• ベストアンサー




色々ツッコミどころがありまして、英語の先生のようになるべく元の文章を残したまま、直してあげる事ができませんが、 The best part of online shopping is that you can shop from home easily without any hassle. とも、








  • 同格のthatの使い方

    The shop does not sell nothing that I cannot buy things whatever I want. It rained yesterday that we could not go shopping. この2つの英文を自分で作りました 途中のthatは同格の意味で使っていますが、ちゃんと同格の意味で使えてますでしょううか? どなたか確認お願いします

  • but that について

    We don't know but that there are the people who would have made more money even if they had not gone to college.の文の but that をどう訳していいのか、訳し方がわかりません。 辞書を引くとknow などの否定形のあとで、「・・・ではないと」という意味になると書いてあるのですが・・・。

  • 名詞節のthatについて

    I think we are all born with the gift for enjoying beautiful things ,but that we are indifferent to many of them because our attention was never called to them in childhood. 文中のthat は、名詞節のthatですが、このthatは必要なのでしょうか? that s+v is~.なら必要だと思いますが、ここでの必要性が理解できません。

  • that節を使った英文

    ご意見お願い致します。 「僕は彼らにそこへは行かないほうがいいと忠告した」 をthat節を使い I advised them that they don't go to there.でも正しいですか? 解答ではI advised them not to go there.となっています。

  • butについて

    お世話になっております。 以下についてお教え頂けないでしょうか。 We will have no choice but to cancel. (1)このbutは接続詞でなく前置詞でしょうか? (2)前置詞のあとにto不定詞を置くことは可能でしょうか? (3)この文をcan not help Vingで置き換えることは可能でしょうか?すなわち、以下の文法が成り立ち、かつ意味は同じでしょうか? We wiil not be able to not help canceling. お教えのほど何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。

  • この文章を日本語に訳してください。

    この文章を日本語に訳してください。 We do not offer that service at the time but we will have a holder available soon that you can just buy that will be similar to a graded holder.

  • 文(句、節)を指すItとThat,Thisの違い

    (4)前に出た句や節、文の内容をさす [ロイヤル英文法p.176] ・I'd like to go on a trip to Europe, but I cannot afford it. (=to go on a trip to Europe) ・Railroad service was suspended. They told me it was because of a landslide. (itは前文の内容) (3)this, that が先行する文(の一部)の内容をさす場合 [ロイヤル英文法p.197] ・To be or not to be : that is the question. ・They will surely help Tom. That will please his mother. ・"I've caught a cold."  "That's too bad." ・We see him taking a walk, but this isn't very often. It,That,Thisはセンテンス全体を指せるようですが、それぞれの違いはなんですか?

  • that節

    My husband and I have been raising two of my grandkids: Their mothers are from my first marriage and addicted to drugs. It was rough the first few years, but I told my husband I couldn’t turn my back on the grandkids and he said that we together could do it. Fast-forward several years and he’s retired, the kids are 14 and 9, and I feel like I get punished all the time for “ruining his life and retirement” by choosing the grandkids over him. He always starts off that it was the only choice we could make, but there isn’t a day that goes by he doesn’t have a sarcastic remark about me or the grandkids’ mothers or how dishonest and horrible all women are. He always starts off thatはなぜ that節がとれるのでしょうか?何にでもとれるわけではないですよね?よろしくお願いします

  • The videogames 2D future?

    Is it true, that all arcade games can go from 2D game mechanics to another 3D if the artists and programmers know that things change, and what things do not?

  • all (that)~

    This is so boring, it's all I can do to stay awake. Be all that you can be. 上記の各文は all you need to do is (to) sign the enclosed card and return it to us. と同じ文法と考えて良いのでしょうか? all (that)と考えられる文は、全て同じ文法が使われていると思って良いのでしょうか? (only things)all that