• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

No.1の補足。 freshness だけでもいいと思いますが,「新しいか古いかの度合い」ときっちり表現するほうがいいと思います。 「目で判断する」は直訳できません。具体的に「目の色」(濁り具合)という必要があります。とくに鮮魚やその料理になじみがない欧米人にたいしては。


  • 次の日本語の英訳は正しいでしょうか??

    「優れた料理人は魚の鮮度を目で判断する。」の英訳ですが、自分なりに考えたのですが、次の表現であっているか不安だったので御願いします。 1 A good cook judges how fresh fish from his own eyes. 1' A good cook judges freshness of fish from his own eyes. 2 A good cook judges how fresh fish from its eyes. 2' A good cook judges freshness of fish from its eyes.

  • わかりやすい日本語にお願いします。

    お世話になっております。 以下の英文を自然な日本にお願いできますか。1文だけで申し訳ありませんが。 It opens people’s eyes to a way of doing things in a way that’s different from their own.

  • 英訳 仕事が集まる

    いつもありがとうございます。 英訳をおしえていただけますでしょうか。 集まる、というのはわかりませんでした。あっているのか不安です。 和文: Aさん:最近、忙しいんだ。 Bさん:仕事って、仕事ができる人のところに集まるよね A lot of work gather in those who are good at what they do, no? A lot of work gather in those who are good at their work, no?

  • 英訳をお願いします。

    英訳をお願いします。 As planets orbit, their angle from the sun varies, changing how directly the sun's rays hit and in turn changing the seasons. 上の文です。 文の後半は分かるのですが、前半の、 As planets orbit, their angle from the sun varies, がどうしてもわかりません。 すごく困ってます。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の文を日本語に訳してください。

    The big task is to design and make a toy or game that will stop a bed-ridden patient approximately nine years of age from being bored. 違う問題です。 Now combine the flour, sugar, salt, butter and milk in a saucepan, mixing them well. Cook the mixture slowly, stirring from time to prevent it from burning. When it reaches the so-called "soft ball stage", remove the saucepan from the heat.

  • この英文を日本語にしてください。

    All canidates are corrupt. They do not support ideals in which I believe in. The current canidates promote general ideas that American people want to hear, but the canidates have their own plans behind their "good" facade. I do not have enough information on how the economy works or politics in general to make a good decision on a political canidate. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    All canidates are corrupt. They do not support ideals in which I believe in. The current canidates promote general ideas that American people want to hear, but the canidates have their own plans behind their "good" facade. I do not have enough information on how the economy works or politics in general to make a good decision on a political canidate.

  • 英訳これでよろしいでしょうか?

    英訳これでよろしいでしょうか? 新しく購入した本の選択が正しかったかどうかは、図書館員たちが選んだ本がどれほど貸し出されているかによって判断できる。 Their success in choosing new books can be judged by how many of the books in their selections are loaned. 自分なりに書いてみましたがこれでいいかしら?

  • 急いでます!英訳お願いします!

    「あなたは、日本人がなぜ西洋の国々とその人々(Western countries and their people)に良いイメージをもっているのかということに興味がありますか?」 は英訳するとどうなりますか? 自分でしてみると、「Are you interested in why Japanese people have good images of Western countries and their people?」となりましたがどうですかね。

  • 次の文を日本語翻訳して下さい。

    At the Battle of Kitcheners' Wood, the 10th Battalion of the 2nd Canadian Brigade was ordered to counter-attack in the gap created by the gas attack. They formed up after 11:00 a.m. on 22 April, with the 16th Battalion (Canadian Scottish) of the 3rd Brigade arriving to support the advance. Both battalions attacked with over 800 men, in waves of two companies each, at 11:46 a.m. Without reconnaissance, the battalions ran into obstacles halfway to their objective. Engaged by small-arms fire from the wood, they began an impromptu bayonet charge. The attack cleared the former oak plantation of Germans at a 75-percent casualty rate. The British press were confused by the attack: The Germans set fire to a chemical product of sulphur chloride which they had placed in front of their own trenches, causing a thick yellow cloud to be blown towards the trenches of the French and Belgians. The cloud of smoke advanced like a yellow low wall, overcoming all those who breathed in poisonous fumes. The French were unable to see what they were doing or what was happening. The Germans then charged, driving the bewildered French back past their own trenches. Those who were enveloped by the fumes were not able to see each other half a yard apart. I have seen some of the wounded who were overcome by the sulphur fumes, and they were progressing favourably. The effect of the sulphur appears to be only temporary. The after-effects seem to be a bad swelling of the eyes, but the sight is not damaged. — The Daily Mail (26 April 1915) Dusk was falling when from the German trenches in front of the French line rose that strange green cloud of death. The light north-easterly breeze wafted it toward them, and in a moment death had them by the throat. One cannot blame them that they broke and fled. In the gathering dark of that awful night they fought with the terror, running blindly in the gas-cloud, and dropping with breasts heaving in agony and the slow poison of suffocation mantling their dark faces. Hundreds of them fell and died; others lay helpless, froth upon their agonized lips and their racked bodies powerfully sick, with tearing nausea at short intervals. They too would die later – a slow and lingering death of agony unspeakable. The whole air was tainted with the acrid smell of chlorine that caught at the back of men's throats and filled their mouths with its metallic taste. — Captain Alfred Oliver Pollard, The Memoirs of a VC (1932)