• 締切済み


Hi Orie, Thank you for making 2 order with us We can ship them out together so you don’t have to pay shipping costs. I will refund € 55.00 on your credit card. Also could you please provide me with an address in English? We ship out with FedEx. Best regards, Petra



オリエさん 2つの注文をしていただきありがとうございます それらは、一緒に発送できるので、送料を支払う必要はありません。クレジットカードで55ユーロを返金します。 また、英語で住所を教えていください。 FedExで発送します。 よろしくお願いします ペトラ



  • さらっと和訳をお願いします

    I have got neither account on ebay nor on paypal service. Could you please sell the requested blades using other metods, not via ebay? Normally, selling company send an invoice together with ordered goods to our Institute and we pay within 30 net days after the delivery. Our institute can also cover shipping costs (~50$).

  • 和訳をお願いします

    We could supply a minimum order of 7 @ £40.15 GBP postage costs would be extra and I will provide the costs however could you let me know how many you would like to purchase.

  • 和訳お願いします!

    日本在住でアメリカのサイトからインターネットショッピングしましたが、 注文確定後、このようなメールが送られてきました。支払い方法はクレジットカードです。 To help us ensure your security, we need to some additional verification before your order processes. Please take a minute to review this procedure; it should be smooth sailing from there. We have charged your credit card a random amount less than $3 USD. All you need to do is confirm this amount for us, and we’ll refund the small charge and ship your order. 1.Contact your bank or credit card company. 2.Find the exact amount charged by Backcountry.com 3.Click here to enter the charge amount. 4.When you enter the correct amount, we will refund your card and ship your order. You only have five (5) business days to verify your order, so please call your bank or credit card company right away. If you do not verify the order within those five days, your card will be refunded and your order will unfortunately be cancelled. Just one more note: International shipments may be subject to tariffs, duties, Value Added Tax (VAT), or other government fees. These costs are your responsibility. They are not included in the shipping charges. The shipping company (UPS) will charge custom fees. Contact your local customs office for more information. で、3をクリックしたら To help us ensure your security, please verify the random small amount we've charged to your credit card. This amount is $3 USD or less. Don't worry - you will be refunded the full amount. In order to verify this charge, please contact your financial institution and obtain its exact amount. Once you've gathered this information, enter it in the field below. If the amount you enter is correct, the small amount will be refunded, and we'll get your order out the door as fast as we can. If the amount you enter is incorrect, you may reconfirm the charge amount, and give it another shot. というページに飛び、金額を入力する欄が出ました。 助けてください。

  • 和訳してください。。

    すみません、英語がわからないので、どうか和訳をお願いします。。 we can refund full money to you, but you should return the curtain you recived to me. we all know we didn't cheat you as we send you curtain with hello kitty style with very fast delivery time. we cost a huge money on the curtain and shipping freight. once we refund full money to you, who pay the money to me? I know you are the honest buyer also, so sincerely wish you can stand by my side and understand our situation. look forward to hearing from you.

  • 和訳お願い致します

    I know we've spent some time together and I like hanging out with you, but since it's mostly been when we're drunk and after being out with other friends, I have thought of it as us being friends and having fun time together. I hope you are okay with that and you don't feel awkward.

  • 海外ショッピングでトラブル、翻訳お願いします。

    先日海外の通信販売で3種類の接着剤をそれぞれ2oz、2oz、16oz注文したのですが、以下の様なメールが返ってきました。 We received your order however the items you are ordering are flammable and we are unable to ship them in the size containers that you ordered without charging high hazardous shipping costs in addition to the regular shipping costs. We are able to ship 1oz bottles however they are a little more expensive per ounce. I have listed the prices per ounce for each product below. Also, we must ship the order via FedEx Priority which will increase your shipping costs to approx $122.95. B-460 1oz $19.95 each (you would need 2 to meet the equivalent of your original order) BT-460-1 1oz $28.00 each (you would need 2 to meet the equivalent of your original order) B-608-1 1oz $4.95 each (you would need 16 to meet the equivalent of your original order) Once I know how many 1oz bottles of each item you would like to order, I can give you an accurate quote for the shipping costs. The order is on hold at this time. Thank you, 可燃性だから普通には発送できない、注文は保留してるということは分かるのですが、詳しいことがわかりません。 1ozずつなら$64.47(注文時の自動計算でこうなっていた)で送ってもらえるということですか? 文中の$122.95とは一体? ちなみに選択できた発送方法は以下の通りで、一番安かったFedEx International Priorityを選びました。 FedEx International Economy FedEx International Priority UPS Worldwide ExpressSM UPS Worldwide ExpeditedSM 内容がわからずに困っています。 教えていただけると大変助かります。

  • 英文の意味を教えてください。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を買いました。運送業者のフェデックスで発送予定なんですがそのことでメールがきました。すみませんが意味を教えてください。 Hope you are well. Could you please let me know if you will be using your Fedex account for shipping as we have not charged you the shipping fee..?

  • 和訳して下さい!急いでいます!

    以下の文章を和訳して頂けると非常に助かります! We regret to inform you that we are out of the Black Color. We can do the natural color which is like a cream white. We will refund you 10% for making the switch Let us know 個人輸入で購入したショップから送られてきたメールです。 google翻訳や、エキサイトも試したのですが、??な訳ばかりで困っています。 黒の在庫は無いけど、クリームホワイトならある。という内容であっていますか? 英語力が乏しいのに個人輸入なんて無謀・・・というのは自分でも分かっているのですが、このところの円高につられてしまいました・・・。

  • 翻訳お願いします。中盤の辺りがよく分かりません。

    翻訳お願いします。中盤の辺りがよく分かりません。 I understand your concern about returning item back to the seller. Please return the item to seller and write back to us with the associated return shipping charges and other postage if any. We'll refund the full return shipping charges. Please visit the following link to provide the information we requested: http://www.amazon.com/rsvp-mi?c=htetfhcx3450286282&q=o2r We're required to process all refunds to the original payment method used for the order. If your account has been closed or canceled and you have another credit card with the same issuing bank, the bank can usually apply the refund to your other credit card. If you don't have an account with the bank anymore, they should issue you a refund check. We always appreciate customer inputs on how we can improve our store, and I've passed your message along to appropriate department to minimize the chances of anything like this occurring again.

  • 和訳して下さい(ホテルからのメール)

    以前「英訳して下さい(ホテルへのメール)」質問させて頂きました。 その節はご回答頂きました皆様ありがとうございました。 ホテルより返信のメールが返ってきました。 申し訳ありませんが和訳お願い致します。。 Kindly to advice that your ONLINE booking with us has been confirmed. As of payment, you can pay with us by cash or credit card upon check in. The print out confirmation is not necessary to be present upon check in as we already have the ONLINE confirmation record. Thanks & Regards,

  • ひかりTVのドコモひかりTVチューナーから外付けHDDへのダビング中に電源が落ちてしまい、録画ができなくなりました。さらに、ダビング中の番組以外の録画番組もダビングができなくなりました。
  • ひかりTVの録画ダビング中に電源が落ちてしまい、録画ができなくなりました。ダビング中の番組以外の録画番組もダビングができなくなったため、どのようにすれば問題を解消できるでしょうか?
  • ひかりTVの外付けHDDへのダビング中に電源が落ちてしまい、録画ができなくなったと表示され、ダビング中の番組以外の録画番組もダビングができなくなりました。問題の解決方法を教えてください。