• ベストアンサー


Allenby reported to the War Office on 31 March that 5 miles (8.0 km) of railway track and culverts had been destroyed south of Amman Station and a bridge blown up, and that the object of the raid had been achieved by cutting the Hejaz Railway. He took this decision despite the principal objective of destroying the large viaduct at Amman, had not been achieved. But it was increasingly less likely that it could be as Chaytor's force began to have difficulty defending itself from strong German and Ottoman counter-attacks. Chaytor's force was therefore ordered to withdraw to Es Salt. When darkness fell on 30 March, the front line troops received the order to retreat and an infantryman concluded: "none of us sorry to leave behind forever, we hope, a nightmare of a most terrible nature." The retirement from Amman started on 30 March with the wounded beginning to be sent back to the Jordan Valley. The wounded moved along the main road via Es Salt, but Es Salt was under attack from German and Ottoman units from the north west (the direction of the road from Nablus via Jisr ed Damieh) and the only bridge across the Jordan River not destroyed by a 9 feet (2.7 m) flood was at Ghoraniyeh. By 31 March there were over 240 wounded in the divisional collecting stations such as Birket umm Amud 10.5 miles (16.9 km) from the front line. All available means including sand carts sent by infantry in the 60th (London) Division, were employed and these wounded were on their way by the evening; about 50 of them walking. The last convoy of wounded which left Amman at 23:00 found 20 camels carrying wounded which had begun their journey six hours earlier, bogged and exhausted at Suweileh. Nine of them were unable to move and ambulance personnel were left to attend to the wounded throughout the night. By daylight, light horse troopers warned them that the Ottoman cavalry was close. Five camels managed to continue but the remaining four were too exhausted. Of the eight wounded, six were placed on horses, but two who appeared to be mortally wounded were left behind when Ottoman cavalry got between the covering party and the ambulance men and began firing on the group. All escaped but the two seriously wounded and three men of the 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance mounted on donkeys who were taken prisoner. Only one of these men survived to the end of the war; the other two dying in captivity.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10024/12548)

>Allenby reported to the War Office on 31 March that 5 miles (8.0 km) of railway track and culverts had been destroyed south of Amman Station and a bridge blown up, and that the object of the raid had been achieved by cutting the Hejaz Railway. He took this decision despite the principal objective of destroying the large viaduct at Amman, had not been achieved. *But it was increasingly less likely that it could be as Chaytor's force began to have difficulty defending itself from strong German and Ottoman counter-attacks. Chaytor's force was therefore ordered to withdraw to Es Salt.* ⇒アレンビーは3月31日に、アンマン駅の南側で鉄道路線と暗渠を5マイル(8キロ)にわたって破壊し、橋を爆破し、ヘジャズ鉄道を切断したことで目的が達成された、と戦争庁に報告した。彼は、アンマンでの大きな高架橋を破壊するという主要目的は達成されなかったにもかかわらず、このように決定づけた。*しかも、チェイター軍団は、強いドイツ・オスマン帝国軍の反撃から自軍を守ることがますます困難になりかかっていく可能性がなくもなかった。それで、チェイター軍はエス・ソルトに撤退するよう命令された。 *誤訳かもしれませんが、その節はどうぞ悪しからず。 >When darkness fell on 30 March, the front line troops received the order to retreat and an infantryman concluded: "none of us sorry to leave behind forever, we hope, a nightmare of a most terrible nature." The retirement from Amman started on 30 March with the wounded beginning to be sent back to the Jordan Valley. The wounded moved along the main road via Es Salt, but Es Salt was under attack from German and Ottoman units from the north west (the direction of the road from Nablus via Jisr ed Damieh) and the only bridge across the Jordan River not destroyed by a 9 feet (2.7 m) flood was at Ghoraniyeh. ⇒3月30日に闇の帳が降りる頃、最前線の軍隊は退去令を受けたが、その時、一歩兵が次のように結論づけた。「ここを永遠に放棄したとて我々は誰も残念とは思わない。この上なく恐ろしい自然の悪夢を見る方を望みたいくらいだ」と。アンマンからの退去は、負傷兵をヨルダン渓谷へ送り戻すことを手始めとして、3月30日に始まった。負傷者はエス・ソルトを経由して主要道路に沿って移動したが、エス・ソルトは北西部(ナブルスからジス・レ・ダミエフ経由の道のり方向)からドイツ・オスマン帝国軍部隊による攻撃を受けていた。そして、9フィート(2.7 m)の洪水で破壊されなかったヨルダン川を渡る唯一の橋は、ゴラニエにあった。 >By 31 March there were over 240 wounded in the divisional collecting stations such as Birket umm Amud 10.5 miles (16.9 km) from the front line. All available means including sand carts sent by infantry in the 60th (London) Division, were employed and these wounded were on their way by the evening; about 50 of them walking. The last convoy of wounded which left Amman at 23:00 found 20 camels carrying wounded which had begun their journey six hours earlier, bogged and exhausted at Suweileh. Nine of them were unable to move and ambulance personnel were left to attend to the wounded throughout the night. ⇒3月31日までに、前線から10.5マイル(16.9キロ)のビルケット・ウム・アムドにある師団収集所に240人以上の負傷者がいた。第60(ロンドン)師団の歩兵隊によって送られたサンド・カートを含む利用可能な全手段を駆使したが、これらの負傷者は夕方になっても旅の途中であった。そのうちの約50人は徒歩で旅していた。アンマンを23時に出発した負傷者の最後の護送隊は、6時間前に旅を始め、負傷者を乗せた20頭のラクダは利労困憊し、スワイルレで動けなくなっていた。そのうちの9人は(自力で)動くこともできず、夜中に救急隊員がその負傷者に付き添った。 >By daylight, light horse troopers warned them that the Ottoman cavalry was close. Five camels managed to continue but the remaining four were too exhausted. Of the eight wounded, six were placed on horses, but two who appeared to be mortally wounded were left behind when Ottoman cavalry got between the covering party and the ambulance men and began firing on the group. All escaped but the two seriously wounded and three men of the 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance mounted on donkeys who were taken prisoner. Only one of these men survived to the end of the war; the other two dying in captivity. ⇒軽騎兵隊が昼間に、オスマン帝国軍騎兵隊が近くにいると警告した。5頭のラクダは歩き続けることができたが、残りの4頭は疲れ切っていた。8人の負傷者のうち6人が馬に乗っていたが、オスマン騎兵隊が援護部隊と救急隊の間に割り込み、グループに射撃を開始したとき、瀕死の2人が残された。全員が逃げ出したが、2人は重傷を負い、第2軽騎兵野戦救急隊の3人がロバに乗っていて捕虜になった。彼らのうちの1人だけは戦争の終わりまで生き残ったが、他の2人は捕縛され、死亡した。



