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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳の質問です。)









  • 和訳の質問です。

    下記2文の和訳をしたいのですが、うまくできません。 どなたかご教示いただけないでしょうか。 1文目の途中まで自分でやってみた和訳も載せています。 間違いがあれば、それも指摘してほしいです。 宜しくお願いいたします。 In addition to ranking and profiling the cities in terms of overall international retailer presence, the report examines the impact of technology on our changing retail spaces, analyses rents within each market, and how rental levels are influenced by the differing role of the store. 小売ブランドが多く出店する各都市の分析とそれぞれのランキングに加え、このレポートでは各都市の賃料相場や入居するテナントによって賃料がどのように影響を受けるのかを分析し、小売ブランドがその都市へ進出する際の,,,? The report also identifies which are the major exporter countries of international retailer brands and the most expansive retailers, and examines their varying routes to market.

  • 和訳の質問です。

    下記の和訳が分かりません。 どなたかご教示いただけないでしょうか? Active Transportation and Real Estate: The Next Frontier identifies the latest phase in the evolution of urban development from car-centric to people-oriented design: “trail-oriented development” leverages investments in cycling and pedestrian infrastructure to offer car-free lifestyle and transportation choices to people seeking more physically active and environmentally sustainable modes of getting around.

  • 和訳の質問です。

    下記の文の和訳が分かりません。 どなたかご教示いただけないでしょうか。 上の1文は自分で和訳してみたものを下記に記載しています。 International retailers are increasingly focussing on measured and balanced growth of their store portfolios across Global, Mature and Growth Retail Markets. →国際的小売ブランドの多くは、世界的都市、成熟都市、成長都市で世界的にバランスを保って拡大、成長することを目指している?? Recent events have shown that risks inherent to emerging retail markets remain.

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Japan also has a low standard of living, because of cramped housing, long and crowded train commutes, a lack of open spaces and recreational facilities for adults and kids alike, and a lack of cultural activities such as world-class museums, world-class live performances, high-quality art, high-quality movies and high-quality music. “Cramped” means uncomfortably restricted in size, or financially. “Open spaces” refers to parks, community gardens, schoolyards, playgrounds, public plazas, and so on. “Alike” is an adverb used to emphasize that the writer is referring to both adults and kids. “World-class” means ranking among the world's best; outstanding.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The short pamphlet noted the importance of dedicated hand grenade, rifle grenade and machine gun sections in suppressing enemy strong points with an appropriate level of fire to permit other military units to advance. Coupled with the observations and suggestions made by Currie in the report he submitted in January 1917 following the Verdun lectures, the Canadian Corps instilled the tactical change with vigour. The corps instilled the tactical doctrine for small units by assigning objectives down to the platoon level. Assaulting infantry battalions used hills behind the lines as full-scale model representations of the battlefield. Taped lines demarcated German trench lines while officers on horseback carried flags to represent the advancing front of the artillery barrage. Recognizing that the men in leadership positions were likely to be wounded or killed, soldiers learned the jobs of those beside and above them. At the British First Army headquarters, a large-scale plasticine model of the Vimy sector was constructed and used to show commissioned and senior non-commissioned officers the topographical features of the battlefield and details of the German trench system. In addition, upwards of 40,000 topographical trench maps were printed and distributed to ensure that even platoon sergeants and section commanders possessed a wider awareness of the battlefield.

  • 和訳の質問です。

    和訳の質問です。 下記の和訳を教えてください。 (1)It appears that success breeds success, and the world’s top retail locations are cementing their positions as global retail gateways, supporting online, wholesale, franchise and company owned retail distribution for the world’s top brands. (2)Understanding the local opportunities and defining the role of a physical store when establishing affordability of retail space is key and perhaps best illustrated by the spread in prime rents commanded among the world’s top retail destinations. Considering locations that are sought after by mainstream international retail brands as well as locations that are targeted by luxury brands, retail space in New York is the most expensive in the world, with top rents reaching up to US$37,700 per sqm a year. 一文目は、supportingの後がどう繋がるのかわかりません。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Incidentally, the best way to find out is to ask customers, not by questionnaires but by, again, sitting down with them and finding out. The most successful retailer Iknow in the world is not one of the big retail chains. It is somebody in Ireland, a small country about the size of Slovenia. This particular company is next door to Great Britain with its very powerful supermarkets and all of them are also in Ireland; and yet this little company has maybe 60% of the sandwich market. What do they do? Well, the answer is that the boss spends two days each week in one of his stores serving customers, from the meat counter to the check-out counter, to being the one who puts stuff into bags and carries it out to the shoppers’ And he knows what the customers pay for. Let me say this may all sound very simple to you. It is not. It is infinitely more important than any other management tool.

  • 和訳してくださいませんか

    知り合いと震災の意見を交換し合っています。 回答が来たのですがよく理解出来ません。 どうか和訳にしていただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願い致します。 you know something very good can come out of this disaster. it is to realize that big business and big government are not there to take care of us, they are there to take care of themselves. so please consider, to talk about how to remove big companies or big government in our lives. small farms, small shops, small governments..... sure we need some big companies for cars, and things like that. but for most things no. you know i am for this, people and freedom. being really free, you don't feel you are working, you feel like you are living.

  • 英文とその訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    See how big I am? Big spaces and small spaces The Japanese officials were not wrong in thinking that being given a small hotel room constituted an insult. The size of a room or house reflects the importance of its inhabitant. American executives often have huge private offices with an oversize desk, guarded by a secretary. The space of that enormous office is not really "used" for anything except to give the occupant status and publicize it. 日本語訳 私がどれほど大物かわかる? 大きな空間と小さな空間 小さなホテルの部屋を与えられることが相手を侮辱することになるとの日本人の役人の考え方は間違っていませんでした。部屋や家のサイズは、そこに住む人の重要性を反映します。アメリカ人の会社役員はしばしば、出入り口に秘書がいて特大サイズの机付きのものすごく広いプライベートオフィスを持ちます。そのとんでもなく広いオフィス空間は、そこを使っている持ち主に地位を与え、それを宣伝する以外にはまったくもって「役立つ」ことはありません。

  • 次の和訳をお願いしますm(__)m

    The mix of company-operated versus licensed stores in a given market will vary based on several factors, including the ability to access desirable local retail space, the complexity and expected ultimate size of the market for Starbucks, and the ability to leverage the support infrastructure in an existing geographic region. ※ company-operated 直営店 licensed stores ライセンス店