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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:以下の英文の解釈をお願いいたします。Part1)

The Burden of Choice and Responsibility in a Free Society


  • ベストアンサー
  • pjman
  • ベストアンサー率48% (31/64)

>(1)第一文目に関して、imposesの後にある「,」は言い換えのため使われていると考えていいでしょうか? →下に訳されているとおり、言い換えのために使われていると考えて頂いて良いと思います。 >(2)第二文目に関して、ever beforeという単語がありますが、everがbeforeを強調していると見ればいいのでしょうか? →"ever after" (その後ずっと)と同様に、形としては "before" を強調していますが、意味的には「かつてなかったくらい、はるかに大きな程度で」という感じで、"much greater degree" を強調していると捉えて良いと思います。 >また、その後に出てくるwillはどの用法のものでしょうか?それ以降の文章(Part2にて)から考えて、最適な訳を教えて欲しいです。 →そのように訳すかどうかは別として、ニュアンス的には、「どうしても~するものだ、どうしても~したがる」というように、物の習性をとらえる表現(定説のような感じ)として捉えて良いと思います。 >(3)以下の全文和訳について、構造を読み誤っていたり、日本語としておかしい点、またこのように訳した方がよいという点などがありましたらご指摘下さい。 →概ねうまく訳されていると思いますが、部分的に以下のように直されたらいかがでしょうか。 「自由により強いられる選択という重荷、つまり自由な社会が個人に課す、自分自身の運命に対しての責任は、現代社会のさまざまな事情の下で不満の主な発生源となった。”かつてないくらいはるかに”高い程度で、人の成功は、”どんな特殊能力を持つかではなく、これらの能力をいかに生かすかに”依拠するだろう。専門家や組織化が現代より少なかった時代には、人の特別な技術や才能を適切に使用する機会を見つけることはそう難しくはなかった。」



実にて丁寧な回答ありがとうございます!! こちらに書かれている内容で疑問は解消されました。 ですが。。。実はPart2の質問が削除されてしまい、pjmanさんに頂いたはずの回答(恐らく訂正か何かだと思うのですが)も共に削除されてしまいました。もしよろしければ、そちらに書かれた解答もいただければ、と思っております。大変恐縮ですがよろしくお願いいたします。


  • 以下の英文について教えてください

    Some years ago, a temporary inability to sleep, referable to a distressing impression, caused me to walk about the streets all night, for a series of several nights. (中略) The restlessness of a great city, and the way in which it tumbles and tosses before it can get to sleep, formed one of the first entertainments offered to the contemplation of us homeless people. (中略) After all seemed quiet, if one cab rattled by, half-a-dozen would surely follow; and Homelessness event observed that intoxicated people appeared to be magnetically attracted towards each other; so that we knew when we saw one drunken object staggering against the shutters of a shop, that another drunken object would stagger up before five minutes were out, to fraternise or fight with it. so that we knew~以下がわからないのですが、 so that we knew when~は、「私たちがいつ、~をわかるように」、ですか? before five minutes were outはどうやって訳すのでしょうか? to fraternise or fight with itは、「お店のシャッターと仲良くするか闘うために」ですか? どういう意味でしょうか? ----The Uncommercial Traveller (Night Walks): C.Dickens

  • 英文解釈

    次の分の和訳ですが、 [The reason for setting up a formal language is that we wish to use the sentences to say things about the models. This is accomplished by giving a basic truth definition,which specifies for each pair consisting of a sentence and a model one of the truth values true or false.] ちょっと長くてすいません、、、ですが疑問のある文は「This is accomplished by giving a basic truth definition,which specifies for each pair consisting of a sentence and a model one of the truth values true or false.」で、後半の[model one]のところが「model, one~」となっていなく、自分としてはこの文をどう捉えていいのかわかりません。 よろしくおねがいします!

  • 以下の英文を訳してほしいです。お願いします。

    いつもお世話になっております。 ライセンスの英文を日本語に訳していただきたいです。 なんとなくはGoogle翻訳ではわかるのですが、確信が持てません。 商用でなおかつ帰属のリンクは本当にいらないのでしょうか? あと判断できる読み方をご教授いただければありがたいです。 (まあ確実に判断できるにはある程度の経験がいるか英語の勉強を自分でするしかないかもしれませんが) 何卒よろしくお願い致します。 All our resources* are royalty free for use in both personal and commercial projects. You can modify any resources to your liking to fit into your project, we are however not legally liable for any misuse of our resources. We do not ask for you to include any attribution or link back to Pixeden.com, we do however appreciate if you do credit our resources or/and help spread the word about us. You cannot however redistribute, resell, lease, license, sub-license or offer our resources to any third party. This includes uploading our resources to another websites or media-sharing tool, and offering our resources as a separate attachment from any of your work. If you do plan to include one of our resource on an item or template that will be sold on a website or marketplace, we ask of you to contact us to determine the proper use of our resource before doing so. Premium files downloaded with a premium account can be used in a item or website template sold through a marketplace or directly on a website with no attribution required. You cannot however resell or redistribute those premium files as is. Please contact us before using those files in this way to ensure that you abide by our license. IMPORTANT You cannot use any resources from the psd web templates category to create a website theme or template to be sold. They can only be used for personal and commercial projects. If you would like to share one of our resource you can do so making a link to the specific resource page on Pixeden.com or/and use our preview images. No HOTLINKING is allowed i.e. you cannot make a direct link to the download or/and the images hosted on Pixeden.com. * any files downloaded from the site Pixeden.com

  • 以下の英文の解釈をお願いいたします。

    以下に全文を書きます。 Law functions as a means of directing and imposing restraints upon human activities and it must therefore seem something of a paradox that the idea of freedom can be embodied in the law. The answer to this seeming paradox is to be gathered by directing attention not on man solely as an individual living in an unrestricted state of nature, but on man as a social being living a life of complex relationships with the other members of his community. 質問したいポイントは、 (1)一文目の[that]は従位接続詞、同格をあらわす[that]ですか? どう考えてもこれ以外には思えないのですが、訳出の際にうまく意味が通りません。 一文目の訳は、 「法律は指示を行い、人間の活動に対し制約を課す手段として機能する。 それゆえに法律は、自由という概念を自らのうちに具現化し得るという ちょっとした矛盾であるか膿瘍に思われるに違いない。」 となりましたが、どこか問題はないでしょうか? (2)二文目の”not on man solely as ~”の部分について、これは[not only~ but (also)]と解釈してよいのでしょうか? ”not solely on man as ~”と表現されてないので、もしかして[not~but~] の解釈にすべきなのか、判断できません。 以上の二点について教えていただければ幸いです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 以下の英文の解釈をお願いします。

    以下に全文と、それに対する私の和訳を書きます。うまく訳せなかったので、誤訳や解釈ミスの指摘などをいただきたいです。回答をよろしくお願いします。 We often hear one say one cannot help one's thoughts, but really, one can. The thinking machine is, if not always, at one's command. And since nothing whatever happens to us outside our brain, and since nothing hurts us or gives us pleasure except within the brain, the supreme importance of being able to control what goes on in that part of our body is beyond doubt. This idea is one of the oldest commonplace remarks whose truth most people live and die without realizing. People complain of the lack of power, not knowing that they may acquire the power, if they choose. 「我々は人が、人は自らの考えを抑えることができないと言うのをよく耳にするが、実際は、人は自らの考えを抑えることができる。人の試行回路は、常にではないにしてもその人に統制される。そして、脳の外側で我々に起こることは何もなく、脳の内部以外の場所で我々を傷つけたり、喜ばせたりするものはないため、我々の体のその部分(=脳)で行われるものを統制できることが最も重要であるのは間違いない。この考えは最も古くからあるありふれた意見のひとつであり、たいていの人々はその真理を悟ることなく生き、死ぬ。人々は、望めばその力(=思考を統制する力)が手に入るかもしれないことに気づかず、その力が不足していることを訴えるのである。」

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    Casualties and aftermath 120 Turkish troops were killed in the battle and another 190 were wounded. 3,456 prisoners were captured by the British, including 145 officers. A handful of members of the garrison escaped by swimming the Euphrates. British casualties numbered 995, though many of these had been only slightly wounded due to the Turkish shrapnel bursting too high to be of much effect. A great deal of materiel was seized, including 13 artillery pieces, 12 machine guns and large quantities of ammunition and other supplies. The capture of Ramadi also led to the local Arab tribes switching sides and supporting the British. Maude later called the action "an instance of as clean and business-like a military operation as one could wish to see." The fall of the town was so sudden that on the day after the battle a German pilot attempted to land at Ramadi before he realised who now occupied it and made a hasty escape. The town was deemed sufficiently secure that on the following day, the British decided to continue their advance to assault Hīt, the next major Turkish-held town on the Euphrates. The Battle of Broodseinde was fought on 4 October 1917 near Ypres in Flanders, at the east end of the Gheluvelt plateau, by the British Second and Fifth armies and the German 4th Army. The battle was the most successful Allied attack of the Battle of Passchendaele. Using "bite-and-hold" tactics, with objectives limited to what could be held against German counter-attacks, the British devastated the German defence, which prompted a crisis among the German commanders and caused a severe loss of morale in the German 4th Army. Preparations were made by the Germans for local withdrawals and planning began for a greater withdrawal, which would entail the loss for the Germans of the Belgian coast, one of the strategic aims of the British offensive. After the period of unsettled but drier weather in September, heavy rain began again on 4 October and affected the remainder of the campaign, working more to the advantage of the German defenders, being pushed back on to far less damaged ground. Broodseinde ブルードサインデ

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    Not only did Lake lack faith in Aylmer's abilities, Aylmer himself had lost confidence in the abilities of his subordinates. Of his two divisional commanders, Major-General Henry D'Urban Kearny, GOC 3rd (Lahore) Division, and Major-General Sir George Younghusband, GOC 7th (Meerut) Division, neither were detailed to the principal commander for the planned operation. Major-General D'Urban Keary would be assigned to command one of the three columns, the other two being commanded by Major-General George Kemball, one of his brigade commanders. Aylmer made his decision claiming that Kemball was a more energetic commander. Major-General Younghusband, who had been the chief proponent of a desert march to outflank the Ottoman lines entirely, was assigned to command the diversion force on the left bank. Like the British, the Ottoman Sixth Army was also stretched to the limit of logistical support. The lack of any sort of industrial infrastructure (i.e. paved road capable of military transport or railways) made it exceedingly difficult for the Sixth Army to be rapidly reinforced. What the Ottoman army did have going in its favor was time. They had recognized that for the time, they were at the extent of their supply line from Baghdad.

  • 以下の英文についてお尋ねします。

    以下の英文についてお尋ねします。 So, if a scratch game has overall odds of winning of about 1:4, that doesn't mean that if you buy four tickets that one will automatically be a winner. It means that if you were to buy all of the tickets available in that game, approximately 1 in 4 of them would win a prize. overall odds of winningはいわゆるキャリーオーバーと言う意味でしょうか?それが1:4ということは、?となってしまうのですがご説明頂けますでしょうか? thatはoverall~4、を指し、その後のthatは「その一人は自動的にwinnerになるわけでは無い」との捉え方で宜しいでしょうか? 最後にif you were~以降でそもそもこれは仮定法で、よく分かりづらいのが1 in 4 of themの部分なのですが、解説頂ければ幸いです。出来れば全文逐語的に和訳構文解説頂ければ有り難いです。

  • 英文の解釈についての質問

    質問があります。 People who delay might base their self-worth on their work and doubt their abilities. The thinking goes like this: to avoid a judgment of themselves that could be damaging to their self worth, they just avoid completing the task. 上記の文ですが、直訳すると 遅れる(ぐずぐずする)人々は、彼らの仕事と、疑わしい技術力で、自尊心を築いている。 この考えを推し進めると:自身の(能力の)ジャッジを避けることは、彼らの自尊心を傷つけているかもしれない。彼らはただ、仕事を完了することを避けているだけなのだ。 となるのですが、どうもto avoid a judgment of themselves that could be damaging to their self worth, they just avoid completing the task.がピンとこないというか・・・。 thatが途中にあるということの意味がいまいちわかりません・・・ つまり、to avoid a judgment of themselves がSということでしょうか?それとも関係代名詞のthat? Finally, for motivation I imagine how good it will feel to finish whatever it was I was putting off. こちらですが、 最後に、モチベーションについては私はいかに良いかをイメージする。 何かを終わらせること。 この辺までで後はピンとこないです・・・。なぜ , がないのに I was putting off.があるのか・・・。 記事はhttp://www.japantimes.co.jp/shukan-st/english_news/essay/2009/ey20091211/ey20091211main.htm?print=noframe  です。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Another problem is that the finding was based on a conception of “intelligence” that most developmental psychologists now reject. Specifically, the finding was from studies in which a single global IQ score was the only measure of a person’s intelligence. It is now known that intelligence is not a single unitary trait, but rather consists of several distinct and relatively independent skills or abilities, such as verbal fluency and numerical ability. The fact that these abilities are relatively independent suggests that they should not be limped together into one global score. Another reason not to combine them is that they seem to depend to different degrees on heredity. Finally, and of most importance to developmental psychologists, different abilities exhibit different patterns of change through the life span. お願いします。