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Gunshot Wounds: A Serious Health Issue in the United States
- Gunshot wounds are the third leading cause of death from trauma in the United States, according to Mr. Gani and colleagues.
- However, this research excluded patients who died before arriving at the hospital or those who did not attend the hospital, suggesting that the actual number of deaths and injuries due to gunshot wounds may be higher.
- Improving access to hospitals and promoting timely medical attention is essential in addressing this significant public health concern.
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
なるほど!「subject」とすればいいのですね!! 負傷者…は言われてみれば確かに過去形ですね。 ()内の英文まで載せていただきありがとうございます! 大変参考になりました! ありがとうございました。