. Their sacrifices, nevertheless, contributed quite definitely to the partial success of the day's operations..."The objective of U.S. II Corps, the Catelet-Nauroy Line, was not captured by the Americans. During the battle, Monash was furious about the performance of the American divisions. Late on 29 September Rawlinson wrote: "The Americans appear to be in a state of hopeless confusion and will not, I fear, be able to function as a corps, so I am contemplating replacing them...I fear their casualties have been heavy, but it is their own fault." Meanwhile, on the right of the Bellicourt Tunnel front the Australian 32nd Battalion under the command of Major Blair Wark established contact with the 1/4th Battalion, Leicestershire Regiment, of 46th Division, which had crossed the canal and were now present in force east of the Hindenburg Line. By this stage in the war the Tank Corps had suffered greatly and there were fewer tanks available for the battle than had been deployed in the Battle of Amiens in August. Eight tanks were destroyed when they strayed into an old British minefield but the 29 September attack also highlighted the high vulnerability of tanks to strong German anti-tank measures. In one instance four heavy tanks and five medium tanks were destroyed in the space of 15 minutes by German field guns at the same location.

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    The Zone of the Straits was planned including the Bosphorus, the Dardanelles and the Sea of Marmara in between. One of the most important points of the treaty was the provision that the navigation was to be open in the Dardanelles in times of peace and war alike to all vessels of commerce and war, no matter under what flag, thus, in effect, leading to internationalization of the waters. The waters were not to be subject to blockade, nor could any act of war be committed there, except in enforcing the decisions of the League of Nations. Free Zones Certain ports were to be declared to be of international interest. The League of Nations were completely free and absolute equality in treatment, particularly in the matter of charges and facilities insuring the carrying out of the economic provisions in commercially strategic places. These regions were be named the "free zones". The ports were: Istanbul from San Stefano to Dolmabahçe, Haidar-Pasha, Smyrna, Alexandretta, Haifa, Basra, Trabzon, and Batum. Thrace Thrace (up to the Chatalja line), the islands of Imbros and Tenedos, and the islands of the Sea of Marmara were ceded to Greece. The sea line of these islands was declared international and left to the administration of the "Zone of the Straits". The Kurdistan region was scheduled to have a referendum to decide its fate, which, according to Section III Articles 62–64, was to include the Mosul Province. There was no general agreement among Kurds on what its borders should be, because of the disparity between the areas of Kurdish settlement and the political and administrative boundaries of the region. The outlines of Kurdistan as an entity were proposed in 1919 by Şerif Pasha, who represented the Society for the Ascension of Kurdistan (Kürdistan Teali Cemiyeti) at the Paris Peace Conference. He defined the region's boundaries as follows: The frontiers of Turkish Kurdistan, from an ethnographical point of view, begin in the north at Ziven, on the Caucasian frontier, and continue westwards to Erzurum, Erzincan, Kemah, Arapgir, Besni and Divick (Divrik?); in the south they follow the line from Harran, Sinjar Mountains, Tel Asfar, Erbil, Süleymaniye, Akk-el-man, Sinne; in the east, Ravandiz, Başkale, Vezirkale, that is to say the frontier of Persia as far as Mount Ararat.

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