Open-Air Centers Extend Industry Dominance: Retail REIT Executives and Analysts

  • While premium enclosed malls hold up, open-air centers will be extending their industry dominance well into the future, according to retail REIT executives and analysts.
  • The present trends of development, leasing, and investment support the continued success of open-air centers.
  • Landlords have the opportunity to extract additional value from already strong centers through new anchors, shopping center expansions, and reconfigurations.
  • ベストアンサー


下記2分の和訳を教えていただけないでしょうか。 ・While premium enclosed malls hold up, open-air centers will be extending their indstry dominance well into the future, retail REIT executives and analysts say, given present trends of development, leasing and invesrment. ・New anchors as well as shopping center expensions and reconfigurations offers landlords the opportunity to extract additional value from already strong centers. どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> While premium enclosed malls hold up, open-air centers will be extending their industry dominance well into the future, retail REIT executives and analysts say, given present trends of development, leasing and investment.  小売業方面の不動産投資信託会社の経営者やアナリストたちの見るところでは、現在の開発、賃貸、投資の状況から見て、エンクローズド・モール (店と店をつなぐ通路が1つの建物の中にあるもの) は出店数が足踏み状態であるのに対して、オープン・モール (店と店をつなぐ通路が戸外にあるもの) の方はこれからも店舗の数が増えていくことが予想されるという。 > New anchors as well as shopping center expansions and reconfigurations offers landlords the opportunity to extract additional value from already strong centers.  地主にとって、ショッピング・センターを拡張したり建て替えたりするのと同様に、新たな大規模店を出店することは、それでなくても手堅い商業施設から、さらに利益を得る機会だ。





  • 和訳してください

    Not only does the analysis process benefit from self-moivation, we as analysts benefit as well because it makes the process much more engaging and fulfilling. 1) 和訳してください 2) we as analysts benefit as well 内で省略されている語を明示してください 3) it = analysts benefits でしょうか?

  • 英文の邦訳の添削

    Secondly, it does not account for intrafirm organizational trends; particularly the possibility that incumbent centers might be hollowed-out functionally (e.g. in tech-related employment) even while consolidating their position as command-and-control centers. 上記英文の下記の試訳の添削をお願いします。 「第二に,それは企業内の組織的傾向,特に,指揮統制のセンターとしてのそれらの地位を強固なものにしているとしても,(例えば,技術関連の雇用においてそうであるように)現下のセンターは,機能的には廃れたものになっているかも知れない。」 以上どうぞ宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文和訳です

    Understanding Animal Research (the successor organization to the Research Defence Society, a group mentioned in the article) is dedicated to educating the public about animal research policies and procedures. Animal rights activists are represented by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), a group who states that it “focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time : on factory farms, in laboratories, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment industry.” Another group, the Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments (FRAME), states its mission as “the total elimination of the need for any laboratory animal procedures, through the development, validation, and acceptance of replacement alternative methods.” Debate between public organizations such as those listed above has reduced the use of animals in experiments, led to refinements in procedures, and may well lead to the total replacement of animal models. Some extremists on the animal rights side, unfortunately, are not patient enough to work through this process. They “liberate” animals from research facilities, destroy labs and records, burn down houses of researchers and pharmaceutical company executives, and threaten further violence. The level of violence on the European continent increased in the first decade of the 21st century, and it is not clear if a crackdown on animal rights extremists in the UK contributed to this increase. よろしくお願いします^^;

  • 以下の英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    By about 1800, Tokugawa administration at its topmost level had evolved into an elaborate coalition of different interests. These interests retained their separate identities, and important ties between them were frequently familial and tacit, rather than formal and institutional. The antagonisms that had once held sway were now little more than inherited memories, and there was a general acceptance of the existing regime for the sake of the rewards it conferred on court noble and daimyo as well as shogun, on senior cleric and clan elder as well as Tokugawa retainer. Beneath this pattern of government by a coalescence of elites lay the pluralistic structure of the baku-han system, with its diversification of administrative authority into one seminational and numerous local and autonomous power centers.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Walt Disney Company, with the help of Steven P. Jobs and his retailing team at Apple, intends to drastically overhaul its approach to the shopping mall. At a time when many retailers are still cutting back or is going the other way, getting more aggressive and putting into motion an expensive and ambitious floor-to-ceiling reboot of its340 stores in the United States and Europe―as well as opening new ones, incluging a potential flagship in Times Square. Disney Stores,which the media giant is considering rebranding Imagination Park, will become more akin to cozy entertainment hubs.The chain’s traditional approach of displaying row after row of toys and apparel geared to Disney franchises will be given a high-tech makeover and incorporated into a new array of recreational activities. The goal is to make children clamor to visit the stores and stay longer, perhaps bolstering sales as result. Over the next five years, analysts estimate that Disney will spend about $1 million a store to redecorate, reorganize and install interactive technology. “The world does not need another place to sell Disney merchandise―this only works if it’s an experience, ” said Jim Fielding, president of Disney Stores Worldwide. The company plans to unveil the new look in Southern California, long Island and Madrid, and is close to signing a lease for that Times Square flagship. Theaters well allow children to watch film clips of their own serection, participate in karaoke contests or chat live with Disney Channel stars via satellite Computer chips embedded in packaging will activate hidden features. Walk by a “magic mirror ”while holding a Princess tiara, for instance, and Cinderella might appear and say something to you. It’s your birthday? With the push of a button, eight 13-foot-tall Lucite trees will crackle with video-projected fireworks and sound. There will be a scent component; if a clip from Disney’s “A Christmas Carol ” is playing in the theater, the whole store might suddenly be made to smell like a Christmas tree. The makeover happened only after much internal debate at the conpany. Indeed, some Disney board members fretted that the concept was so lavish that parents would try to use the stores as day care centers. Others worried that people would com for the entertainment but not buy anything. “ It’s time to take risks, ”Mr.Fielding said he told them. “When consumers are ready to spend again, we will be ready.”

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Automated external defibrillators are generally either held by trained personnel who will attend events or are public access units which can be found in places including corporate and government offices, shopping centres, airports, airplanes, restaurants, casinos, hotels, sports stadium, schools and universities, community centers, fitness centers, health clubs, theme parks, workplaces and any other location where people may congregate. The location of a public access AED should take into account where large groups of people gather, regardless of age or activity. Children as well as adults may fall victim to sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). In many areas, emergency vehicles are likely to carry AEDs, with some ambulances carrying an AED in addition to manual defibrillators. Police or fire vehicles often carry an AED for use by first responders. Some areas have dedicated community first responders, who are volunteers tasked with keeping an AED and taking it to any victims in their area. AEDs are also increasingly common on commercial airliners, cruise ships, and other transportation facilities. High-rise buildings are densely populated, but are more difficult to access by emergency crews facing heavy traffic and security barriers. It has been suggested that AEDs carried on elevators could save critical minutes for cardiac arrest victims, and reduce their deployment cost. In order to make them highly visible, public access AEDs are often brightly colored, and are mounted in protective cases near the entrance of a building. When these protective cases are opened or the defibrillator is removed, some will sound a buzzer to alert nearby staff to their removal, though this does not necessarily summon emergency services; trained AED operators should know to phone for an ambulance when sending for or using an AED. In September 2008, the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation issued a 'universal AED sign' to be adopted throughout the world to indicate the presence of an AED, and this is shown on the right. A trend that is developing is the purchase of AEDs to be used in the home, particularly by those with known existing heart conditions. The number of devices in the community has grown as prices have fallen to affordable levels. There has been some concern among medical professionals that these home users do not necessarily have appropriate training, and many advocate the more widespread use of community responders, who can be appropriately trained and managed. Typically, an AED kit will contain a face shield for providing a barrier between patient and first aider during rescue breathing; a pair of nitrile rubber gloves; a pair of trauma shears for cutting through a patient's clothing to expose the chest; a small towel for wiping away any moisture on the chest, and a razor for shaving those with very hairy chests. Most manufacturers recommend checking the AED before every period of duty or on a regular basis for fixed units. Some units need to be switched on in order to perform a self check; other models have a self check system built in with a visible indicator.[citation needed] All manufacturers mark their electrode pads with an expiration date, and it is important to ensure that the pads are in date. This is usually marked on the outside of the pads. Some models are designed to make this date visible through a 'window', although others will require the opening of the case to find the date stamp.[citation needed] It is also important to ensure that the AED unit's batteries have not expired. The AED manufacturer will specify how often the batteries should be replaced. Each AED has a different recommended maintenance schedule outlined in the user manual. Common checkpoints on every checklist, however, also include a monthly check of the battery power by checking the green indicator light when powered on, condition and cleanliness of all cables and the unit, and check for the adequate supplies.

  • the second largest risk a

    NHKからの抜粋です The report lists the second largest risk as Russia. 的確に対応する日本語記事はありませんが、要約は 米調査会社発表のリスク表: 一位 ヨーロッパの政治 二位 ロシア 三位 中国経済減速 ... から、ロシアは二番目です。 すると、 The report lists Russia as the second largest risk. となるべきでは無いでしょうか。逆だと思います。 全文です Analysts: European politics is largest risk Analysts from a US consulting firm say the political situation of Europe is the largest risk for 2015. Eurasia Group specializes in risk analysis and publishes the top 10 Risks for the coming year. The analysts say euro-skeptic political groups are gaining power in each country, and that friction among EU states is worsening. The analysts also say the external political environment is more challenging. They refer to the Russian crisis and terrorist threats from Islamic militants. The report lists the second largest risk as Russia. It points out that the country's economy is weakening due to western sanctions over the Ukraine crisis and dropping oil prices. The third is the slowdown in China's economy, which the analysts say affects the economy of Brazil and other resource-rich countries that rely on exports to China. The top 10 risks also include the worsening relations between China and Taiwan. The analysts say if China decides that its economic engagement strategy with Taiwan fails to advance its goal of reunification, Beijing may well take a more confrontational approach. They say such move would affect the US-China relations.

  • 経済英語の和訳をお願いします・・

    長いと思うので、簡単な感じでも大丈夫です。 冷やかし無しでお願いします。 勉強不足ですみません・・・。 The initial proposition is, then, that administration is an identifiable activity, that it differs from the actual buying, selling, processing, or transporting of the goods, and that in the large industrial enterprise the concern of the executives is more with administration than with the performance of functional work. In a small firm, the same man or group of men buy materials, sell finished goods, and supervise manufacturing as well as coordinate, plan, and appraise these different functions. In a large company, however, administration usually becomes a specialized, full-time job. A second proposition is that the administrator must handle two types of administrative tasks when he is coordinating, appraising, and planning the activities of the enterprise. At times he must be concerhed with the long-run health of his company, at other times with its amooth and efficient day-to-day operation. The first type of activity calls for concentration on long-term planning and appraisal, the second for meeting immediate problems and needs and for handling unexpected contingencies or crises. To be sure, in real life the distinction between these two types of activities or decisions is often not clear cut. Yet some decisions clearly deal very largely with defining basic goals and the course of action and procedures necessary to achieve these goals, while other decisions have more to do with the day-to-day operations carried out within the broader framework of goals, policies, and procedures.

  • 英文を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップでバッグを購入予定です。そこはオリジナルバッグを作ってくるお店です。 制作してくれますか?と質問したら返事がきたんですが、どうやら業者専用の内容です。 すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 For Japan distributorship I think it would be best to discuss in person, I have spoken with our Executives and they also agree that we should meet here at the office to discuss further. We would like to hear what you have in plans, a business plan and any additional information will be helpful at the meeting for consideration. We will meet others to consider distributorship for Japan as well but we would prefer to work with companies that we’re currently working with like yourself. The time period for this will be from August 18-28th so if you would like to be considered for Distributorship, please let me know when you will be able to arrange a visit to our office. At which time we will further discuss the promotional bag. Please let me know what you would like to do.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。5

    至急こちらをお願いします。続き In Gujarat and Afghanistan,bead makers chipped,ground,and drilked agates and carnelian.At first,artisans made beads close to the places where the rock was quarried.The artisans would trade them during festivals,when everyone came together at the end of the harvest season.In time,merchants and craftsmen in the villages began to import the raw stone and make the beads locally in villages far from the mining area.Many of the beads are extremely small,and children,who have small and nimble fingers,may have been involved in the grinding and polishing as well as the stringing of the beads. These finished products-terracotta pots,copper pins,shell jewelry,stone beads-were rare and precious luxuries to people of other regions who didn't have the materials or the technnlogy to make their own.Because there were no malls and shopping centers in ancient South Asia,merchants could profit from trading items from one regiom to the other,such as shell items from the coast for copper from the highlands. Villages and towns surrounded by protective walls grew up along the trade routes,usually at important crossroads or in areas with good farmland that could support a lot of people.Craftspeople began to live in these larger villages and towns because they were filled with customers who would buy their products,and the walls protected their workshops.By 2800 BCE,these trading centers would grow into South Asia's first cities,where busy people could buy the things they neede-even dinner.