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  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Proposition 666 is the bill I'm sponsoring next year that limits the amount of junk mail proposition supporters can send me. Can't we just do this shit on the internet people? My front porch looks like a garbage dump.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    So, media (social and news) has been blowing up over this Charlottesville thing. Yes, there are racists who still believe in white supremacy, but not very many. I think we're giving them way more attention than they deserve, and at a cost of our own collective peace of mind. Listen, I can't stand this neo Nazi bullshit, either, but I'm not going to let them ruin my day. Maybe I'll just listen to some Dead Kennedys, and remember this shit has been around my whole life. This one's for the ignorant racists everywhere, not just in Charlottesville.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    The new GOP health bill only has 20% approval - but they are going to move heaven and earth to get that thing passed. I don't understand the pride of men. This is going to get people killed. There is no place for politics or pride in health care. This is a criminal undertaking and someday these guys will all have to answer for it. We need to tattoo this onto the foreheads of all who voted for it - this kind of cruelty should not be forgotten.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Therefore, every dollar that is raised through this campaign will be going directly towards the tour, allowing us to rock farther and harder than ever before. Also know that we are set up for "Flex Funding," which means even if we don't reach our goal, we still get the money that is raised through the campaign. Regardless of the outcome, we love you guys, and we are hoping that through this we will be able to properly thank you. ※ 『The Sun Comes Out Tonight』はアルバム名、『Filter』はバンド名です。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    How did this tour come together? Richard Patrick: I heard about it and said to Dean [DeLeo], “Hey, Dean: take me on tour!” [laughs] And he asked the guys, came back and said, “Everyone says this is good!” Chester Bennington: Pretty much. We wanted this tour to be a really good experience for our fans; and we had been struggling to find bands, the right band, to make it awesome. So when Dean came to rehearsal, we were at Robert’s house recording, and said, “Richard said that they would go out with us.” I was. like, “F---, yeah!” That is exactly what we want and what we need for this tour.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    When are we going to admit what’s right in front of our eyes - the whole world knows!! Trump works for Putin!!! This is fucking embarrassing. If I had the money I would leave the country right now. Im embarrassed - I’m shamed - I can’t believe this !! I denounce the us government and anyone that tries to defend trump.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    “My philosophy is that I don't feel like going on the road and playing a greatest hits set that we've been playing for five years,” he says. “We've been doing that and in the midst of doing that, we made an album that took us a year-and-a-half. That's not the way STP makes records. We make records in two weeks. If we're going to do something, we need to get back in the studio with Brendan O'Brien who has a track record with us and get re-inspired artistically again. ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots(STP)』はバンド名、『Brendan O'Brien』は人物名です。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    My Dad and my Step Mom support Nazis (Trump) - I think we should all call out the Nazi lovers in our families. Friends don't let friends hide Nazi lovers. As FAR AS I'm concerned if you still support Trump YOU SUPPORT NAZIs This is past watergate for me. This is going to end up a bloody mess and I'm not being cheeky.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    He continued: "Chester was really the only person we thought of having come in. He was a fan of STP and when we talked to him his full idea was 'If we're going to do this, I want to do this honoring the past but moving forward in a direction with contributing something valid to music.' That's where we really agreed in the utmost — having that sentiment of moving forward. "There's a lot of songs that I'm really anxious to play, especially with someone who can sing those songs and perform those songs the way they were written.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Asked where everything stands with Weiland right now, Dean told 93X: "I just can't believe it even went to this [us suing each other]. "Anybody he was affiliated with or anything kind of just left us for dead; they kind of had their minds made up that we were… Scott was the singer, Scott was this and that.