
  • 彼の体は小柄で、痩せており、立派ではない見た目です。肩がすくむような高身長ですが、青白くひ弱です。体は細くて形が悪く、不器用です。彼は重要性を感じず、なかなか自信を持つことができず、匿名で注目を集めたくないかのように動きます。彼の動きには大胆さや騒々しさはありません。むしろ、抑制的で、少し苛立たしく、臆病です。
  • 彼の顔については、前の読み物で詳しく説明しました。彼の首は細く、少しよく見える筋や筋肉の柱があり、大理石のように青白く、アダムのリンゴは首の器官の中で曲がり出ている曲線です。肌は色が悪く、くすんでいます。首の下のあごと喉の周りはもっと肉付きがあり、丸みを帯びています。鎖骨の上にはくぼみがあり、骨が浮き出ています。
  • 彼は大きなバランスの取れた肩を持っていますが、それを堂々と抱えたり、傾けたりはしていません。片方の肩が下がると、もう片方が上がるように、まるでバランサーのようになりますが、少し前かがみです。このような特徴的な歩き方が彼を少し鈍く、少し安定していない、優雅さを欠いた姿に見せることがありますが、足音は柔らかく、体は触れても冷たくはありませんが、常に彼は寒々とした印象を受けます。
  • ベストアンサー


体の特徴が書いてあります。 翻訳をしていただけたら助かります。 He is of mean stature, meager, Lank, lean dyspeptic looking; Stoop shouldered and tall in height, but pallid awkward and weakly. The body is thin and ill formed and clumsy. He has an insignificant way of moving, as though he has not great confidence or like one who wishes to remain anonymous and have no attention focused on himself. There is nothing bold or strident about his movements. They are more contained, even a bit fretful and timid. His face I have described in detail in the previous reading. His neck is thin and slightly scrawny with visible columns and muscular cords at the side of it and pale like marble, and the Adams apple is a visible protruding curve in the neck shape, the skin poorly pasty colored and dingy. The neck is more fleshy and rounded out under the throat and parotid area., more hollowed and boney and sunken in above the clavicle bones. He has broad shoulders, like a great balanced yolk, but he doesn’t carry them erect, not a stooping or cringing gait, if one shoulder goes down the other goes up like a yoke or balance across them, but slightly stoop shouldered,, not as proud and erect and smart as he could be. These peculiarities of gait can make him look a little languid and a little less poised or ungraceful and ungainly but soft in step. The body is not cold to the touch by he always has a chilly look about him.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

以下のとおりお答えします。例によって、文法的にはかなりひどい状況ですので、逐語訳や直訳はむずかしく、意味もないと思います。それで、全体的に(特に後半では)、思い切り推測を交えて意訳しました。 >He is of mean stature, meager, Lank, lean dyspeptic looking; Stoop shouldered and tall in height, but pallid awkward and weakly. The body is thin and ill formed and clumsy. He has an insignificant way of moving, as though he has not great confidence or like one who wishes to remain anonymous and have no attention focused on himself. There is nothing bold or strident about his movements. They are more contained, even a bit fretful and timid. ⇒彼は、身長は平均的ですが、体はやせて細長く、貧弱で消化不良の様相を示しています。体型はほっそりしてぎこちなく、不恰好です。彼の動き方(所作・振舞)は実につまらないやり方で、あたかも「自分は自信がない、匿名でいたい、注目されたくないのです」、と言わんばかりの人です。彼の行動には大胆なところも、やかましい耳ざわりなところも、全然ありません。ひどく抑制気味で、臆病でさえあります。 >His face I have described in detail in the previous reading. His neck is thin and slightly scrawny with visible columns and muscular cords at the side of it and pale like marble, and the Adams apple is a visible protruding curve in the neck shape, the skin poorly pasty colored and dingy. The neck is more fleshy and rounded out under the throat and parotid area., more hollowed and boney and sunken in above the clavicle bones. ⇒私は以前の読み取りにおいて、彼の顔を詳細に説明しました。彼の首は、その側面に見られる縦の筋と筋肉によって、大理石のように色が淡く、少し細めでやせて見えます。そして、喉仏(のどぼとけ)は、首にくっついて見える突出曲線で、糊のような色でつやのない皮膚です。首は、咽喉(のど)と耳下あたりの領域でより肉づきよく、丸みを帯び、鎖骨骨格のすぐ上がへこんで骨張り、その(鎖骨の)骨格の中に沈み込みます。 >He has broad shoulders, like a great balanced yolk (→yoke)*, but he doesn’t carry them erect, not a stooping or cringing gait, if one shoulder goes down the other goes up like a yoke or balance across them, but slightly stoop shouldered,, not as proud and erect and smart as he could be. These peculiarities of gait can make him look a little languid and a little less poised or ungraceful and ungainly but soft in step. The body is not cold to the touch by he always has a chilly look about him. ⇒彼は、釣り合いの取れた大きな天秤棒*ような、広い肩を持っています。ただし、一方の肩が他方よりかすかに上下しているので、(足並みならぬ)「肩並み」がぴったり揃っているわけではありません。それは、誇りにできるほど立派ではありません。これらの風変わりな「肩並み」のせいで、彼は幾分けだるそうに見えるかもしれません。平衡感または優美な感じが不足気味で、ぎこちないけれども、歩く姿は柔軟な感じです。彼の身体に触れるならば、いつも身にまとっていると見られるような、うすら冷たい感触はありません。 *この文脈で、yolk「卵黄」は意味を成さないと思います。ここは、カッコ内に示したように、yoke「天秤(てんびん)棒」の誤植と考えて訳しました。



文章を鵜呑みにしてはいけませんね(+_+) スペル間違いがちょくちょくあり、つじつまの合わない単語に疑問がありましたが、翻訳をしていただいたおかげで疑問が解消されました。 ありがとうございました。


  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    いつもこちらでお世話になります。 翻訳をよろしくお願いします。 He has slender muscular legs of good shape, though the veins are enlarged like knotted cords and visible here and there in the lightness or thinness of the skin. The body has an engorgement of the veins and a stiffness and fullness throughout the frame The body has the right covering of muscle and flesh to make it solid but not bloated. His skin takes on pressure sores easily becoming red where he leans on it, or where two surfaces rest together, indurations from pressure, the tips of the elbows for example.. His skin is warm and dry and he likes to be in a cool room. Likes to be uncovered in bed at night and to remove excess clothing in a warm room, but his posture is a cold one, He is sensitive to cold always feeling chilly, even though he may be warm to the touch creeps around in a stopping huddled way, limbs tight to the body, arms sometimes hugging themselves.

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    日本語に訳してください! お願いします。 There is something he has not been able to rise above. That will make him seem washed out, wearied, pallid faced when he speaks of past loves. He has a disposition, that is too yielding in love. Like his cold pale hands like water lily’s. Puts up with too much. Needs to draw strength from somewhere. He has a propensity for mysticism, occultism and spirituality tinged with romance. This can give strength make him look for love again, when the past seems gone. He has a hunger for a romantic atmosphere and wants the security of a strong love in his life, but also wants the dream of love. The world is not enough for this man..

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    日本語に訳してください。 宜しくお願いします。 They are good sturdy caring hands. Though he is inclined to drop things and fumble. The fingers are not as deft and practiced as they could be, the movements careless, idle. The wrists are strong thick and well veined. Masculine hands and wrists, cold and moist and harsh skinned to the touch, the palms are cushiony and thick. He make the occasional hand gesture when he talks, but not profusely. And his hand gestures are lazy looking, not animated. He tends to make paternal gestures towards his friends and people he likes, like a father. He may pat someone as if they were his child, or pupil, or make gesture of fellowship. He has the odd freckle or copper colored spot on the backs of his hands, but no defects. A cool firm touch, but not chilled hands, dry, smooth The action of his hands is not exactly clumsy but not accurate or precise, a little slip shod.

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    長文だった為分割しました。 前半の文章です。よろしくお願いします。 That he has a friendly warm voice with an undertone of just a very slightly different place, or intonation, barely perceptible but not local, It betrays a hint of some other place in his past, or some other class and level of life, that is different to the one he now mixes in. It is just a trace, a remnant left over, of a slightly different way of speaking, that is visible here and there, like a fish glimpsed below the surface of a river. His tone is rich and flowing a bit preachy, he talks as though giving some important message or lecture or sermon to others, yet his voice while rich is also limp it lacks the energy, and stamina that it begin with, and turns into deep soft trailing voice, warming as whiskey but more dilute at the ends. Robust at the beginning of sentences and paragraphs, but then his speech, this stoutness tending to tail off leaving sentences unfinished, or making them more quite and muted in strength.

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    日本語に訳していただけると助かります。 Like one who is mentally alert but lazy in action.. The hands never look clean, no matter how much or how hard he scrubs them. He washes them to much and this causes them to get chapped. He has clean habits but work worn grubby hands. He doesn’t like noise or queer sounds that he cannot explain, they disturb him. He is sensitive to smells and fragrances, likes perfumes. He is sometimes nauseous from travel and motion, though he can travel a long way first.

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    よろしければ文章を訳してください宜しくお願いします。 Every planet has an influence on your future and on the future soulmate. Mercury was in Aquarius when you were born. Your soul mate is loyal and faithful. He has modern ideas and thoughts about the way love and romance should be in his life. He may far ahead of his times, so this relationship will be sophisticated and advanced by other peoples standards. He is open to new experiences in life and love. He is not given to deceiving himself or others and will not do so. He will make observations about you. He will take a great interest and curiosity about you. He can be detached, so that while he may be exceedingly interested in what other people say or know about you, he is not influenced by others views, he observes you and sees the truth, sees things that other people cannot always see. And he is perceptive in this. He may be able to see you from a different angle to others, and his insight will be illuminating.

  • 長文の翻訳

    どなたか翻訳お願いします。長いです。すみません。 He will be of medium height with a Large good frame and sturdy structure. Not tall but much hidden force of personality seems to exude from him. His head is large, and the back of his head is round slightly elongated or bullet shaped or like a coconut on its side. The cerebellum being prominent. He has firm sturdy shoulders, and his head and neck are sometimes held stiffly forwards at a slight angle from the body. His manner is polite, but firm. Not exactly pushy but he doesn't back down. Proud and confident in himself, and a serious, a gentle no nonsense manner. A man whose face and gaze looks ethereal, refined Like someone from better roots or stock than those around him.

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    長文ですが翻訳の出来る方よろしくお願いします。 He is a man who likes music and may have musical hobbies, or could play an instrument, or like composing and singing and recording. He is good at composing but also what transcends his ability to compose is to interpret other work. II think he like music of a classical kind. Also traditional rock Ballard music. Music that he feels has something important to say about life. Guitar music. He likes words and language and may have learned some other language, or be studying it and the culture and music, that goes with that country and language. Domestic life will appeal, and he likes to spend time with his family and pets. Traditional oriental things appeal to him. Both customs and items. He will enjoy cooking and making food, he may have an interest in foods and wines, and will enjoy dinning out too. He will like to attend feasts and festivals. There may be a musical and also a military background in has family that ha inspired him. He also likes military things, involvement in the outdoors, or some militant cause, local environment and its issues, to take a leading part in the community, things like residents associations, local politics, communities issues, he may fight intellectually for his beliefs, likes a great reformer and fighter for his community. Or his military interests may be more out door, arts of self defense, scout leader, outward bound clubs, territorial army, this sort of volunteer soldiering hobby.

  • 日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします。

    動きなどが書いてあるようなのですが、わかる方がいらっしゃりましたら翻訳をお願いします。 His body is mild, inoffensive. But his posture is not graceful, it’s the posture of a quite unassuming man and does not do him justice. He tends to look down cast, the head bowed or huddled slightly When he walks the head is bowed down as if wanting to catch sight of his feet. And at a desk his head is bowed in thought of contemplation.. He looks philosophic, but often a little shabby and disheveled, neglects his appearance. Never immaculate. The manner and movements of someone who doesn't invite company and wants to be anonymous and has no desire to stand out and provoke attention. He seldom looks anyone in the face or directly in the eyes for long. His movements are never bold, but rather creeping and timid. He waits to speak, waits to take his place, like one who thinks he is invisible. He never buts in or acts with self assurance. He has the looks of a man a little broken down by life or by suffering. Broken spirited and will ever after stand in line while more vibrant people come to the front. Modest and humble in his gait.

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    日本語に訳していただけたら嬉しいです。 宜しくお願いします。 The feet are generally colder than the body and icy in the evenings in bed And tend to go cold when he has a head ache.. He is subject to chilblains in winter and to numbness in the snow, though his shoes are adequate for the weather. He neglects his feet and his shoes are the not the kindest and his walk is too plodding. There is an inclination to turns the toes outwards when he walks. So the shoe are apt to rub. so his feet suffer. He gets cramps in the soles of the feet, and tired feet. He washes his feet and is hygienic. But the palms of the hands sweat more than the feet.