• ベストアンサー


英文翻訳お願いします 英語でメッセージいただいたのですが、いまいちわかりません。 i heard the your song.and i would love to voice it,not for profit,,and all credit to you


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)




  • 下記の英文の翻訳をお願いいたします。

    自分で訳してみたのですが、どうもよく解らなくて困っています。 翻訳機でなく翻訳できる方にお願いいたします。 I understand your concern that item has returned to you by Shipping service as address description was wrong. I reviewed your order #103-2109678-8381029 and checked all the details precisely and found that the buyer address is correct and I have searched it on www.Google.com and I searched it successfully. I would like to inform you that you have to contact your postal service for correcting the details as buyer address is correct and the item is returned to you wrongly. I hope the information mentioned above helps in resolving your issue. どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします!!

    Nasty Galという海外ショッピングサイトでお買い物をしたのですが、2ヶ月経っても商品が届かない為、返金希望のメールを送り、返信がきたのですが、翻訳機で翻訳をしてもいまいち意味が分からず困っております。どなたか英語が得意な方、翻訳をお願い致します。 I'm so sorry to hear your package has still not arrived. I completely understand your disappointment and truly apologize for the delay. Because First Class Mail is such an inexpensive shipping service, tracking is not available and we are not able to see where the package is or what issues the package may have encountered. At this time, I have issued you a store credit in the amount of $267.00 for your order #5841497. To access your store credit please log into your Nasty Gal account. The store credit will show in your account details. At checkout the store credit will automatically be applied to your next order. In the future I'd suggest selecting either Priority or Express Mail Service. If you'd still prefer First Class, please have the package sent to your work or a different address (if possible) as your current address may be undeliverable. Thank you so much for your patience during this process. If I can help you with anything else please let me know!

  • 英文の翻訳お願いします。

    個人輸入でレッドウイングのブーツとSitkaというメーカーの迷彩の Kelvin Jacket というジャケットとAscent Pantというズボンを購入したら以下のメールがきました。 大変でも英文の翻訳お願いします。 個人輸入でレッドウイングのブーツとSitkaというメーカーの迷彩の Ascent Pantというズボンを購入したら以下のメールがきました。 大変でも英文の翻訳お願いします。 Hello, I wanted to let you know I received your Redwing boot order today and they look great. The only issue is that the Sitka item you ordered is currently unavailable. Please let us know if you would like us to send out your boots and refund you for the Sitka item or if you would like to see if something else is available we can check on another Sitka item.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    お友達からメールを頂いたのですが 翻訳できません 英語の得意な方がおられましたらよろしくお願いします and no i havent heard of that new ○○○.hope it makes it to the states, that would be fun. i love comic i am reading i luv halloween. do you think you could mail me some stuff from japan? like ○○○ or something cool? if not then its cool. この最後の下りは それらを送って欲しいとのことでしょうか?

  • 英文の翻訳お願いします。

    先日、頼んでないブーツがアメリカよりとどきました。その事についてのメールだと思います。 大変でも翻訳おねがいします。 No.1 It came to our attention about a month ago that we shipped a pair of Redwing boots that were not supposed to go to you. Here is where they were sent: No.2 I emailed Yosinori about this on 2/25 and have not heard back from him. At that time I was not aware that they were your orders. Please let me know if you or he has those boots, if you would like to keep them we will give you a good deal on them. Or we can send you a return label to get them back. Here are the specs of the boot:

  • 英文の翻訳お願いします。

    多分間違えてブーツを作ってしまったという英文だと思いますが、大変でも翻訳お願いします。 I wanted to let you know that we have received your Redwing boots today and they look great. I wanted to make sure you are aware of the style of lineman patch they put on a plain toe boot. I have placed a picture below of your boots. Please let me know id this is acceptable. If you would like it made differently please let us know. Keep in mind that a remake will take 6 to 8 weeks また、そのブーツでいいので送ってほしいという英文も作成していただけるとありがたいです。

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いできますか?

    彼からのメールのないようですが、英語力の乏しい私には意訳ができません。どなたか翻訳してもらえないでしょうか? I could not respond because of my job yoğunlğundan. At this time in my personal life and my business life, he decides to live in because of the stress I'm not sure. You get very impatient. I do not understand why. People to marry each other very well need to know. I married again to another without fully concluded'm not ready for marriage. Friendship and friendship and love in the coming time, as more development would be better for us. And together we will make better decisions about what to do. Why so quick to make a decision as I insist you do not understand. These are very serious issues. Decision can not be easy. More do not recognize each other full Incentives. And the Japanese society and Turkey have different traditions. In this regard you and me how we can comply with this tradition. I think people need to know each other a long time for marriage. We only We saw each other 2 days. I think this closeness, friendship and love each other without breaking continues in this way and get upset. Conclusions as a result of friendship beautiful. I very busy businessman, I can not take too much time for my private life. Please forgive me because I can not talk much with you.you get to me a very special person and I'm very happy to know you.I want to be with you always in the future. I like you very much.

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    翻訳をお願いいたします。 I would definately come to Japn, but do know when, as my Trip will have to be business., and that that time i would be very Happy to meet your Family.

  • 大変でも英文の翻訳お願いします。

    アメリカの服屋さんから以下のメールがきました。大変でも翻訳おねがいします。 I just wanted you to know that I am out of town Sunday thru Thursday (Nov. 11-15) I will be available via email for questions and inquires, but orders will not be submitted until I get back home on Thursday morning. As always, we appreciate your business and enjoy your weekend! Thank you,

  • 翻訳してください

    前回からの続きです。 海外サイトでの買い物の商品が届かなくやり取りをしております 翻訳してください 結局クレジットで切った金額を戻すということ? Hello Rui, Thanks for getting in touch, and I’m sorry to hear you’ve not received your order. After checking your order and confirming that you’ve not received it, I have processed an immediate refund for you. Depending on your card issuer, the money can take up to 10 working days to reflect in your account. I hope this helps, but please get back in touch if you have any further questions. All the best, Shauna

  • 購入製品(Bʼ s 動画レコーダー 10)を使用して、iphoneで撮影した動画の音声を削除する方法について教えてください。
  • Bʼ s 動画レコーダー 10を使用してiphoneで撮影した動画の音声を消す方法について教えてください。音声volumeを0にして書き出すとうまくいきません。
  • ソースネクスト株式会社製品のBʼ s 動画レコーダー 10を使っているのですが、iphoneで撮影した動画の音声を削除する方法がわかりません。詳しい手順を教えてください。