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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:よろしくお願いします)

Missing Artificial Flowers at the Cemetery: A Request for Respect


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1 ここでのetched はどのような意味でしょうか?  下記のように「(普通のただのガラスでなく)彫刻をほどこした(高価な)グラス」という意味だと思います。  https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=etched 2 We are the only family members who honor my grandparents with "fresh" artificial flowers anymore,のanymoreは通常否定文で使われると思うのですが、肯定だとどのような意味になるでしょうか?  花を供えるのは我々の家族だけになった。 3 go buyのgoは別になくても良いですよね?あるとどう違うでしょうか?  なければただ「買う」、あれば「「買いに行く」です。





  • よろしくお願いします

    We only got to see our grandparents for a little over 24 hours because my dad lives two hours away from them and we had no independent transportation. independent transportationとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Allied soldiers killed during the battle are buried in the nearby Sanctuary Wood Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery, Hooge Crater Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery, Maple Copse Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery and Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery. Those killed during the battle with no known resting place are commemorated on the Menin Gate in Ypres, Belgium. The Royal Regiment of Canada conducts a Sorrel Day parade, open to the public, at the Fort York Armoury every year on the second Sunday in June.

  • よろしくお願いします

    About a year ago, my maternal grandparents sold their home and moved across the country to spend their retirement in a nicer town. Now, they are pressuring my husband and me to fly out and stay with them for a week. They tell me, "Everyone else has come," or "We feel like you don't really love us." The problem is time and money. My husband and I live on a very tight budget. While visiting them used to be a drive up the street, it would now require plane tickets, time off work, gas money to get to an airport and hiring someone to care for our dog while we're away. I told my grandparents this, and they offered to pay for our plane tickets. That is generous of them, but it's only a small part of the problem. My husband only gets paid when he works. If he takes off a week, we would not make enough to pay rent. I have told my grandparents this also, but it seems to fall on deaf ears. Their constant pressure is stressing me out, on top of an already stressful job. I can't make time and money appear where this is none. My grandparents have the right to move away if they want, but they didn't seem to think of the implications of being farther away from loved ones. They have no family where they live now, and don't know anyone, which to me is why they seem desperate for constant visitors. My mother has only been able to travel and see her parents once (with the help of a friend paying part of the way), and most likely won't be able to again. How can I tell them that the rest of us just don't have the means to pick up and fly away? a drive up the streetとpick up and fly awayの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 意味を教えてください

    My husband and I love the great outdoors and have taken our daughter to every national park in the state. She is 11. My two sisters have girls of their own. We took them all for a week this summer to a lake to see how a cousins camping trip would go. to see how a cousins camping trip would goの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英文法

    We go to the coffee shop. We talk about our school life. この2つの文章をつなげる時は We go to the coffee shop and talk about our school life. で and の後にwe は不要ですよね?  また、  We are talking とつなげる時は  We go to the coffee shop and are talking.  ですか?

  • 英文和訳(科学論文)の添削をお願いします.

    QNo.6640883の続きです.英語を勉強していますが,なかなかうまくなりません.特に2文目のone,最後の文のwhich flower to go to or to avoidの訳し方に自信がありません.どなたか添削をお願いします.宜しくお願いします. Afterwards, we started asking questions about bees, and then more specific questions about seeing colour using the bee arena (figure 1). We came up with lots of questions, but the one we decided to look at was whether bees could learn touse the spatial relationships between colours to figure out which flowers had sugar water in them and which had salt water in them. It is interesting to ask this question, because in their habitat there may be flowers that are bad for them, or flowers from which they might already have collected nectar. This would mean that it is important for bees to learn which flower to go to or to avoid, which would need them to remember the flowers that were around it, which is like a puzzle. それ以後,私たちははハチについての疑問について,次にハチの活動の場を使った色を見ることについての疑問について質問しはじめた(図1).私たちは多くの疑問点が浮かんだが,その1つ(である) “ハチが,どの花が砂糖水(をもち、どの花が)塩水かを理解するために,色と空間の関係を使うことを学習するかどうか調べるために,我々は議論した.ハチ(彼ら)の生息環境において、ハチ(彼ら)にとって開花が悪いか、あるいは既に花蜜が収集されていると思われるので,この質問をすることは興味深い.これは,ハチにとってどの花に行き,避けるか学習することの重要性を意味するだろう.そして,それはハチ(彼ら)が,パズルに似ているあっちこっちの花を忘れないために必要だろう.

  • VOAの記事より

    英語やり直し組です "Well, I don't want to make too big a deal of it, but I've asked my staff to go back and take a look at everything we're doing here, to look at the situation, to reassess where we are so that we can have a firm understanding of the situation," he said. "And as we figure out what we want to do strategically in the country, how we can do it better." (1)最後のhowについて howは感嘆文のhowでしょうか?もしそうならこの場合は 「私たちがその国で戦略的にしたい事を私たちが見つけ出す時、(驚いた感じで)私たちはそれをよくすることが出来る」といった感じでしょうか?意味はわかるのですが感嘆文にする必要があるように見えないですし、使い方が変に感じます。。。 このhowは本当に感嘆文なのでしょうか? (2)I've asked my staff to go back…について 根本的に間違えているのかもしれませんが asked my staff to go back asked my staff to take a look at everything we are doing here asked my staff to look at the situation asked my staff to reassess where we are ということでしょうか? もしそうならand , , と言う順番で繋がっていますが本来, , andではないのでしょうか?それともこういう場合はどっちでもいいのでしょうか? またto takeだけtoがないのですがこれは何故なのでしょうか? (3)to reassess where we areはto reassess hereでも大丈夫でしょうか? そもそもwhere we are=hereだと思うのですが使い分ける必要はあるのでしょうか? お願いします。

  • go on off hours

    My good friend and I live a considerable distance from each other. Every two months, we meet at a restaurant that's halfway between our homes, to eat and catch up. These food/gab fests last about two to three hours. We go to a place that's not overly popular, and we go on off hours. go on off hoursはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • as ~as 構文

    こんにちは、 大学受験生ですが、中学の時から苦手を引きずっていて、いまだによく理解できないので、教えてください! ”物事は決して思うようにはうまく運ばないものです。” という日本文の意味と同じようになるように並べ替えよという問題で、 things never (expect,as,them,to,go,as,we,smoothly) という選択肢があり、答えは、things never go as smoothly as we expect them to. でしたか、私は、things never(as go smoothly as we expect them to) としてしまいました。 私がずっとわからないのは、as~ asの間に何を挟むのかがよくわかりません。この問題でも、私の回答がどうしてだめなのか本当に分からず、困っています。この受験の前に、理解して望みたいので教えていただけたらなと思います。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I am a married mother with two children, both in high school. But I am in love with a man who is not my husband of 21 years. "Harry" is my first love, and he came back into my life unexpectedly. He is also married. Neither of us is passionate or loving toward our spouses anymore. We both feel that we are growing apart from them. I am waiting for my children to finish high school before I make any final move. My husband still seems to believe we can be a happy couple, but I don't agree. He is unaware of my affair, but I can tell that he feels that I'm growing more distant from him every day. An additional problem, however, is that Harry seems to go through fits and starts about leaving his large family for me. Harry seems to go through fits and starts about leaving his large family for me. の和訳をよろしくお願いします