Give this a fair shot

  • A woman moves for her long-distance boyfriend but faces conflict due to her cats.
  • The boyfriend mistreats the cats and wants them sent away, causing tension.
  • The woman questions if the issue goes beyond cats and wonders if compromise is possible.
  • ベストアンサー

give this a fair shot

Three months ago, I relocated for my long-distance boyfriend. I left my dream job, my beloved city and great friends, and took a significant pay cut to move to a new city to live with him. When I first made the move, we were incredibly happy to finally be ending our long-distance relationship. Now, things are markedly different. We've been fighting almost daily, and my usually sunny disposition has dimmed dramatically to the point where friends and family are starting to worry about me. The main reason we fight is because of my cats — two adorable, sweet and loving cats I adopted five years ago, long before I met my boyfriend. My boyfriend has never been fond of my cats, but told me he would do his best to get along with them when I moved in with him. He hasn't. His only interaction with them has been to yell at them and chase them into a tiny powder room where we keep their litter box. They've become so scared of him that they hide in a crate to avoid him. To make matters worse, he has a dog that he treats like a king, and expects me to do the same. He now says he doesn't think he can live with cats, and he wants me to send them away to live with my parents. I feel like this is incredibly unfair to me and diminishes the importance of my cats in my life. If the tables were turned, I feel he would absolutely choose his dog over me. Part of me wonders whether this goes beyond just a hatred of cats. Is he simply unwilling to compromise in general, whether it's about cats or anything else? He says that's not the case, and that without the cats, things would be back to normal. I'd love to give this a fair shot since I've already sacrificed so much and it does seem silly to end a 2 ½-year relationship over cats. give this a fair shot はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4123/5358)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"give this a fair shot" 「(公平な)チャンスを与える」 ボーイフレンドに対し「飼っている猫たちを話者の両親の元に預ける」というチャンス(機会)を与える、ということでしょう。





  • よろしくお願いします

    My boyfriend is wonderful and kind and a great listener and very engaging with me, but actively is bored by all of my friends. He’s been willing to accompany me on various trips/meals with friends, but usually ignores people and tells me how bored he was afterwards. It means a lot to me to have him involved in various parts of my life. I don’t ask it of him often (I know he’s very introverted), but having him come just to be a downer is maybe worse than just not having him along. All my friends want to meet him and to become friends with the person who has made me tremendously happy for the last couple years, but on the off chance we do all get together, he basically just looks at his hands! Is there some way I can get him to interact in a nontaxing way? 1 ここでのengagingは「愛嬌のある」でしょうか? 2 having him come just to be a downer is maybe worse than just not having him along.の和訳を教えてください。 3 nontaxingはどのような意味でしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I’ve been dating my boyfriend for nine months, and he’s kind, gentle, and thoughtful. But last week I had an experience that has given me pause. My apartment building has been hit by burglars several times over the past few months. Last week, my boyfriend and I came home and were surprised by a burglar coming out of my apartment door. My boyfriend confronted him, and the burglar charged at him—whether to push past or attack, it’s hard to say. My boyfriend quickly subdued the burglar and told me to call 9-1-1. Here’s where it gets disturbing. He very calmly told the burglar, “Now it’s time for you to learn your lesson.” And he proceeded to beat the man unconscious, deaf to my protests that he should stop. My boyfriend handled the police (I didn’t contradict him) such that they were ready to pin a medal on him. My boyfriend handled the police such that they were ready to pin a medal on him.の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am 32 and have been married to my husband, the love of my life and best friend, for the past five years. A little over a year ago I was diagnosed with a terminal illness, and currently only have about six-to-eight months left. This has been very hard, but I am starting to come to terms with the reality of the situation. My husband has been amazingly supportive of me during this time. We have no kids, and as my health has declined, he has sat with me through endless doctor appointments, hospital stays, and sleepless nights. On bad days he even has to help me bathe, and I know this has taken a toll on him. A few weeks ago while using his iPad to watch a movie, an email came in and I discovered he has been having a affair (emotional and sexual) with a co-worker for a few months now. For several days I cried, heartbroken at the betrayal, but now I feel like my husband deserves to have someone help him and support HIM through this emotional time. I have not confronted him about the affair, and were it not for the email and my subsequent snooping, I never would have known as I have not felt him pulling away from me. Do I confront my husband and tell him I understand? That although I am hurt, I forgive him and I don’t want him to feel guilty? That although I am hurtのThatはどのような役割でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 訳を教えてください

    Two weeks ago I attended a holiday party with my boyfriend and his family. We’ve been together for three years, and since we moved to his hometown, I’ve gotten to know his parents and sisters better. I forgot about new medication I was taking, had a few drinks, and became drunker than I have ever been in my life. (Counting this event, I’ve only been drunk three times, so it’s extremely out of character for me.) I now know that I did something so horrible at the party that my boyfriend broke up with me via text and told me he has no interest in speaking to me ever again. I’m devastated. My now ex-boyfriend is the sweetest man I know, so I had to have done something cruel for him to do this. I had to have done something cruel for him to do thisの訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • left in my care

    My long-distance boyfriend of seven years broke up with me this fall. I don’t want to get back together with him, but he handled the breakup badly (canceled a visit at the last minute, then ended things via text). We haven’t spoken since. However, I have a lot of things of his that I’d like to return; items he left in my care with the assumption that he would get them the next time we saw each other. left in my careはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • until 7 most nights

    I am a stay-at-home mom with a 2-year-old toddler. My husband has a 13-year-old son with his ex. We have a restraining order against her after she threatened me while I was pregnant. Right now, my stepson lives with us full time and only has supervised visits with his mother. He used to be a sweet, shy kid, but now I am afraid of him. My stepson has anger issues and is 6 inches taller than me. He has cursed at me, broken plates, and left holes in walls. I don’t trust him near my daughter. My husband is trying, but he can’t be home until 7 most nights. until 7 most nightsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    DEAR ABBY: My 23-year-old son does not want to work and spends all his time playing video games. He's obsessed with them. He disrespects my house -- and me -- by not cleaning his room. I don't know what to do. He's my son, but he is a user and feels he's entitled to live here. He pays no bills and blows all his money on gaming. He quits every job he has. I love him and kicked him out once, but he got on Facebook and told people what bad parents we are. All he says is he wants to be happy. I think he's out of touch with reality. He has no place to go if I kick him out. What do I do? -- DAD WHO'S HAD IT IN OHIO DEAR DAD: Your son is an adult, even if he doesn't act like one. Give him a deadline to find another place to crash -- perhaps with a roommate -- and be out of there. If he says he has no money, remember that he comes up with money to blow. remember that he comes up with money to blowはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • without a peep

    I have been happily married to my husband for two years. While he is loving, and a good provider, he is not overly romantic. I would love nothing more than for him to surprise me with some flowers one day because he was thinking of me, but he's never given me flowers. Valentine's Day comes and goes without a peep from him. ここでのwithout a peepはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • run interference

    My boyfriend killed himself last week. We had a fight after he went through my phone, we argued, and he threw a glass against the wall. I left to stay with some friends. He called and texted and emailed me; I told him I wanted to break up because everything was too exhausting to deal with. He threatened to kill himself, and I hung up. I cried myself to sleep that night, and I woke up to find out he took his father’s gun and shot himself. I am so numb right now. My friends have been running interference, grabbing my clothes and laptop from his apartment (his sister tried to destroy them) and screening my calls. run interferenceはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 意味を教えてください

    (同じ大学にに嫌な奴がいるという文脈) He reached out to me with the notion that “we should catch up” because I was “one of the most genuine and caring people he knew.” This fucked with my head, and I immediately fell back into freshman-year me — I got blackout drunk, talked to him at a party, and I can’t remember what I said to him. We haven’t spoken since. Cue the intense regret, anxiety, and self-loathing. fucked with my headとここでのCue の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします