• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:訳し方を教えてください)

Strained Social Etiquette: The Expectation of Gifts and the South

  • Learn how to handle invitations to birthday parties at restaurants in the South
  • Understand the tradition of guests bringing gifts and the host handling the food bill
  • Discover the challenges of maintaining social etiquette in strained family dynamics


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

ここでのstrainedの訳し方を教えてください。 ここのstrained は、下記の4、「不自然な」、「ぎこちない」にあたります。  https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=strained  著者が育った家族の習慣は、今住んでいる南部の習慣と違うので、ここでは「不自然に」見える、ということでしょう。  「通用しない」「変だと思われる」などとも訳せると思います。





その他の回答 (1)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9760/12156)

>ここでのstrainedの訳し方を教えてください。よろしくお願いします ⇒「強いられた、強制された、優越された」くらいのニュアンスでしょう。 >I live in the South, social etiquette among my family members has become strained and has caused me to decline invitations. ⇒私は今南部に住んでいるので、ここの家族成員間の社会作法が優先されて、私の招待の仕方は引っ込められられることになった。






  • 英訳添削願・English translation

    Again a victim of SGI has occurred. American singer Tina Turner became a member of the Japanese religion "SGI (Soka Gakkai International)" with the introduction of a friend in 1971. After becoming a member of SGI, she and her family were released from misery and became happy. However, SGI has changed to heresy Buddhism. Since then, most SGI members have become gradually unhappy. And in July 2018, her son committed suicide. It seems that she and her family did not know that SGI had changed to heresy Buddhism.

  • 英語の訳について

    Over the last few years, we've heard a lot about something called family values. And like many of you, I've struggled to figure out what that means. But since my accident, I've found a definition that seems to make sense. I think it means that we've all family, that we all have to have value. And if that's true, if America really is a family, then we have to recognize that many members of our family are hurting.の文章なのですが自分で訳してみたもののあっているのかがわかりません。英語が得意な人教えてください。 過去2、3年にわたって、我々はたいへん、家族主義的価値観と呼ばれている何かについて聞かされました。そして、あなたの多くの様に、私はそれが何を意味するかわかるのに苦労しました。しかし、私の事故以来、私は意味をなすようである定義を見つけました。私は、それが我々には全ての家族がある、みんなが価値を持たなければならないことを意味すると思います。そして、それが真実ならば、アメリカが本当に家族であるならば、我々は我々の家族の多くのメンバーがつらくなっていると認めなければなりません。

  • よろしくお願いします

    I have a 9-year-old grandson, "Bradley." He has been in and out of our lives, mainly because of the fact that his mother, "Jill," and my son, "Andrew," are not married and my son is not to have custody of Bradley at all. Jill and Bradley have mainly lived with Jill's parents. my son is not to haveはmy son will not haveということでしょうか?何か違いはあるでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英作文をしたのですが自信がありません。文法等の添削、内容についてのアド

    英作文をしたのですが自信がありません。文法等の添削、内容についてのアドバイスをお願いします。 In recent years, there has been a lot of argument of having classes on Saturdays in elementary schools in Japan. A five-day school week started as a part of the new education system known as “yutori education” and these days it has been argued that we should do away with this system as soon as possible. But this system shouldn’t be abolished for following 3 reasons. First, it helps children to get communication ability. In Japanese elementary school, they usually don’t have discussions in the classes. They only listen to the teachers speaking at their desk, having little time to have interactive communications. It obviously prevents children from getting communication ability. But if Saturday is a holiday, they will have a lot of time to spend with their friends and families, and have a lot of time to have interactive communications. Actually, in my childhood I used to go a park to play catch with my father on Saturdays and talked a lot with him. There is no doubt that it has great effects on communication ability to talk a lot with friends and families. And it also prompts children to be independent. In school, they do only things that the teachers say to do. But when they graduate, no one tells them what to do. They have to find what to do on their own. If Saturday is a holiday, they will have more chance to know themselves, and to think about what they should do, that is, to be independent. In addition, apart from the educational problems, it will bring us economic effectiveness. If it is holiday on Saturdays, more people will go traveling with their family, and spend a lot of money on their way. Even if you don’t go traveling, we will have more chance to spend money to have pleasure. Actually, after playing catch I used to go to batting center with my father on Saturdays. There is no doubt that we use more money if children are at home than if they are in school.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いしますm(__)m

    以下の5文を訳してくださいm(__)m ▼Here in this area of overlap between the playing of the child and the Playing of the other person there is a chance to introduce enrichments. ▼The teacher aims at enrichment.By contrast,the therapist is concerned specifically with the child's own growth processes,and with the removal of blocks to development that may have become evident. ▼It is psychoanalytic theory that has made for an understanding of these blocks. ▼At the same time it would be a narrow view to suppose that psychoanalysis is the only way to make therapeutic use of the child's playing. ▼It is good to remember always that playing is itself a therapy.To arrange for children to be able to play is itself a psychotherapy that has immediate and universal application,and it includes the establishment of a positive social attitude towards playing.

  • gift grab

    Our daughter's classmate has a July birthday. Her parents always organize a birthday party for her shortly after school is in session, when all of her friends are around. The invitations never state to not bring a gift. My take is that this is nothing more than a gift grab for their daughter to maximize what she gets. gift grabとは何でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文

    次の[   ]内の語を正しく並び替え.英文を完成させてください (1) You [ member/a/our/are/family/of ] now. (2) ken: Kumi. I [ to/would/something/show/like/you/interesting ]. I have got a letter from our friend who is studying in America. (3) He was a little surprised and said to Mike. `` Is [ right/dog/bring/it/to/all/a ] into a train? `` お願いいたします!

  • waiver

    I am a Christian who is passionate and vocal about being an ally to the LGBTQ community. I have close family members and friends who are part of that community, so I never waiver in my support or understanding. ここでのwaiverはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • co-optという単語

    My stepmom has always had an odd habit of trying to co-opt my parents’ shared history to minimize my mother’s role. For example, someone will tell a story that happened in the ’80s, when my brother and I were toddlers, and my stepmom will remark on how she remembers or was present at that event, even though this was years before my parents broke up. This year, it feels like my stepmom has taken it further. Knowing my mom has a three-hour drive home and doesn’t like to drive at night, my stepmom maneuvered to move the family meal to 5 p.m.—too late for my mom to join. When the rest of the family decided to do an early light lunch followed by the later meal, my stepmom barred my father from attending and insisted that my mom be out of the house before she arrives. This morning, I happened across my stepmom making a cake. When I asked what kind, I was surprised to hear it was the traditional recipe that my mom has made every year for us since we were young. Family lore is that when we were toddlers and my parents were struggling financially, my mom used to bake this cake and sell it to local bakeries that would then resell as their own; it’s that good and, as a result, that special. It’s an act of love she does for us kids on holidays and birthdays. While I know rationally that it’s just a cake, the fact my stepmom has co-opted this recipe has me feeling enraged. 2回出てくるco-optの訳し方を教えてください。2番目はchoseと言い換えられるのでしょうか?co-optは何かの略でしょうか? I get co-opted by the system. : 私は、システムから選出されました 「システムから選出された」とはどういうことでしょうか? よろしくお願いします

  • It is rare that vs it is rare for O

    It is rare that vs it is rare for O to V 以下のニュアンスの違いがわかる方はいらっしゃるでしょうか。 It is very rare that a nation has been/is heavily influenced by its historical and cultural characteristics like the US It is very rare for a nation to have been influenced by its historical and cultural characteristics to the extent [that] the US has. 語尾のlike US と to the extent ... 部分は無視してください。 主眼は、that と for to の違いにあります。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • DVI接続ケーブルについて教えてください
  • DVIケーブルを購入する際には、ビデオボードとモニタのデジタル信号対応コネクタを両方から選択する必要があります。
  • HDMIやディスプレーポートなどの変換コネクタを使用せずに、事務的にDVI接続をする方法について教えてください。