• ベストアンサー

英語 動詞


  • ベストアンサー

こんにちは主様。すでに名回答がでていますが、 毎度の横レス失礼します。 entitleは他動詞で~に権利(資格)を与える の意味があります。受動態で用いる事が多く: He is entitled to receive a pension. (彼は年金を受ける資格がある.) のように使います。原文で修飾部を外すと Every customer (is entitled) to receive a premium coupon 全てのお客様はプレミアムクーポンを受け取る(権利がある) となります。 さてご質問: ■ なぜ、( )内はentileではなく、is entiledなのですか? ⇒先述の通りです ■ 文中にisが2回もあるのはおかしいのでは? 1つ目のis=修飾部のなかのis 2つ目=述語動詞のis(受動態を作っています) 以上となります





  • クーポンの意味がわかりません・・・

    オーストラリアの動物園でコアラを見に行きたいのですが、そこの公式HPのクーポンの意味がよくわかりません。 恥ずかしながら、どういう意味か教えていただけませんか? Present this coupon at the Entrance to Lone Pine to receive ONE DAY FREE G'DAY PACK with every full paying adult Limit one per customer とあります。 HPはhttp://www.koala.net/lonepine/coupon.htmです。 入り口でクーポンを見せたら何か特典があるんだろうとは思うんですが・・・

  • 高校受験用の英語のテストの解説をお願いします。

    The tower is very tall, so more than three years were needed to finish building it. The name“the Tokyo Sky Tree”was decided by many people in the summer of 2008. 上の文章を読んで、下の質問に3語以上で答えなさい。 How long was it needed to build the Tokyo Sky Tree? 私は It was needed more than three years. にしましたが、 正解が It needed more than three years. でした。 wasをつけたら、不正解ですか? 回答解説を読みましたが、よく解りません… どなたか、詳しい解説をお願いします。

  • 英語の問題

    並び替え問題と訳問題です。 近ごろ、読書が一番刺激的だと感じています(1語不要) 1.These days,I feel that (than/as/nothing/stimulating/reading/is/more)books. 2.This morning my son (I/titles/mentioned/movies/remember/cannot/whose)now. 訳問題 3.Only people who can English fluently should apply for the job. 4.The man you saw at the dance wants to have a talk with you. 5.This year Greg is planning to visit Bangladesh,where he had lived for three years when he was a small child.

  • every

    アメリカから来た友人によくアメリカにかえるのってきいたらそんなにって言ったんで at what intervals do you come back to the us? どれくらいの間隔でかえるのってきいたら every three yearsって言いました。 私はevery third yearだと思ってたんですがどちらでも良いんですか? またevery two days every second weekでもいいんですか?? 私はevery second day every two weeksと思ってます。 すいませんが教えて下さい

  • いきなり英語で変な請求書が・

    英語で変な請求書が届くようになりました。意味がわからないし,何かしてしまったのか怖いです。どうしたらいいのか教えてください。メールを添付します。 Thank you for your purchase on PointWorld.com. Here is your invoice: Invoice: Product: Open balance: Date: Options: #506966 5 days premium membership at PointWorld.com 0 JPY 09/08/2015 Paid #517652 14 days premium membership at PointWorld.com 4499 JPY 14/08/2015 To settle your outstanding balance of 4499 JPY you need to log in to your account at Wakefield Finance. CustomerID: 448117 Email: ***@zpost.plala.or.jp Kindly note that the due date of this payment is 28 August 2015. If we haven't registred your payment by that date there will be added a late fee of 999 JPY for every reminder that we issue. With regards - Wakefield Finance (this email cannot be replied) Thank you for your purchase on PointWorld.com. Here is your invoice: Invoice: Product: Open balance: Date: Options: #506966 5 days premium membership at PointWorld.com 0 JPY 09/08/2015 Paid #517652 14 days premium membership at PointWorld.com 4499 JPY 14/08/2015 To settle your outstanding balance of 4499 JPY you need to log in to your account at Wakefield Finance. CustomerID: 448117 Email: ***@zpost.plala.or.jp Kindly note that the due date of this payment is 28 August 2015. If we haven't registred your payment by that date there will be added a late fee of 999 JPY for every reminder that we issue. With regards - Wakefield Finance (this email cannot be replied) ʼnç”°çoeÿå–oeå  ʼnç”° ɹ¿å…å³¶å¸‚ç´«åžÿ2-26-2 8900082 ɹ¿å…å³¶å¸‚ Invoice #517652 Dear ʼnç”°çoeÿå–oeå  Here is your invoice for your Premium membership to PointWorld.com. Your premium services related to this invoice is automaticly active from 14. august 2015 and the amount of days forward as stated in the description below. As this is a recurring service, it's important that you unsubscribe to avoid further billings! Kindly note that the due date of this payment is 28. august 2015. If we haven't registred payment there will be added a late fee of 10 JPY for every reminder that we issue. Please feel free to contact us via your self service area on wakefieldfinance.com if you have any questions. on behalf of PointWorld.com Date Description Amount 14-08-2015 14 days premium membership at PointWorld.com 4499 JPY Total sum: 4499 JPY ___________ ______________________ How to pay: Visit our website WakefieldFinance.com and log into your personal account with customer ID "448117" and email "***@zpost.plala.or.jp". From here you can select your prefered payment method like payment by credit card, wire-transfer, PayPalTM or other options. What is Wakefield Finance? We offer a financial service for companies that wants to sell their invoices in order to get their revenue in advance (also knowned as "factoring"). Therefor Wakefield Finance has bought this invoice from PointWorld.com. If you want to get an overview of your invoices (as well as unsubscribing from the PointWorld.com service) you can do this by visiting Wakefieldfinance.com. Please remember to mention you customer ID "448117" and email "***@zpost.plala.or.jp". What is PointWorld.com PointWorld is one of the worlds largest reward websites where you can earn and spend points on everything between heaven and earth. As a premium member you not only earn 100% extra points, but you get a 50% descount everything you spend points. On 9. august 2015 you signed up for a trial period (5 days for JPY). As stated your membership will automatically be renewed after this period for the full amount of 4499 JPY every 14 days.

  • 英語教えてください

    和訳してください His novels are not as popular as they used to be. That country is three and half times as large as Japan. The expressway is less safe at night than during the day. Which computer is the more compact of the two.

  • 英語の文法

    かなり初歩なのですが・・・。 It is said that they were built more 50 years ago.(それらは50年以上前に建てられたといわれている。) はなぜwereが入るのでしょうか??built自体の過去形では何が不足なのでしょうか。 I got up at six. みたいな、標準(?)の過去形との違いを教えてほしいです。

  • 英語の質問です!

    アメリカでは4年ごとに大統領選挙がある。 There is a (years/the/in/every/four/presidential/election) United States. 消費者は最新の商品を手頃な価格で買おうとするものだ。 Consumers (cutting-edge/reasonable/purchase /are/products/willing/at/with/to) prices. お願いします!

  • 英語 比較

    自分の答えが合っているかと 間違っていた問題は訳や説明をいただけると嬉しいです ・彼はその自転車に多くて5万円支払った。 The bike cost him at most \50,000. =The bike cost him ()()()\50,000.→at the most ・スーザンは私より3,000冊多く本を持っている。 Susan (books/has/than/three thousand/more/I/have). →have three thousand books more then I ・There were () two dogs in each cage. 1 any more than 2 the less than 3 no more than 4 less not than→3 ・She speaks English () fluently as any student in her class. 1 more 2 much 3 as 4 so→2 ・He can hardly read English, () write it. 1 much more 2 all the more 3 much less 4 more or less→1 ・Matters will be () difficult if you don't take action. 1 all the more 2 all the most 3 more the all 4 the most all→3 わからなかった問題です ・並び替え 1 There are (were/college/times/than/three/there/students/more)in the 1960s. 2 (are/as/as cheap/not/last/they/vegetables/were)week. ・間違った部分を選んで直す (1 Let us) realize that the world (2 is changing) at (3 a fast rate) than (4 it has) at any time in human history.

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am a retired male. My girlfriend is still working. We have been exclusive for three years. We live 300 miles apart, but see each other every two or three weeks for at least three days and, until now, have had a very good relationship. The problem is, she's saying she wants to socialize with her ex-husband, who lives in her town. They have been divorced for eight years, but she wants to see him occasionally in a social setting, not just when it pertains to their two adult children, who live out of state. 1 We have been exclusiveというのは、「二人以外とは誰も付き合っていない」ということでしょうか? 2 every two or three weeks for at least three daysは「2、3週間に少なくとも3日」ということでしょうか? 3 not just when it pertains to their two adult childrenの訳を教えてください。 以上、よろしくお願いします