
  • 多くのネットカフェ難民は月に15万円以下の稼ぎしかなく、頼れる家族や友達もいません。
  • ネットカフェ難民は数カ月分の賃貸料に相当する礼金を支払えないことがよくあるのです。
  • ネットカフェ難民が常に若いとは限らないのです。40代、50代でさえいるのです。
  • ベストアンサー


Many net café refugees like Taro earn less than 150,000 yen a month and have no family or friends to support them. Although this amount of money is enough to rent a very cheap room, they often cannot afford to pay the key money which can be the equivalent of several mouths’ rent. Rather surprisingly, net café refugees are not always young. Some are even in their 40s and 50s. In the end, the net café refugee is one more symbol reflecting Japan’s entrance into the world of a class-based society. 日本語訳 タローのような多くのネットカフェ難民は月に15万円以下の稼ぎしかなく、頼れる家族や友達もいません。この金額ならばとても安価な部屋を借りるには十分なのですが、ネットカフェ難民は数カ月分の賃貸料に相当する礼金を支払えないことがよくあるのです。むしろ驚くべきことに、ネットカフェ難民が常に若いとは限らないのです。40代、50代でさえいるのです。 結局のところ、ネットカフェ難民とは階級別社会へと足を踏み入れる日本を反映するもうひとつのシンボルなのです。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9731/12105)

以下のとおりお答えします。ほとんど「お見事!」な訳文だと思います。 2,3か所、検討のご提案をいたします。 (語句の説明) the key money :保証金、敷金。 Some are even in their 40s and 50s.:40代、50代になっている人さえいる。 class-based society:階級社会。(「階級別社会」と言うと、「階級ごとに別の社会を作っている」ようなニュアンスを表すかも知れませんね。) (添削訳文) タローのような多くのネットカフェ難民は月に15万円以下の稼ぎしかなく、頼れる家族や友達もいません。この金額ならばとても安価な部屋を借りるには十分なのですが、ネットカフェ難民は数カ月分の賃貸料に相当する保証金(敷金)を支払えないことがよくあるのです。むしろ驚くべきことに、ネットカフェ難民が常に若いとは限らないのです。40代、50代になっている人さえいるのです。 結局のところ、ネットカフェ難民とは、階級社会へと足を踏み入れる日本を反映する、もうひとつのシンボルなのです。





  • 英文と日本語訳があります。和訳は適切ですか?

    We have discussed the increase in the number of working poor in Japan who often include freeters. Clearly, they have less money to spend than people with higher paying careers. Although the number of working poor has increased recently, the cost of renting a room has decreased only slightly. This has pushed some of the working poor to find new ways to find a place to sleep. Coincidentally, in the past decade, there are more restaurants and cafes that are open 24 hours a day. This has led to a new type of accommodation for the working poor. Renting a room is too costly for some of the working poor, but they do not want to join the homeless on the street. Instead, they sleep in fast food restaurants or Internet cafes, thus the term “net café refugees.” Here’s the story of a typical one. 和訳 しばしばフリーターを含めた日本のワーキングプアの数の増加について説明してきました。 あきらかに、彼らは高収入をもらう職業の人達よりも使える金額が少ないです。最近になってワーキングプアの数が増加しているにもかかわらず、部屋の賃貸料はほんのわずか減少しているだけです。このことがワーキングプアの一部に寝る為の場所を確保する新しい方法を見つけ出させる要因となっています。 偶然にも過去10年で、24時間オープンのレストランやカフェが増えています。これがワーキングプアの為の新しい宿泊施設へとつながりました。部屋を借りることはワーキングプアの一部の人にとってはとても負担が大きいのですが、彼らは路上のホームレスにはなりたくないのです。そういう人は代わりにファストフードレストランやインターネットカフェで眠るので、「ネットカフェ難民」という言い方をされます。代表的な例を見ていきましょう。

  • 英語について】日本語→英語

    <ヨーロッパ難民についての話です> 日本語→「つまり難民の急増と暴力事件の増加の間には、相関関係があるということがわかります。難民の受け入れは、文化や国民のアイデンティティーに大きく関わる問題だ。」 英語→ 「In other words, it is shown that there is a correlation between the increase of refugees and the increase of violent incidents. Refugee acceptance is a big issue related to culture and the identity of public.」 - 国民のアイデンティティーを the identity of publicとしました。 これは特に合っているか自信がないです。 日本語を英文にしたのであっているか見て欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の日本語訳お願いします!

    ぎこちない日本語ではなくて、意訳で構わないのでわかりやすい日本語でよろしくお願いします! If the hypothesis is that indivisuals will perform better on a math problem if they are offerd more money for a good performance, the experimenter might randomly assign participants to one of three conditions:~ 続きがあるんですが、ここまでがちょっとあいまいなので よろしくおねがいします!

  • 日本語訳を! 2-(4)

    お願いします。  On the first page of our ancient comic book there are two scenes. The larger shows king Angry Catfish, or Narmer, about to smash the head of a man kneeling in front of him. The victim's name (or is it the mane of a group of people?) is Wash and is written above his head. Could Wash be a leader that Narmer has conquered? Or is it symbolic of a whole tribe of people Narmer has beaten in battle?  More clues come from what is right in front of Narmer's face. The falcon perched on the reeds is no ordinary bird. He is Horus of Nekhen, the symbol of Egyptian royalty and protector of the king. Horus of Nekhen perches on reeds called papyrus. Each papyrus blossom is the Egyptian symbol for 1,000. The meaning is clear . King Narmer―the king of Upper Egypt―has conquered and captured Lower Egypt.  That bowling-pin-shaped hat that King Catfish is wearing is the White Crown of Upper Egypt. The king is also wearing a bull's tail, which shows he is as strong as a bull. Behind Narmer there is a person carrying the king's sandals. He is much smaller in order to show that he isn't as powerful as Narmer. In the second scene those two men who look as though they are swimming are actually Narmer's fallen enemies sprawled helplessly inside their walled town. Narmer has won.  Page two of our comic book (otherwise known as "the back") is divided into three scenes. In the top scene Narmer is wearing the Red Crown of Lower Egypt. The Sandal Bearer is still following Narmer carrying his sandals, and Narmer is still holding his head-bashing mace, but instead of the hair of his enemy he holds a staff in his other hand, The staff is a symbol of royalty. He is parading with smaller, less important people (everyone is less hmportant than Narmer now) toward ten bodies with their heads cut off and placed between their legs. Like dogs with their tails tucked between their legs, these are the cowering, conquered enemies.

  • この文章の和訳をお願いします。

    The corresponding velocity components are given by x_s'=esin(t_0-τ_s) y_s'=‐(3/2)b_s+2ecos(t_0-τ_s), (22) z_s'=icos(t_0-ω_s). In the above, we set t_0=-(2y_0/(3b)) without any loss of generality, for later convenience, which is equivalent to the choice of φ=0 in Eq. (7). In Eq. (21), y_0 is set to be max (40, 20e, 20i). The choice of y_0 is not essential to the evaluation of <P(e, i)> as long as y_0 is larger than this value since Eq. (19) is valid for such a large y_0. In Table 2, the evaluated values of <P(e,i)> are tabulated for various y_0 in the cases of (e, i) = (0,0) and (4,0): when y_0≧max(40, 20e, 20i), <P(e, i)> is almost independent of y_0 within an accuracy of 0.1% for the case of (e, i)=(0, 0) and 5% for (e, i)=(4, 0). よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳(翻訳)をよろしくお願いいたします。

    日本語訳(翻訳)をよろしくお願いいたします。 6月3日の昼過ぎまでによろしくお願いいたします。 (翻訳サイトなどを使用した訳はご遠慮願います) ↓↓ IN NEWS FROM SOUTH ASIA: The United Nations’ refugee agency is moving thousands of Afghan refugees who have come to Pakistan. The refugees will be moved from a camp near the town of Peshawar to a new camp several kilometers away. The U.N. says that as many as 250 Afghan refugees are entering Pakistan every day. The Pakistani government says it has closed its borders to new arrivals. The U.N. says it is already helping more than one million Afghans in Pakistan. The U.N. agency also has urged Tajikistan to accept about 10,000 Afghans currently living on islands between Afghanistan and Tajikistan.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    As seen by members of other nations, this emphasis on questioning and searching is bad for young people's "manners." Foreigners often feel a great lack of respect in our youth. It is true that many do become rude. Foreign visitors are often startled and frequently annoyed to find junior staff members daring to challenge older executives or argue points with them; they do not always like it when these young men or women make detailed but often revolutionary suggestions. One's own blueprints, reports, or analyses may be scrutinized in detail perhaps even challenged by a young person. This is not to be considered an insult or loss of face; nor is it an indication of "no confidence." Our whole approach to research is different. We try not to emphasize the personal. Your ideas are being looked at, not you yourself. To us the two are quite separate. This is the way our minds work. We are seeking facts; we are not challenging you as a person.

  • 英語の得意な方、和訳お願いします!3

    The lives of these refugees areh ard,but some people are trying to help them. Some doctors are helping refugees who are sick. Some teachers are working in schools for refugee children who cannot go to school. Some people are working to bring these refugees food and safe water. And some people are helping these refugees when they return to their homes. One person who worked to help refugee was Ogata Sadako.

  • 【英語について】日本語→英語

    <ヨーロッパ難民についての話です> 日本語→「難民からすると、彼らは紛争や苦しみから逃れるために祖国を出たが逃げた場所でも危険に晒されるという状態にいる。」 英語→ 「From refugees, although they left their own country for escaped to conflicts and sufferings, ill-conditioned that they are in danger where they escaped.」 - ill-conditioned = という状態である - their own country = 祖国 日本語を英文にしたのですが、あっているか見て欲しいです。 確認お願いします。

  • 英語を日本語にしてください

    日本で1か月マンスリーマンションを借りて滞在しようと思っているアメリカ人に尋ねられたのですが、私にはよく分からなくて困っています。 意味と、回答が分かる方がいらしゃったら、教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。 日本のマンスリーマンションに対する質問です。 Questions: Do they require a Japanese citizen to co-sign? Do they a have english speaking staff? What kind of paperwork is required? How long does it take to move in after reserving? What are additional expenses besides rent?