• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:翻訳をお願いします)


  • 中年以降の男性は、運動や食事に気をつけないと、少しだけ太り、お腹や腰回りが出てきます。
  • 彼は外見には自信や指導力をあまり示さないが、礼儀正しく、控えめであり、人に話しかけられると驚いた様子で振る舞ったり、自分の言葉や態度に少し戸惑ったりすることがあります。
  • 彼は観察力があり、何かに対して話しかけられたときは、無視されなかったことに驚いており、自分の行動や言葉について戸惑っています。しかし、すぐに集中し、礼儀正しく、優しくなります。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9913/12377)

>After middle age he begins to become just a little fatter, gets a belly and a midriff if he does not attend to exercise and diet and his body skin being pale turns too easily to lard. There is a bulge or fullness in the region of the liver, and the abdomen distends with age, but he is not over weight and the legs remain lean and slender in the shanks. ⇒彼は、中年以降にほんの少しずつ太り始めて、運動やダイエットに気を使わないと腹部や上腹部の肉付きが進み、体の表層が容易に白っぽい脂肪に変わります。膨らみまたは充満が肝臓領域にあって、腹部は年齢と共に膨張しますが、ただ体重は超過していませんし、脚は脂肪が少なく、スネは細長いままです。 >He does not exhibit much outer self confidence or command in his manner, that’s not to say he doesn’t have it, just it doesn’t show. He is a polite man, but, quite voiced, and can look like a lost soul, timid and weak in his ways. No forcefulness. ⇒彼は、自信ありそうな素振りをあまり外部に示しませんし、命令的な態度を取ることもありませんが、それは、彼がそういうものを持ち合わせないというのではなく、ただそれを示さないだけなのです。彼は、礼儀正しい男性ですが、その振舞いを見ると実に評判どおりで、気迫を失った、臆病で脆弱な人と見られるところがあり得ます。力強さというものがないのです。 >He has an enquiring patient glance, and when someone speaks to him, he looks almost as though he is surprised they have not ignore him, and a little lost for what to say, or how to conduct himself. This passes in a second and he collects himself and is polite, kindly, but not all pushy or extrovert. A milk and water sort of manner.. ⇒彼は、忍耐強く(状況を)うかがいます。誰か人に話しかけらた時、まるで無視されなかったことに驚いたように、何を言うべきか、どのように振舞うべきか分からずに、ちょっと戸惑うように見えます。これはすぐに通り過ぎますので、彼は気を取り直して、礼儀正しく優しく振舞いますが、そこには強引さや外向性は全くありません。彼の振舞い方は、ミルクと水の部類(流されるまま)なのです…。



お礼が遅くなりすみません。 翻訳ありがとうございました(о´∀`о) ミルクと水の部類の意味がまったくわからなくてずっと疑問だったのですが、流されるままという意味なんですね! 勉強になりました。



  • 翻訳をお願いします!

    どなたか翻訳をしていただけないでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。 He is patient, dedicated, methodical in all he does. Very excellent in his work and ways, and will gain renown in his own field of life Likes to feel he has a purpose He has strong forebodings which do not materialize. However he does seem ambitious to advance himself, to get a better life, or to become free of difficulties. He is interested in the attaining of intellectual knowledge and while he uses it to help others he is idle or impractical or unassertive in using it to help himself, and advances very little in life, He could be parasitic, wasteful or carried by others. For he doesn’t seem to get personal power or position despite his high intelligence. Ends up doing what others want him to, or else evading and shipping out. He has a sense of duty but doesn't like responsibility. A passive dreamy nature. He is a clever and spiritual man. He is sympathetic and imaginative. Kind and generous. But escapist, never satisfied with life and prefers to retreat or escape from the realities of it in one way or another. Thus he has a weak side to his character that may need strengthening if he is to make the most of his opportunities in life. He is mildly mediumistic and may be interested in psychic and occult subjects. An uncommon person, spiritually inclined, mystical and yet well accepted.

  • 日本語に訳してください

    翻訳をお願いします。 He has very few characteristic mannerisms of his own. Little to draw attention to himself... He is absent minded indolent and low spirited in the mornings. His energy levels fluctuate with his mood. He has a stiffness in posture of the back on rising from his seat, but he has no particular characteristics mannerisms to describe. He rubs or scratches the ear occasionally. May move his feet for no reason. But no habitual mannerisms. He does not exhibit much outer self confidence or command in his manner, that’s not to say he doesn’t have it, just it doesn’t show. But he has a kind of muted quite refinement about him, and is generally well disposed towards others. He is never offensive or unapproachable in manner. He is more unobtrusive Kindly when approached. He stays on the edges and doesn't exert himself. He often gives the impression of being mentally else where, of not paying attention to the moment, not very focused.. There is little to draw attention to him. So with his quite demeanor, he tends to blend into the background.

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いしたいです

    以下の文章を翻訳お願いします He has a negative side that is proud and sullen. Too proud to admit when his ambitions are falling or brining ruin on him. He struggles on, but not stupidly or blindly. He try’s to salvage himself, help himself. He admits to himself he is going down, but not to others. One who harbors jealousies and can be sometimes spiteful. Quick tempered, but not so much with people, it is more when everything goes badly or goes wrong, or when he makes mistakes. He gets angry at objects, situations, may slam the door, or slam things down. The incompetence of others also angers or irritates him. He can become unapproachable and lonely when angry. He brings many troubles on himself by this. One who has both good an evil fortunes. An interest in the history of times and places and the making of new chapters in the destiny of his life. His circumstance have made his life not a fixed one. and he will have encountered many interesting changes of friends partners, work and environments before he finally settles down. He is generous to those close or those he wants to impress. but sometimes wasteful, buys foolish possessions, that belong to some impractical ideal in his head. Or is impulsively foolish at a time when he has little to be impulsive with..

  • 翻訳をお願いします!

    毎回お世話になります! 癖のようなことがかいてあるみたいなのですが、翻訳していただけませんか? 宜しくお願いします(*'ω'*) When he is drawn into conversation and forgets himself, his mannerism change subtly as he tends to unconsciously mirror the person he is talking to. Thus if he is talking to someone who’s rather glum, he too will soon take on a glum stance, or gloomy expression in his face. If the person crosses his legs, then he will soon follow. or if he is chatting to someone jovial, he too will adopt the persons jovial moments and expression.. This is an unconscious copy, a kind of an affinity struck up with strangers, that he in unaware of. As though he reflects the other person, rather than imprinting himself on the person or situation. When he sits he tends to slump down or relax himself, rather than sitting erect, stretches the legs and feet out when sitting. Tends to moon around when standing. He doesn’t like to stand still for long, it is difficult to get him to do so. He can walks well and long distances on his feet, but doesn’t like to be standing around. He must sit down, or keep moving. Difficulty waking in the mornings, its as if he dreads daylight an wants to sleep again.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    お金に関してのことがかいてあるようです。 宜しくお願いします。 Your future partner is ambitious with a secret need for money power and influence. His weakness is that wants short cuts to wealth and he tends to take financial risks. His earning capacity is good, much drive, but he wants to change his life so much, that he has long term plans for transforming his financial life, but he lacks the staying power to persevere more than a certain length of time. He will not accept financial help or sensible advice from others. He wants to make his own fortune, build his own empires. He has very big ideas both for himself and for the money he will make, but he wants its fast, and he wants it now. He is not good at the practicalities of planning wealth, or at starting at the bottom. He wants the world to fall into his lap. To reward his talents or genius without the harder effort of the ground work being done. He wants to live life in style and comfort. Money will come to him quickly when it does, but can just as easily go. His views and ideas he holds about money do not altogether conform to those held by other people. He will not be hard up, but he will be somewhat erratic and unreliable in money matters, or may have an irregular income, that has large sums of money in fits and starts, punctuated with shortages. He also has a tendency to debts and to spend before he earns. Find saving up hard. And credit too easy. He needs to avoid being too impulsive and enterprising, without putting the nectars follow up effort in.

  • 長文の翻訳

    どなたか翻訳お願いします。長いです。すみません。 He will be of medium height with a Large good frame and sturdy structure. Not tall but much hidden force of personality seems to exude from him. His head is large, and the back of his head is round slightly elongated or bullet shaped or like a coconut on its side. The cerebellum being prominent. He has firm sturdy shoulders, and his head and neck are sometimes held stiffly forwards at a slight angle from the body. His manner is polite, but firm. Not exactly pushy but he doesn't back down. Proud and confident in himself, and a serious, a gentle no nonsense manner. A man whose face and gaze looks ethereal, refined Like someone from better roots or stock than those around him.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    以下の英文を翻訳お願いしたいです。 His body movements are always angular, just a little stiff, or restrained looking. He makes very few gestures, but jerks the hands the head, the arms when he makes a gesture, always angular motion. There is no excess nervous energy or unnecessary movements. He doesn’t see fit to fidget, When he remains still for example, he is absolutely statuesquely. Not a languid wilting stillness. More a poised placid and dramatic strong stillness,. His postures are often effectuated or like one acting a part in a play. He likes to sit on the edge of his chair and lean or bend forwards, his arms on his knees when paying attention. Though when he relaxes he slumps back and downward in his seat, yet even his slump looks effectuated, dramatic, and a kind of glazed trance like look sinks over him like a blanket and he becomes lost in a haze of thought. A kind of beatitude passers over him, and he seems as if to have two existences, conscious of two states.

  • 翻訳をお願いします!

    意訳でも構いません。翻訳機だとおかしくなってしまい日本語になるように訳をお願いします。 His Jupiter falling in your first house, means that he will give you helpful advice and opinions based on his own experience and own private philosophy of life. But this may either mislead or be misinterpreted by you. He will take a benevolent interest in you., and his company will always put you in a good humor, you will feel at ease with this man. He will be generous and kind but will also encourage you towards extravagances that you might not can totally afford. During the course of the relationship he will gain a little weight and begin to look a little more prosperous. His clothing will become more expensive. He will make a bigger effort for you, because you are important are in his life. He may encourage you towards travel and embracing on extravagant adventures. The negative side of Jupiter in this house is he may make promises in your personal life that he cannot, or will not keep later. His Saturn falling in your first house can dampen the relationship and make it restrained. There is a degree of inhibition, or shyness, and felling of barriers between you, that are slow to come down. Trust will be build up, and caution is natural. In his life he has not been able to trust many people, because usually it is those closest to him, who have let him down or betrayed him in some way. His past has probably not always been so happy, and he carry’s the shadow of this with him in his character. So he has this chillness, this initial caution with people. Saturn in the first house usually means the relationship takes longer to move forward from stage to stage than you initial hope. Nothing can be rushed. He likes to make sure he is safe ground before he proceeded, both emotionally, and materially. He also has less self confidence than you expect him to have. In your chart there is a contradictory aspect. This is why it was uncertain of his height. I only say he is not gigantically tall, or outstandingly tall, but he is moderately tall. Not short, I don’t know why the aspect contradicts, but because it does it makes its difficult to analyze.

  • 長文ですがどなたか翻訳をお願いします。

    長文ですがどなたか訳していただける方宜しくお願いします(*'ω'*) His early years were in a simple but homely background. His parents were poor but provided for him. Giving their children things they could not afford for themselves. He was an infant who cried all the time, tearful, dirty faced, lonely and shy and sniveling child. Didn’t mix well with other children, puny, pale and lacking in stamina in body, and not outgoing in character. A large sweaty head, delicate but poor unhealthy looking skin, like one who spent too much time cooped up indoors, playing indoor games or scribbling, amusing himself in solitary things and clinging to his family. Markedly mature for his age polite in company, a child who was seen and not heard and not inclined to canter round in front of guests. But afraid of the world outside, or over protected, restricted kept prisoner by his mother and family and lead a sheltered sad restricted life. Not a child at all. No spontaneity, or naughtiness and not happy within himself. Nervous and clumsy when scolded, or from excitement. Would make verses, draw paint. Would say things, but quickly became introverted when spoken to harshly. He was in some way unusual, gifted or considered odd and crazy. He would have grown to resemble one of his parents so much that it was remarked on. He was this parents image. He was a gentle child. Afraid to go into a dark room, afraid of ghosts and the supernatural. A superstitious child. Yet there is an element of misery and unhappiness and inequality or injustice his childhood years that he still suffers from and it is not explained. He lacked a sense of self worth. He was born a weak child, slow to talk and walk in infancy. He had no serious illness in childhood, but was not robust. Fevers and trouble with the feet.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    以下の文章を訳していただける方、お願いします He is a person who is not easily discouraged or deterred. He can disregard the insults and unpleasantness or plane spoken ness and arrogance of others, if it is to his purpose to do so. He may seem easy going and tolerant an to make enemies into friends but he is not, it is a superficial mask, a tool he uses to advance him self or serve his own purpose.

  • 学校で使用するCANON ix6830のインクが認識しなくなり、赤いランプも点灯しません。掃除や電源の再挿入を試しても復活せず、WEB上の手順も試しましたが同様でした。修理の必要性か、他の解決方法があるか教えてください。
  • CANON ix6830で使用しているインクが認識されず、赤いランプが点灯しない状態です。接触部分の掃除や電源の再挿入など試しましたが、復活しません。WEB上の対処方法も試しましたが、依然として問題が解決しません。どうすれば良いかアドバイスをお願いします。
  • CANON ix6830のインクが認識されず、赤いランプも点灯しません。接触部分の掃除や電源の再挿入を試しましたが、復活しません。WEB上の対処方法を試しましたが、同様の状況です。修理に出すべきか、他の解決策があるかアドバイスをお願いします。