Let Me Have It

  • A neighbor questions the religion of the owners of an apartment complex
  • The protagonist emphasizes that religion is not relevant to the apartment policies
  • The neighbor criticizes the protagonist for being too concerned with religion
  • ベストアンサー

let me have it

Today, I was stopped by a neighbor who wanted to talk about the owners of our apartment complex. She said in a disparaging tone, “They’re Muslims, aren’t they?” I told her I had no way of knowing their religion, nor did I need to. All I care about is their apartment policies, which are troubling. She then let me have it about why am I “so hung up about religion,” and I explained that religion has nothing to do with the policies we were discussing. let me have itは「私に思い知らせた」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4131/5367)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"let me have it" 「非難す/説教する」 だと思ます。 https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=let+someone+have+it She then let me have it about why am I “so hung up about religion,” and I explained that religion has nothing to do with the policies we were discussing. すると彼女は何故私が宗教に対してそんなに敏感になるのか、詰め寄ってきた。そこで私は、そのとき議論していたアパートメントの運営方針が、宗教とは全く無縁ものであると主張した。





  • let me see で誤解されてしまったかもしれません

    文字のチャットで、初めて、let me see という言葉を使いました。 初めての相手(外国人)で、お互いに、英語を学んでいます。 相手 I'm take a shower can we talk later? 私  I take a bath too.see you later bye. 相手 bath time? I am 20min and you 私  let me see 相手 see? 私  It is cold,so I need to have time to warm nnnn ・・・・・ 相手  but I can give you warm この辺から、会話がおかしくなってきました。 nnnnに意味はなく、彼の前に、16歳の女の子とチャットして 文字を並べる(若者言葉?)が多くて楽しかったので、なんとなく入れてしまいました。その後何度も否定したのですが、彼はエスカレートしてしまいました。 こんなタイミングで言う言葉じゃなかったのでしょうか? 相手がlet me see の意味を知らなかったのかもと後で思いました。 今後のチャットで、気をつけたほうがいい言葉があったら教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • should have to の意味

    異なる辞書で「should have to ~」を含む例文をいくつか見かけたのですが、 どう訳すのか気になります。 must とほぼ同意、なども示していただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 ・I really don't see why I should have to explain myself to you. ・Universities should not have to compromise their academic standards. ・It is unfortunate that people should have to live in such anxiety about their money. ・It stuck in my throat that she should have to take responsibility for his error.

  • 使役letを使った表現について。

    受験英語で教わる使役letの訳出は「人が望むのなら~させる」と書かれておりますが、日常会話上ではなんか訳出が違う気がします。下記はスペースアルクの例文を引用しました。 下記の例文を見ると、let'sみたいな使われ方がしていたり、訳のわからない使われ方(訳がletの意味として表れていいない)気がします。意味にあてはめることができない気がします。 また、 どういう直訳を経て、そういう意訳になったのかが理解に苦しみます。 その他の使役動詞make, haveは使い方はおおよそわかります。 ただ、letだけが意味が「人が望むのなら~させる」というのもなんだかよくわかりません。日本語の問題かも知れませんが。 ・Let me tell you a secret 教えてあげるよ。 ・Let me show you ごらんください。 ・Let me show you around a few of these souks. いくつかのスークをご案内しましょう。 ・Let me see that 見せてください。/ちょっと拝見。 ・Let me talk to your manager あなたの上司と話をさせてください。 ・Let me ask you a question. 1つ質問があります。 ・Let me buy you a drink 1杯おごるよ。 ・Let me check if we have any more in stock 在庫を確認いたします。 ・I'll let you buy whatever you want, but I'll keep the money 買いたいもの、何でも買っていいわよ。でもお金はママが持ってます。 ・I wanted to let you know about it 明日10時35分に着くことを知らせたくて電話したんだ

  • harm itの部分について

    Critics worry that pessimistic news reports about the economy harm it by causing people to lose confidence in the economy, of which everyone has direct experince every day. Journalists respond that to do their jobs well they cannot worry about the effects of their work. Also studies show that people do not defer to journalists except on matters of which they have no direct experience. ここのabout のうしろなので名詞だと思ったんですが、harmはもしかして動詞でしょうか?ということは名詞節でthatが省略されているのでしょうか? また、この文のどこからpeople have direct experience of the economy ということがわかるのでしょうか?

  • Letの解読法

    下記文章の意味がよくわかりません。 まず、「Let」の意味はどう取ればいいのでしょうか? 直後に目的語が来ていますので使役でしょうか。 構文解説をお願い致します。 I have let the Geography department at ABC High School , where I was a Governor have some of the sweets and wrapping paper you you kindly brought me so that they could show pupils the sort of sweets you have in Japan ! あとはこういった場合はどうですか? Just to let you know that I received your photos today .

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    The song is about organized religion. About people who tell others what to do and what to believe. They switch off people's minds and control the masses. It gives me a feeling of isolation, when I think about it. Organized religion does not view everyone as equals.

  • Let me (s ) a toast.

    下記の3つの文は同じ意味です。( )の中にどんな単語が入るか教えて下さい。 I'd like to (p ) a toast = Let me (m ) a toast = Let me (s ) a toast I'd like to (propose) a toast = Let me (make) a toast = Let me (わかりません) a toast 前文2つは自分なりに単語をいれてみました。 最後のはわかりません。( )の中に入る単語の頭文字はSです。(s.....) こちらは英文メールの添削をお願いします。 申し訳ありませんが、ちょっと用事ができてしまいまして、休みを1週間ずらさなくてはならなくなりました。 I'm sorry, but I have had something come up, so I have to pushed back a week later. (pushed backまたはdelayed)

  • let it get toを判り易く説明してください?

    NHKラジオ英会話講座より Well, as a nurse, I'm under a lot of pressure on the job. I'd be in bad shape if I let it get to me. Sometimes I watch TV drams to take my mind off work. ・・・省略・・・。もしそれで精神的に参ってたら、体調を崩しちゃうから。・・・省略・・・。 (質問)[let it get to me]についてお尋ねします。 1)慣用句でしょうが、意味がよくつかめません。本文では「精神的に参ったら」となっています。直訳するとどうなるのでしょうか?また使い方を易しい例文を使って教えて頂ければ助かります。 2)この句には2つの動詞が含まれています。getは原形不定詞でしょうか?文型も併せて教えて頂ければ助かります。 以上

  • he has billed it as a movement

    “Politics is about policy, but it’s also about giving people some kind of sense of participating in a common venture with their fellow citizens,” Mr. Wolfe said. Philosophers call it “civil religion,” using the language of religion and elevation to talk about your country. A classic example is Ronald Reagan’s summoning of the “city on a hill.” That, Professor Wolfe said, was the parallel Mr. Obama was hinting at when he talked about Reagan as a transformative leader. “A soft civil religion is something our country desperately needs at a time of deep partisanship,” Mr. Wolfe said. “He wants to go back to the Reagan years as a Democrat, with Democratic policies.” But others see in this same language a more cynical cult of personality. “What is troubling about the campaign is that it’s gone beyond hope and change to redemption,” said Sean Wilentz, a historian at Princeton (and a longtime friend of the Clintons). “It’s posing as a figure who is the one person who will redeem our politics. And what I fear is, that ends up promising more from politics than politics can deliver.” From the day Mr. Obama announced his candidacy, he has billed it as a movement, and himself as the agent of generational change. billed itのitが何を指し示すのか教えていただけるとありがたいです。 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/17/weekinreview/17zernike.html?pagewanted=2&_r=1&hp

  • It would be like me to

    This morning my work email brought a message from a woman I haven’t seen in more than five years. We worked together (different departments, same university) in early 2011. At first I thought the email was a mistake—meant for someone else with my name—because I didn’t recognize the sender’s name. But then I remembered her. She and I had lunch or dinner together a couple of times when I lived in that city, and we talked about work stuff; both of us were from someplace else and neither had many friends there. It wasn’t what I would call a friendship. Her email says that she is coming to my current city for a particular art exhibit and that she would like to see me (maybe catch the art show together), and asked whether I would be interested in meeting when she’s here. I’m not. I remember so little about her. After all this time, do I owe her a reply? In fairness to her, I probably said something like, “If you ever come to [my city], let me know.” It would be like me to issue such an invitation never thinking she’d take me up on it. It would be like meはどう訳したら良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします