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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:My only reservation is)

Should I Fade Out of My Daughter's Life?

  • I am considering fading out of my daughter's life because I don't think she appreciates me.
  • My second husband's daughter and grandchildren love me, so I would rather focus on those relationships.
  • My only concern is that my natural granddaughter will miss out on a relationship with me.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9822/12245)

>ここでのreservationはどう訳したら良いでしょうか? ⇒「(心に宿る)不安、疑念」といったニュアンスでしょう。 「私の唯一の不安材料は実の孫娘と接触する喜びを持てないことになることです。」






  • 訳をよろしくお願いします

    Millie has a daughter and a son, but they live on the opposite side of the country and aren’t able to visit now. Her daughter is 4, and when I saw her over the summer, she briefly referred to me as auntie. Millie pulled her daughter to the side and told her that I was not her auntie and that I was to be referred to by my first name. I was to be referred to by my first nameの訳をよろしくお願いします

  • his is on me

    Dear Sugars, I remember reading, at some point, that you should be willing to give any money you lend to friends and family as a gift if you want to maintain that friendship or relationship. I get this. I've lived by it for a long time. However, I went against my better judgment and lent a friend a lot of money. She said she would pay me back quickly, but now it's been almost a year. I never imagined that she would avoid the topic the way she has, but after I lent her the money, she never mentioned it again. My heart hurts when I think about it. If it were a few hundred dollars I would feel OK with the gift, but this is a big amount of money. Should I assume that if I bring it up with her and ask her to pay me, that I am going to lose the friendship? It feels so incredibly unfair that this is on me. his is on meはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • make a spectacle of

    I live in a Southern state, and our home is located in a community of houses that are built pretty close together. Our neighborhood is a mix of families and young professionals. My husband and I have a 15-year-old son and an 11-year-old daughter. Our newish neighbor is an attractive woman in her early 30s. I don’t know her very well, but she seems perfectly nice. My issue involves the fact that she likes to lounge naked by the small pool in her yard. I found out that you can see her from our backyard deck when I caught my giggling son and his friend pointing her out. My husband and I spoke with my son about respecting someone’s privacy, that he shouldn’t make a spectacle of it, or God forbid take photos of her. make a spectacle of itはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳してください。

    英語に詳しい方、翻訳機を使わずに和訳してください。 細かい部分がよく理解できません。 I trying to convince her that she didn't need to ask me for everything, that I wasn't always right about everything, that she should speak up and stand up for herself and argue with me when I had the wrong idea... but she just didn't want to learn. Deep down inside, I discovered, she was the sort of woman who wanted a strong man to dominate her, whom she could lean on and rely on for anything she needed. She wanted to feel safe and taken care of. I don't think that's a bad thing on its own... but over those years I started to become a man I don't want to be: arrogant, controlling, overconfident. Like I couldn't help but enjoy all that power she was always giving me. But I don't want to be that man. And I don't want to live that relationship. I *have* to be able to grow, to learn, to always be taking life as a new lesson, but how can I do that if I'm never wrong about anything? It was too tempting, and it made me a darker person. So, though I loved her very much and it tore my heart to do it, I had to end our relationship. I was not the man she was looking for, even though she wanted me to be. And she was not the woman I have been looking for, even though I desperately loved her beauty and inner light

  • grow absent

    I had my daughter about six months ago. In my circle of friends I’m the only to have a baby, so needless to say she gets a lot of attention. One friend in particular seems to be a little obsessed with her, and it kind of freaks me and my husband out. She’s constantly buying things for her, referring to herself as her godmother (she’s not, my sister is, and she knows it). She asks for pictures of her throughout the day to help get her through work, and mentions that while she’s looking for a new job she would never relocate because she wants to be near my daughter. And recently when she comes over, she asks if she can wear her in my baby carrier so people will think she’s her child! I appreciate that she is so supportive of us, and I know most people find their childless friends grow absent once they have a baby, but this is just a little over the top. grow absentはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • song and dance

    I recently had my first baby. It is a magical time for me and my husband. My parents, who live relatively close by, were elated by my son’s arrival and are very doting grandparents. My mother and I have had a very rocky history, and I was hopeful that my son could have a relationship with his grandmother, separate from my own issues with her. As she is with everything in my life, my mother is extremely overbearing. She never gives me a compliment and constantly questions and criticizes every decision I make. She is very concerned about appearances, and tries to constantly push her wishes for how to dress and feed my child, etc., on me. I accept and welcome suggestions—but my mother will force her will. She nags, belittles, and insults my decisions until I replace them with her own. She constantly interferes in our decisions. Ignoring her is impossible, as she will nag until you agree to adopt her decision. My father tells me that she is my mother, and although she is very difficult, she will not change, so I must. This has been the song and dance of my whole life. I am tired of having to be the one to roll over just because she won’t change or accept my decisions. ここでのthe song and danceとroll overはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    My husband and I have been together for a decade but for various monetary reasons are not legally wed. I have stayed out of his relationship with his daughter “Jessica.” I don’t think highly of her—she has been given every advantage in life and squandered it. She got pregnant in college and failed out (we paid for that), and managed to wreck her car (that her mother gave her). I thought she had finally grown up after she met and married “Kyle.” He works full-time and even adopted her son, but doesn’t make a lot of money. My husband sold his house and moved in with me four years ago. Our retirement plans were for both of us to keep working until now, then sell my house and buy a condo down South. A year ago in a moment of complete stupidity, I agreed to let Kyle, Jessica, and her son move into our house to save money so Jessica could go to school to become a stylist. I even switched my work schedule around so I could help with child care. 1 squandered itは「無駄にしてしまった」でしょうか? 2 fail outはdrop outと同意でしょうか? 3 switched my work schedule aroundの意味を教えてください。 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • she gives me a good deal

    For the past four years, I've been having a friend do my hair. "Marcy" and I knew each other in grade school and lost touch, but I saw on Facebook that she was doing hair and decided to start seeing her. She is a very sweet woman and is passionate about her work, and I am grateful that she gives me a good deal. she gives me a good dealというのは「値引きしてくれる」ということでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 以下の英文について教えてください

    The mournful truth that a man — every man-must die alone, had been thrust sharply into my mind and kept there by the frequent violent attacks of my malady I suffered at that time, every one of which threatened to be the last. (中略) Then my mother died. Her perfect health failed her suddenly, and her decline was not long. But she suffered much, and on the last occasion of my being with her at her bedside she told me that she was very tired and had no fear of death, and would be glad to go but for the thought of leaving me in such a precarious state of health and with a mind distressed. Even then she put no questions to me, but only expressed the hope that her prayers for me would be answered and that at the last we should be together again. I cannot say, as I might say in the case of any other relation or friend, that I had lost her. (中略) It came to me as a great surprise a few years ago to have my secret and most cherished feelings about my own mother expressed to me as I had never heard them expressed before by a friend who, albeit still young, has made himself a name in the world, one who had never known a mother, she having died during his infancy. <最後のIt came to me~の英文について>: It came to me as a great surprise a few years ago~のasは「~として」ですか? as I had never heard them expressed ~のasは「~のように」ですか? (themはmy secret and most cherished feelings ?) my own mother expressed to me as I had never heard them expressed before by a friend のところの意味がよくわからないのですが、 expressedの取り方は、 my own mother expressed to me私自身の母親が私に表現した、 I had never heard them expressed私はそれらが表現されるのを決して聞いたことがない、 ですか? she having died during his infancyここは独立分詞構文で、「彼女は彼の幼年時代に亡くなってしまったので」? ----Far Away and Long Ago :W.H.Hudson

  • out of touch

    I overheard my older daughter telling her sister about her experience during her semester abroad—her sexual experience. She slept with nine different men, one in each country she visited. I left before I could hear more. I never thought that I was a prude, but it was unsettling to hear my baby girl has had more sex partners in a year than I’ve had in my life. I am worried about her behavior and why she would be telling this to her 16-year-old sister. My daughter has a 4.0 GPA, volunteers, and is usually a good person. Am I I overheard my older daughter telling her sister about her experience during her semester abroad—her sexual experience. She slept with nine different men, one in each country she visited. I left before I could hear more. I never thought that I was a prude, but it was unsettling to hear my baby girl has had more sex partners in a year than I’ve had in my life. I am worried about her behavior and why she would be telling this to her 16-year-old sister. My daughter has a 4.0 GPA, volunteers, and is usually a good person. Am I out of touch? ここでのout of touchはどのような意味でしょうか?辞書にそれらしき意味がないのですが・・よろしくお願いします

  • Canonのプリンター(TS8130)を使用しているが、印刷ができないトラブルに遭遇している。何回印刷しても中央に一部分しか印刷できない問題が発生し、困っている。写真には複数の四角い部分があり、それらを印刷するために何度も試みたが、うまくいっていない。早急な解決方法を教えてほしい。
  • Canonのプリンター(TS8130)を使用した際に、印刷がうまくいかない現象が発生している。複数の四角い部分がある写真を印刷する際、中央の一部分しか印刷されず、他の部分が欠けてしまう問題がある。何度も印刷を試みているが、解決しない状況で困っている。この問題についての解決方法を教えてほしい。
  • Canonのプリンター(TS8130)を使用しているが、印刷に問題が発生している。複数の四角い部分がある写真を印刷しようとしたが、中央の一部分しか印刷されず、他の部分が表示されない。何度も印刷を試みているが、解決しないため困っている。この問題に対する解決策を教えてほしい。