• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:BBC Barcelona)

Barcelona: Local Police Unable to Stop Attack in Crowded Ramblas


  • ベストアンサー

1 Catalonia's Interior Minister Joaquim Forn said: "We had local police on the scene, but we were unable to shoot him, as the Ramblas were packed with people." これ全部が quote の内容、それだけのこと。 置き換えるって何をするの? According to ~なら、文頭、文末でいいし、文中でもいい、実際、ここは文中なんだから。 quoted にしても、文頭はきれいじゃないですが、文末でもいい。 however なんかと同じで、挿入がきれい。 でも、とにかく、quote の内容は全部、それがすべて。 2 by comparison with ~とあれば「~と比べると」ですが、 with ~がないので、ただ「比較的」、 「かなり」とか「けっこう」くらいに訳すことも可能。 3 普通に、drive a van が受身。他動詞 drive は「走る」じゃないです。 ヴァンが運転された、これもちょっと変ですが、 「動かされた、操縦された」 まあ、受動で結果的には「走行した」 weaving ~は同時進行の分詞構文。 同時なので、どちらから訳しても同じ。 英語のまま前から訳せばいいかと。 英語を日本語の理屈に当てはめれば後ろから、 でもそれは後ろから「~しつつ、しながら」です。 「~して」は前から訳す訳し方だから、 後者の方がいいわけです。


  • BBCニュースの英訳お願いします!

    BBCニュースの訳教えてください! この前のフィリピンの台風の話なのですがいまいち訳があやふやな場所があるので教えてください。 Almost 35000 people were still sheltering in evacuation centres on Sunday, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said. これがひとつめです。 Official said many bodies remained unclaimed, suggesting entire famililies has veen swept away. これが二つ目です。 the affected area is so wide and huge and I believe they have not really gone to all areas to do a search. これが3つめです。 the rescue effort, boosted by some 20000 soldiers, countinued through Saturday night but was being hampered by flooded-out roads and downed power lines, officials said. これが4つ目です。 National TV showed scenes of devastation, with streets strewn with mud and piles of debris. The remains of houses lay alongside cars that had been picked up by the water and left in culverts and along riverbanks. これが5つめです。 The BBC’Kate McGeown in Manila said the storm took everyone by surprise. この6つめです。

  • 英文の添削をお願いします。

    学校で新聞記事の一部をフィクションで作ってこいと言われたのですが、、、    POLICE OFFICERS SAVED 20 PEOPLE'S LIVES By [my name] New York , USA -2012,September 10th at 12:00. Tom Smith and Mike Anderson,the brave police officers saved 20 people's lives. A terrorist group made a bomb and put it a bus under the chair. On the bus, no one knew what happened. Only the 2 police officers knew the truth. A man called Mike about the bomb but didn't tell his name. They evacuated the people and found the bomb. When they found it, It was only 10 minutes left. They didn't have enough time to drive the bus anywhere. Then Tom made a big decision , he wanted to prevent the bomb exploding. Whwn we had an interview with Tom smith, he said that "I was a soldier before,I know how to do it but the most important thing is I am a police officer. It's my duty to save people's lives!" We should be proud of our police officers and they always protecy us. かなり幼稚な文だと思うのですが、お願いします。

  • 低能がBBCニュースランダムピックして質問するよ

    4 January 2013 Last updated at 17:51 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint Naomi Campbell 'hurt' in Paris mugging attempt Supermodel Naomi Campbell has been injured in an attempted mugging in Paris, reports say. French police have confirmed that two men on a motorcycle tried to grab her handbag as she sat in a car in the trendy Marais neighbourhood on 21 November. US media reported that the British model suffered a torn ligament in her left leg in the attack. She has since been pictured in a wheelchair with her leg in a brace. A police source quoted by the UK's Press Association said: "On November 21, two people on a motorbike attempted to steal Ms Campbell's handbag as she sat in a vehicle on Rue de Moussy. "She filed a complaint with police in the 4th arrondissement but she did not agree to a medical examination." A spokesman for the 42-year-old model declined to comment on the incident. Naomi Campbell has not commented on the incident 懐かしいなナオミ・キャンベル、久しぶりに出てきたんだけど a torn ligament たぶんこれ 足の筋切ったのかな?よくわからないけど tornがtearの過去分詞だから 靭帯あれwわkらあん She has since been pictured in a wheelchair with her leg in a brace. つまり wheelchairは車椅子だから それから車椅子姿ってことですよね これね名詞で使われるとね混乱する単語なんだよね complaint noun ( REPORT OF A PROBLEM ) /kəmˈpleɪnt/ Definition [C or U] when someone says that something is wrong or not satisfactory We've received a complaint from one of our listeners about offensive language. 日本だと有名人特に外国から人を襲うとかありえません 日本の強盗でもそこはなぜかわきまえてるwwwww そんなことしたら 日本が低能だってニュースされちゃうでしょ

  • 「12人を殺したあの」と制限する必要があるのでしょ

    NHKからの抜粋です French police and security forces are searching for the gunmen who killed 12 people at a newspaper office in Paris. 記事の内容には言及しません。 ganmenだから複数だとして、それを制限用法で「12人を殺したあの」と制限する必要があるのでしょうか。 全文です Search continues for attackers of Paris newspaper French police and security forces are searching for the gunmen who killed 12 people at a newspaper office in Paris. The gunmen stormed the main building of the weekly Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday. The victims include executives and satirical cartoonists, and 2 police officers. At a news conference later in the day, an official from the Paris public prosecutor's department said 2 masked men armed with Kalashnikov automatic rifles forced their way into the building, killed one person at the reception desk, and headed for a room on the third floor where an editors' meeting was being held. The official said the gunmen killed the people in that room. They then exchanged fire with police outside and killed another person before fleeing in a car. During the rampage, they were heard shouting "Allah is great" and "We have just taken revenge for the Prophet". This suggests they could have been inspired by Islamic extremism. Police suspect at least one more person was involved in the attack. Eyewitnesses say they saw 3 people in the car as they fled. Security troops and other counter-terrorism forces have been mobilized to help in the search. The weekly newspaper is well-known for satirical cartoons and articles. Police were on intensified patrol around its buildings as it frequently received threats after carrying caricatures of Islam. 関係代名詞の用法に不慣れで、同じような質問を繰り返していますが、よろしくおねがいします

  • 添削してください#1

    文章が長くなってしまったので#1と#2に分けます。 ですが、両方の質問文を見ないとわからないという内容ではないです。 「私の選んだ選択を実行すると、裕福な人たちに負担がかかってしまうかもしれない(かかってしまうだろう)。負担する大きさでいうと、不平等になってしまうかもしれない。もし、地区のアメリカ代表であればそういう人たちからの支持は落ちるだろう。」 If we put options that I quoted into practice, it would (might be) put a burden on the wealthy people. In terms of the size to burden, it may become inequality. If I were the U.S. Representative from my home town, support from such people would fall. こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • ガーディアン紙の記事で分からないところがあります。

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/09/osama-bin-laden-us-pakistan-deal?INTCMP=SRCH The former US official said that impetus for the co-operation, much like the Bin Laden deal, was driven by the US. "It didn't come from Musharraf's desire. On the Predators, we made it very clear to them that if they weren't going to prosecute these targets, we were, and there was nothing they could do to stop us taking unilateral action. 元アメリカ当局者は「ビンラディンの件のような共同作戦に対するimpetusはムシャラフ側ではなくアメリカ側からの働きかけによるものだ。プレデター(無人偵察機)については、私たちは極めて明らかにしているように、もし彼らが・・(この後はまったくわかりません)。 impetus をどう訳せば良いのか、prosecute these targets とはどういう意味か、 we were, and there was 以下がどういう意味か が分かりません。 教えていただけるとありがたいです。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削出来る方お願いします。

    世の中からいい人と言われる人間になるのは簡単です。耳ざわりのいい言葉を操り、困窮した立場にある人間、いわゆる弱者と呼ばれる人々の側に立ってものを語ればいいんです。しかし、人から信頼される人になるという事は、一筋縄ではいきません。 It is easy to be said you are kind by other people.This is because, to be said so, all you have to do is using the word which do not irritate others and talking as if you were on behalf of poor people so to speak the weak. However, on the other hand, it is difficult to be believed by others. よろしくお願いします。

  • *** 英語 *** 態の変換問題

    Voice(態)を変えよ。という古めの練習問題ですが、添削確認ください。 1. We sent the servant for the doctor. -> The servant was send for the doctor. 2 .The cake has been eaten by the dogs. -> The dogs have eaten the cake. 3. She told me very intresting story. -> I was told very intresting story by her. -> Very intresting story were told me by her. 4. The discovery of electric waves made radio possible. -> Radio was made possible by the discovery of electric waves. 5. They were carrying out the chairs into the garden. -> The chairs was being carried out by them into the garden. 6. You should not have planted those tree there. -> Those tree should not have been planted there. 7. We had to take great care of them. (Great care ...) -> Great care had to be taken of them. 8. You cannnot rely upon him. -> He cannnot be relied upon. 9. People looked up to him as the father or the country. -> He was looked up to by the people as father of the country. 10. The police lost sight of the criminal. (The criminal ...) -> The criminal was lost sight of by the police. 11. I felt something move in the darkness. -> Something was felt move in the darkness. 12. They were made to read certain books by their teacher. -> Their teacher made them read a certain books. 13.Did you ever see him smile? -> Was he ever seen smile? 14. Who will took after the children? -> By whom will the children be looked after? 15. What is that bird called in English? -> What do you call that bird in English?

  • 英訳(前回と同じ内容の話なのですが…

    The Aborigines are a people whose history is sad and painful. Through most of the 19th century, they were driven off their homelands by white Australians. ここまでの訳し方がわかりません。 最初の一文は、painfulという単語を痛いという意味で訳していたのですが、意味のわからない文になってしまいます; それと、こっちはもう少し前の文章になりますが、 After the race, Cathy ran around the track in a victory lap.の訳し方もわかりません(汗 オリンピックの400m走で容易に勝った、という文のあとに続く文章です。レースの後に勝利の一周を走った、ではおかしいですよね? よろしければ上記の文を訳して頂けると嬉しいです。

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    well there is a girl i like... a lot...maybe even love and we were in a relationship but other people we telling me i was to clingy and she would break up with me so i seperated us some and she said she thought us dating each other made me uncomfortable so we broke up...now we are talking and she said all the reasons she like me before she still sees in me and i dont know if i should give up on the idea of us dating again??