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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:inclusive affair)

What does inclusive affair mean? Exploring the meaning of inclusive affair


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

inclusive affairとはどのような意味でしょうか?  exclusive 「他人を締め出す」の反対ですから、下記の5「一部の人に制限しない、開放的な、いろいろな人が参加できる」という意味でしょう。 https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=inclusive  ですから「ラーメン」を一部の人、例えば日本人、通に限られた物ではなく誰でも迎え入れ包み込む、包容力豊かな食事の経験、と言った意味かも知れません。





  • no one of the world's affairs

    I have felt mine was a roving spirit,sometimes bringing fancies from far places, and again and again being caught by the world on its way,though no one of the world's affairs held me for good. 作家の放浪する魂のことを書いた文章ですが、though以下の意味がわかりません。 永遠に私のことをholdする者はいないということだと思いますが、no one of the world's affairsがピンときません。 アドバイスを頂けると大変助かります。 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 分詞構文の主語を教えてください。

    Even though Japan is perhaps the most obsessively mapped country in the world, the ramen database feels as much practical necessity as obsession. Japanese cities are hard to navigate, and before the database, some of the best ramen places could only be found by accident or word of mouth. Thanks to the site, favorite ramen shops are now much, much easier to find, making the country a little bit more transparent, and a lot less hungry. この文についての質問です。 Thanks to the site, favorite ramen shops are now much, much easier to find, making the country a little bit more transparent, and a lot less hungry. making~は分詞構文と解釈しています。 この主語はthe site だと思うのですが、文の成り立ちがピンときません。 従来の分詞構文の作り方に当てはまらない気がします。勝手な思い込みかもしれません。 解説よろしくお願いします。

  • 補間についての洋書の問題です。

    こんにちは。補間について洋書を見て、どんな意味なのかわからないので、わかる方アドバイスお願いします。 内容は、 「There exists a unique polynomial p(x) of degree 2 or less such that p(0) =0,p(1)=1,and p'(α)=2 for any value of α between 0 and 1 (inclusive), except one value of α, say α0. Determine α0 and give this polynomial for α=α0でない. 」 です。お願いします(泣)

  • 長文の部分和訳

    英語得意な方、和訳お願いします。 The task of ordering and paying for a meal is so far beyond him that he probably would have starved if it weren't for instant ramen,that most typically Japanese of junk food. It was not until after world war 2 and the introduction of American-style convenience foods that manufactures began to see ramen as a product for the masses.

  • 至急、訳していただきたいです!

    以下の文を訳したいのですが・・・どのように訳せば良いか分からず、お手上げです。英語が得意な方、助けてください。 If, however, the idea is admitted of an end that includes every independently desired end, the possibility presents itself of constructing one (inclusive) end from any plurality of separate ends and of speaking of the one compound or inclusive end as the highest good for the sake of which we seek each of the ingredient ends. しかしながら、もしその考えが、独立して望まれる全ての目的を含む一つの目的の可能性を認めるなら、その可能性は、多数の個々の諸目的から一つ(包括的な)の目的を組み立て、一つの集合もしくは混合の目的について、我々が構成要素の目的の各々を求めていることについて話す。 とか・・・滅茶苦茶な訳になりましたが一応訳しました。

  • 訳をお願いします

    Affair is a serious relationship And now I love to have a one of that In case I just wanted to be with you yumi

  • ワンセンテンスだけ教えてください。

    A few weeks ago, I met a former student who is now a salesman. He travels all over Tokyo to meet clients. I asked him how he survived such a tiring job running all over the city every day. He admitted it was tough, but he said his job was made easy, in fact a pleasure, because of one thing: the Ramen Database. The great achievement of the Ramen Database is to map the entire country -- for ramen! Every noodle shop in the entire country is on there. Because I am also a fanatic about ramen, when my student told me he used the site almost every day, I felt like I had found a brother. I also felt jealous he gets to eat more ramen than I do. We both appreciated how fantastic it is to know the entire length of Japan is mapped for one of our favorite experiences. この最後の文だけ意味が正確につかめません。 it はto以下を表し、それが素晴らしいということだと思います。 「私たちは二人とも高く評価した、日本全体が・・・・・のためマッピングされていると知ってすばらしいと」 ・・・・の部分もうまく訳せません。 どなたか解説をお願いします。

  • 日本語に訳してください!

    ・Do u like japanese fashion ? Of course, I’m interested in Japanese fashion since 6 years 
・What type of japanese fashion do u like ? I follow a lot of different trends like harajuku style, hime gyaru, onee gyaru, ora-ora, rokku, agejo … I love the mix between casual clothes and something more extravagant. I’m a gaijin gyaru who can wear a rokku outfit one day and something more hime the next day. I’m a fashion addict and I find a lot of inspirations in Japanese magazines like egg, ranzuki, vivi, jelly, soul sister, ageha … 
・Can u buy those clothes in ur country ? Unfortunately not really, but there is a store wich sell japanese brands but more for Lolita I think th name of this shop is Harajuku. 
・What japanese magazine do u read ? I’m inspired a lot by Ageha and Soul Sister, but I read egg, popteen, ranzuki, vivi and jelly too. 
・What is ur favorite japanese fashion brand? My favorite brand are propably Glad news and TutuHA because these brands are really rock and girly too, but I love Golds infinity and Duras it’s more feminine and sophisticated. If I could do a list of all my favorite brands I prefer : D.I.A, Duras, Ank Rouge, One Spo, Egoist, Emoda, Lip service, Glad news, Egoist, Ghost of harlem, L.D.S, Liz Lisa, Ma*rs, TutuHA, Skinny lip. 
・please introduce me the shop u visit very often ! The shop I visit the most is Rakuten global because it’s the only site where I can buy gyaru’s brands from Japan and I don’t need to buy my clothes by an intermediate. I don’t by a lot in France because we don’t have a store for gyaru’s brands unfortunately. です!どなたかよろしくお願いします!><

  • 求人の英訳を頼まれたのですが

    間違っている所があれば教えてください。 Staff  Wanted Good circumstance for skills development ・A person, who wants to independent in the future is hearty welcome. Steady Support System. ・A person, who wants to skill up from beginner. ・A person, who wants to learn manner and communication skills even after becoming a member of society,. ・A person, who wants to independence and have own shop. Good circumstance, where any beginner can develop their own skill. It is possible to start as part time worker →learn skills and step up to a regular staff. →develop your skills and experiments for next manager step.→manager Additional salary system for sell, mini-bonus system. Your salaries refer to your efforts. We absolutely support your motivation. We have an independence system. 【Staff wanted for four shops in Chiyoda】 Let’s work at our shops, where are often in topics in media. We are planning to open new shops inside and outside of Japan. We always offer our ramen at customer side, and convey our devotions to each ball of ramen for each customer. We simultaneously want new staffs for four shops. Our achievements are good. Media often pick up our shops. Our shops are popular. Steady working conditions. 【regular Staff wanted】 Bonus, company trips, independent system. Experienced person can have a chance to manage whole a shop as a candidacy for manager. You can learn restaurant business. Staff management, sell strategies….ets

  • 外交上のtact

    以下の日本語訳を校正して下さい。 The same restraint and good taste governed Japanese negotiations testified to the diplomatic tact of the Japanese communications. (試訳)日本人の交渉の中における同じ様に自制に富み良心的な言葉遣いが、外交上のtactを証明する。 In later years, they were crowded aside by misleading accounts, which doted on the quaintness of the Japanese. (試訳)後年、それらは日本人の風変わりさを(風潮する)諸所の誤った説明によって、時代の隅へ追いやられた。