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XX's melodies: Connecting Poetry and Music


  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

大体合っていると思います。 「当初、XXのメロディーについてゲーテと彼の僚友たちは、その恵まれた時代における詩人と作家が、歌詞として詩そのものにまさに価値があることを認め、それを抽象的な音楽の分野へと広めていくであろうと予想した。しかし音楽はささやかな装飾に過ぎず、関心の中心は詩であることに変わりはなかった。」 * provide a modest embellishment to a poem 「詩にささやかな装飾を供する」 * a poem which did not cease to be the center of interest. 「関心の中心は詩であることに変わりはなかった。」



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    Goethe wrote the poem in 1770, and it believes that this poem was addressed to Lotte Frederica Lissetten who is a friend with Goethe's sister to farewell her. It is an example that Goethe wrote in early years and not too complicated verse. 「ゲーテは1770年にその詩を書かれ、この詩はゲーテがゲーテの姉妹との友だちであるLotte Frederica Lissettenに別れを告げるために書かれた信じられています。これはゲーテが初期に書いた例であり、あまり複雑な詩ではありません。」 *はじめの文の構成なのですが「この詩はLotte Frederica Lissetten宛に書かれた、別れを告げるために」という風にしています。 addressed to=~宛に としています。 こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。よろしくお願いします。

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    以下の翻訳が難しくて分かりません。 契約者の義務について書かれていると思うのですが、宜しくお願いします。 This Agreement constitutes a valid and binding obligation of the Member, and is enforceable in accordance with its terms.

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    To compose a Lied was the naturalness and ease itself for Reichardt. 「リードを作曲することはライヒャルトにってごく自然なことであり安らぎそのものでした。」 This is a simple song in Volkston idiom, and this poem was written by Goethe. 「これはVolkston idiomのシンプルな歌で、詩はゲーテによってかかれました。」 こちらの英文を添削してほしいです。よろしくお願いします。

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    European imperialist and colonialist powers had apprehensions about Jihad before 1914; Clemenceau had predicted it in 1912, if war broke out between the Great Powers. In August 1914, Charles Lutaud, the Governor of Algeria expected a rebellion and on 5 November, tried to forestall the Ottoman call to arms, by presenting the Ottomans as German puppets. The French were assisted by Royal Navy code breaking, to anticipate landings from German U-boats and negate the intriguing of the Central Powers. French prestige after the Moroccan Crises, reduced the likelihood of attempts to overthrow the colonial regime and German prisoners of war, were used as forced labour in Morocco and Algeria, to display French military prowess. Most of the French regular troops were sent to France in 1914 and replaced by Territorial troops in Morocco but on the frontier of Algeria and Libya, Senussi operations against the Italian army led the French to allow the garrisons of Ghadames and Ghat to retreat into Algeria and then be rearmed to re-capture Ghadames in January 1915, as part of the French policy of drawing Italy into the war.

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    In Britain, an Offensive sub-committee of the Committee of Imperial Defence was appointed on 5 August and established a principle that command of the seas was to be ensured and that objectives were considered only if they could be attained with local forces and if the objective assisted the priority of maintaining British sea communications, as British army garrisons abroad were returned to Europe in an "Imperial Concentration". Attacks on German coaling stations and wireless stations were considered to be important to clear the seas of German commerce raiders. Objectives at Tsingtau in the Far East and Luderitz Bay, Windhoek, Duala and Dar-es-Salaam in Africa and a German wireless station in Togoland, next to the British colony of Gold Coast in the Gulf of Guinea, were considered vulnerable to attack by local or allied forces.

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    Hindenburg and Ludendorff forced a return to the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare on 9 January 1917 and engineered the dismissal of the Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg and other opponents of the policy the next day. The policy was to resume on 1 February, with the intention of sinking 600,000 long tons (610,000 t) of shipping per month and knocking Britain out of the war in 5–12 months. Optimistic claims by the navy were less important to the decision, than the "desperate" position of the western armies and the decrepitude of Germany's allies. Another front in the west was to be opened by the resumption of air attacks on Britain. New aircraft had become available to replace airships, which had become too vulnerable to British counter-measures in 1916. Planning began in late 1916 and Operation Türkenkreutz began in May 1917. As part of the defensive strategy for the Western Front, five defensive positions were planned to form the basis of the Abwehrschlacht (defensive battle) expected in 1917.

  • 下記の英文の意味を教えてください。

    3)Create an original post in which you explain what you feel is romantic poetry as defined in Preface to Lyrical Ballads, and then analyze how well "Lines Written..." fulfills the definition. Do you like the poem? ディスカッションボードに上記の事についてオリジナルポストを投稿しなければならないのですが、何について書けばいいのかいまいちよくわかりません。上記の英文の意味を教えてください。 ちなみにこの分の前には下記のような事が書かれております。 1)Read the Preface to Lyrical Ballads to determine the unique vision of these poets as they helped define a movement in poetry. 2)Read "Lines Written a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye During a Tour, July 13, 1798” and determine if this poem fulfills the goals of the romantic poet as outlined in the Preface to Lyrical Ballads.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Since the 1960s the "futility" view (that the battle was an Anglo-French disaster) has been criticised as a myth. In recent years a nuanced version of the original orthodoxy has arisen, which does not seek to minimise the human cost of the battle but sets it in the context of industrial warfare, compares it to the wars in the United States from 1861–1865 and Europe from 1939–1945 and describes the development of the armies of 1914 into modern all-arms organisations, using the scientific application of fire-power on land and in the air, to defeat comparable opponents in a war of exhaustion. Little German and French writing on this topic has been translated, leaving much of the continental perspective and detail of German and French military operations inaccessible to the English-speaking world.

  • 次の英文の文法で質問がいくつかあるのですが

    Thus, there are misconceptions among humanists and scientists alike that are in need of correction. This correction leads to a much more acceptable position that could be called "scientific humanism," attempting as it does to combine the common elements of both disciplines. Both science and the humanities attempt to describe and explain. 1. alikeここではどういう使われ方をされているのですか?副詞でしょうか?なくても意味が変わらない気がするんですがどう変わるのですか? 2.as it does toってどういう意味ですか?attempting to combineではだめなのですか? 3.describeは他動詞なのに目的語がないのはなぜですか? In achieving this understanding, science in fact does not depend exclusively on measurable data, and te humanities in fact profit from attempts at controlled evaluation. 上の文章から察するにcontrolled evaluationはscienceのことだと思うのですがどうしてそうなるんでしょうか...scienceのどこら辺がcontrolled evaluationなのか科学にくわしい方いらっしゃいますか?

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Germany attempted to use Indian nationalism and pan-Islamism to its advantage. She tried instigating uprisings in India, and sent a mission to Afghanistan urging her to join the war on the side of Central powers. However, contrary to British fears of a revolt in India, the outbreak of the war saw an unprecedented outpouring of loyalty and goodwill towards Britain. Indian political leaders from the Indian National Congress and other groups were eager to support the British war effort, since they believed that strong support for the war effort would further the cause of Indian Home Rule.[citation needed] The Indian Army in fact outnumbered the British Army at the beginning of the war; about 1.3 million Indian soldiers and labourers served in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, while the central government and the princely states sent large supplies of food, money, and ammunition. In all, 140,000 men served on the Western Front and nearly 700,000 in the Middle East. Casualties of Indian soldiers totalled 47,746 killed and 65,126 wounded during World War I. The suffering engendered by the war, as well as the failure of the British government to grant self-government to India after the end of hostilities, bred disillusionment and fuelled the campaign for full independence that would be led by Mohandas K. Gandhi and others.